
The Demon of Schemes

Saeren was very, very unhappy with this siege!

I thought I could slay to my heart's content and harvest thousands of delicious souls, but in the end, the other side's defenses were so weak that they didn't even put up a decent resistance before they were blasted through the gates of the city, and in less than two hours, the battle was over.

The city not only has no large-scale troops of the elves, even the civilians in the city, has long been withdrawn, after killing the guards, Saeren finally got his hands on only a hundred or so souls, even worse than the group of Pegasus Knights before! How could Saeren be happy?

How could Saeren be happy? He had stayed for one day to repair the siege equipment, but it was not useful at all.

Roy only secretly seized a few large souls during the battle, he didn't take any more, after all, the number was too small, it would be easy to be discovered, and after the battle, Roy found Saeren and said, "Sir Saeren, there should be a large number of troops in the city, but I don't know what the reason is, they withdrew!

In fact, there is no need for Roy to say this, of course, Saeren can see it, so he asked Roy suspiciously, "Why do you think, they withdrew?"

"Well ..." Roy pretended to think for a while before he said, "I think, in all probability, it's because a stronger enemy has appeared ..."

"What do you mean?" Saeren froze for a moment, "Where could there be a stronger enemy than us?"

"Of course there are!" Roy said in a definite tone, "Isn't that where Lord Riska is? Perhaps it was because Lord Riska's side was attacking other cities that the Elves here led a support team, but other than that, I can't think of any other reason why the Elves withdrew."

Saeren laughed in exasperation and said, "How is that possible? Supporting another city would lead to the fall of this one, and the Elven druids aren't that stupid. Besides, how could Riska's side be stronger than my army?"

"Maybe not at first, but not now." Roy said in a thoughtful tone, "Lord Saeren, with all due respect, you've been replenished, but you haven't been replenished on Riska's side."

Saeren froze, "You ... are saying that ...

"Yes, that's what I'm saying. The replenishment of troops is the responsibility of Lord Ignatius in the rear, isn't it? Then, it's not up to him to decide how much to replenish on which side!" Roy said with a twinkle in his eye, "What if he called out far more than that, but gave us only a small portion of the army, and Riska most of the rest?"

Saeren stopped talking, if this is really the case, then Riska's army is stronger than Saeren's side for sure, we should know, at the beginning, Ignatius should have summoned mostly middle and upper level demons, even if the number of upper level demons is small, their strength is far more than the lower level demons, now he only added some evil gods, and none of the upper level demons, who knows! Did Ignatius not summon them, or did he give them all to Riska?

Roy's words directly planted a thorn in Saeren's heart, but he couldn't help but say, "It shouldn't be, should it? What good would Ignatius do?"

"With all due respect, Lord Saeren!" Roy said, "If I remember correctly, Lord Riska and Lord Ignatius arrived together when they came to join you, did they not?"

"Indeed ...," nodded Saeren.

"So, do you think it's possible that Lord Riska and Ignatius made some sort of agreement on the way here?" Roy continued, "For example, he will be more troops to replenish Riska's side, so that Riska's troops will be much more powerful, and the efficiency of attacking and conquering will be much higher, and in exchange, Riska's side will get souls ..."

Roy said here, then shut up and did not continue to say, but his meaning is already very obvious, no matter how Saeren do not think wildly.

Yes, perhaps the two guys really have secretly reached an agreement, I said, Ignatius that guy, even will be willing to stay in the Devil's Town and not come out to fight and slay, dare they two have discussed ah!

When Saeren thought of this, he couldn't help but start calculating, Riska's side was able to obtain more souls because of his increased strength, if he didn't know about it, and used his side's harvest as the standard, Riska would be able to hide the extra souls and not report them, and in the end, the two of them would secretly share the spoils, and he would not be able to get anything.... ...assholes! How could they do that?

Celeron was finally "awakened" by Roy's words! He couldn't help but curse Riska and Ignatius with the most vicious language.

After cursing for a while, he finally came back to his senses and asked Roy, "It's a good thing you're here, or else I would have been kept in the dark, now tell me, what should we do? Go back to Ignatius and question him?"

"No, no, don't do that!" Roy shook his head and said, "Have you thought about it, Saeren, that if you questioned Ignatius about the unfairness of his allocation of troops, then Ignatius would have an excuse; what if he let you stay behind to call out the troops, while he led his own army? The two of them will be able to conceal their gains with impunity. ..."

It dawned on Saeren that this was not a matter to be made clear to Ignatius.

"As you can see, Riska's army is so strong that even the elves see him as a threat, and would rather abandon their cities to support their people who are in Riska's path of attack! Roy said, "In other words, this is like Riska Cabinet robbing us of our soul revenue, and if we continue to let this happen, we will have less and less to harvest!

Saeren nodded and said, "I see, the only way is for us to get ahead of Riska."

The total strength of the elves is this much, almost fixed, Riska's side kills more, Saeren's side can only kill less, in this case, Saeren can think of, is to grab the head.

He is now being led astray by Roy, in fact, the withdrawal of the elf troops, and Riska's side has nothing to do with half a penny, in fact, Saeren only need to send a messenger to Riska's side to see the situation of his troops will be able to understand, but now Saeren has been infuriated, did not think of this, he is now full of ideas on how to and Riska's head.

So next, Saeren's troops began a new round of hasty march, along the established direction, deep into the kingdom of Elasia, so that he gradually lost contact with Riska's troops!

Roy silently watched all this, it can be said that this is all his secret push, the elves because of the war book, realized the real goal of the devil, began to shrink the defense line, and Saeren because of jealousy, anger and greed, began to lead the troops to go deeper and deeper, then, he is very likely to run into the head into the ambush of the elves, who have gathered the superior force! Without the support of Riska and Ignatius, his future is not good.

All of this is just a letter and a few words of Roy caused, although these small actions are very simple, but precisely cut in the key point, the consequences are very serious ... Since becoming a demon, Roy himself also found that he has become good at the use of these tricks and intrigue, and I do not know if it's the devil's talent in the I don't know whether it's the devil's gift or not. ...

Of course, since Roy is also in Saeren's army, when Saeren is in danger, Roy will also be in danger.

So, the next step for Roy to consider is how to get out of the battlefield is very dangerous, life is the first prerequisite, when the life is saved, there is a chance to get out of Saeren's control ...

Thanks to the son and foam book friend took up the post of the moderator, I this author usually really little time to manage the book review area, there are moderators in, is a big help, really thank him.