

Under the dark night sky, Julius was shining with bright light, especially the light emitted by the eye of the world in front of her forehead. She was using the power of the eye of the world to change the time of the world. Continuously connecting with space, while blocking the enemy through falling meteors, it accelerates the process of the Trinity.

The fall of the stars is like Tyrande's ultimate move, but it is more powerful than the fall of Tyrande's stars...

And the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, who were fighting her before, had nothing to do at this time, because most of the countless fallen stars were smashed at the four of them, which forced the four to dodge as hard as they could at this moment, and there was no time at all. Distracted to stop Jules.

Roy didn't care about fighting with the ancient angels of Asa City at this moment. Anyway, Dante and the others had escaped smoothly. What he worried most now was Julie and Bainia.

The world is merging, which means that the space channel connecting the demon world to the heaven is no longer useful. The purgatory space where the entire demon world is located is merging with the heaven, that is to say, Julie and Benny who have already withdrawn to the demon world. Ya, may be reappearing in the heavens because of this, and Julie may be aware of Julie's existence immediately by then.

Roy made her return to the Demon World to prevent Julie from being found by Juliet, so of course it is impossible to allow this to happen. He rides on Rafalo's back and lets Rafa Luo walked through the gaps of a large number of meteorites, and he himself was looking around, wanting to see where Julie and the others would appear in the end, the intertwined world, time and space are completely chaotic, maybe Julie They will suddenly appear from somewhere.

Rafallo carried Roy all the way up and down. He is now very grateful to Roy for giving him such a long body. If he was the original huge dragon size, maybe he would have been given by the meteor. It was shot down, but now it can rely on the mobility like a snake to find a chance to escape in the fall of the stars.

Roy is also aware of the advantage of a semi-mechanical body like Rafalo in this situation. The electronic eye in front of his forehead allows him to have a huge field of vision. Through constant calculations, he can judge the most advantageous escape route. So he patted Rafalo and said: "Look for a chance to get close first and rescue the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse."

Therefore, Rafalo used his fastest speed to swam into the densest area of ​​meteorites, and pierced through the falling meteorites. After some snakeskin moves, he actually carried Roy closer. Having found the position of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Roy reached out for a chance and pulled them one by one back to Rafalo's back.

As soon as he fell on Rafalo's back, he furiously shouted at Roy: "Osiris, you bastard! Look how much trouble you have caused us!?"

Roy shrugged and said: "There is no way, if I can deal with her, why should I ask you for help?"

There was nothing wrong with this. For a while, he choked and couldn't get out of anger or fire. Death reached out to stop the anger, and said to Roy: "Her behavior must be stopped, although I don't know exactly what the world is going on. But I can see that she is forcibly fusing two already independent worlds. Once the fusion is completed, everyone will die!"

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"Of course I know!" Roy glanced at the location of Julius in the distance and said, "But can you get close to her?"

"No! I tried it just now..." War shook his head and shook the hood on his head twice. He said in a deep voice, "This move is a combination of offense and defense. Those meteorites seem to be conscious, the more they want Closer to her, the meteorites will become denser and fall faster. If you want to rush in front of her, you will have to face a wall made up of countless meteorites, and it will be difficult to break through..."

"Maybe..." Roy thoughtfully said, "Maybe there will be a momentary opportunity..."

"What kind of opportunity?" Dispute used the gun in his hand and shot a shot at the top of his arm. There was a place where his skin was scorched after being rubbed by the meteor. He used a bullet to fly directly. Those burnt skin, let the flesh and tissue below regenerate.

"I have just observed for a while and found that the process of fusion between the Demon Realm and the Heaven Realm is the fastest!" Roy deliberately said, "This may be because the Demon Realm and the Heaven Realm originally belong to the same purgatory space...so the Demon Realm and the Heaven Realm are in the same purgatory space. The fusion of, may be the first to be completed. By then, all creatures in the demon world will appear in this celestial world, and in the demon world, there is an existence with the soul fragments of Julius, that is my person, a fallen Angel, once she appears, Julius will immediately perceive the soul fragments in her..."

"Understood!" The war thrust her doomsday sword behind her back, and said: "If Julius perceives her soul shards, she may stop and regain her own soul shards from the fallen angel first! "

"Or maybe not. I don't know if this integration process will be interrupted!" Roy said: "But you can take a gamble."

"In other words, the chance to assassinate Julius is only a moment!" Death said: "If you want to kill God, you really have to gamble..."

To be honest, Roy didn't want Julie to be in danger, otherwise, she wouldn't be sent back to the Demon Realm first, but the problem is that Julie may not be able to hide now.

Since it can't be stopped, then it is best to use the moment of Julie's appearance and choose the action that is most beneficial to oneself.

Thinking of this, Roy's heart suddenly moved and frowned.

Seeing his expression in anger, he couldn't help but asked loudly: "Did you think of anything again?"

"I just think it's weird..." Roy rubbed his devil's horns and said: "After Julius woke up, she really wanted to pursue her soul fragments until she was stopped by you. At that time, I still remembered my soul fragments. If I want to cross you and go to the Demon Realm, why is it that she will suddenly think of integrating the world? If you want to use this method to destroy you, it would be too fussy. Right?"

"I also feel weird!" Death nodded and said, "Could it be related to the sudden gleam of light from her right eye before?"

"The right eye is shining? When did this happen?" Roy looked up at death in astonishment.

"Probably a few seconds before she started the stars fall, we all noticed..." Death replied.

"That's it!" Roy suddenly realized: "It's Badr! His consciousness is still affecting Julius!"

Yes, when it comes to the right eye, Roy thinks of Badr. At that time, he brought Beyonita and merged into the statue of Julius, and the right eye of light and the left eye of darkness were there. On Badr and Beyonita, Beyonita melted into the left eye of the idol of Julius, and Badr melted into the right eye of the idol.

The so-called Trinity is the ultimate goal that Badr has been obsessed with and has been pursuing. If it is his consciousness that affected Julius' actions, it makes sense!

"So, Belle Nita is not dead yet?" Roy muttered to herself in a low voice, "Her consciousness and soul are still in Jules's body?"

Just after speaking, a voice suddenly answered: "Of course! She doesn't die so easily!"

Roy and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse turned their heads together and looked to the rear, only to see a figure appearing on the back of Rafalo's back from the virtual to the real. This figure is a dark-skinned bald sturdy man. Wearing sunglasses on his face, the fingers of his right hand full of jewel rings are holding a cigar, and he is puffing up clouds, while his left hand is held in his trouser pocket, with a wild temperament rushing over his face.

"Who are you?" Dispute took aim at the muzzle for the first time.

Without waiting for the other party to answer, Roy looked at the bald black man with weird eyes, and asked with some doubts: "Rodan?"

"Oh? You know me?" It was Rodin who appeared on Rafalo's back. After hearing Roy's words, he looked up at the tall Roy, and said in confusion: "I can be sure I don't have I have seen you, but why do you know me?"

"Silas is my adopted son!" Roy replied.

"Really, really lucky. It seems that you are Osiris, the current ruler of the Demon Realm!" Rodin grinned and pulled out a brutal smile, "No wonder you know me..."

Roy didn't say anything, and asked: "Why did you suddenly appear here?"

"The human world I'm in is also being integrated!" Rodin shrugged and said, "As for why I appeared here, I said it was a coincidence of chaos in time and space, do you believe it?"

Roy didn't speak, just staring at Rodin.

Can't see through, can't see through at all!

The aura shown by Rodin felt like a demon lord, but for some reason, Roy felt that this fellow definitely had more than this strength.

What kind of coincidence would make him appear on Rafalo's back all at once? You must know that at this time, Rafallo is carrying everyone around quickly swimming around, what kind of space-time disorder can be so accurately landed on a high-speed moving object?

So Roy didn't believe what he said...

Not only him, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse also looked at Rodin solemnly. After a while of silence, the war stepped forward and asked, "Who are you?"

"Four Knights of the Apocalypse, look up to the name for a long time!" Rodin nodded and said, "I'm just a homeless demon."

"No, right!" Dispute shook his head and said: "You..."

Before he finished speaking, Death suddenly stretched out his hand to pull the dispute away, and said: "Well, no matter who you are, let's talk, what is the purpose of your presence here?"

"Nothing, I'm just sending you a helper..." Rodin said, turning his head to look in the direction of Jules.

Everyone followed his gaze, but saw a figure shuttled among the falling meteorites. It was a woman wearing a red leather tights and a silver-white hair. She was riding a car under her crotch... …locomotive! This locomotive travels in the air with the help of a unique magic field, and it bounces back and forth on the falling meteors from time to time!

That's Beyonita's friend, the other remaining Umbra witch, Jeanne of Arc!
