
Psychokinesis Template

Of course, Roy is not so stupid that he would choose to devour souls openly in a slaughtering battlefield, if he is seen by Saeren, that guy will be furious.

Therefore, Roy decided that it is best to use the system's storage function to hide the soul, both hidden and fast, will not appear because of the action of devouring souls and be supervised by the battle of Saeren found.

After eliminating the village of Averi elves, the army continued to move forward, Saeren rode on a tall Nightmare Horse, that is his horse Mordika, this huge Nightmare Horse is also clad in thick armor, when he moves his hooves, it will leave a flame trail behind him, and it will take half a day for it to be extinguished, Saeren was sitting on the top of the Horse, and he twisted a black sickle in his hand, that is his weapon, it is the best way for him to get his hands on the black sickle. Saeren sat atop this warhorse, a black sickle twisted in his hand, his weapon of choice, and an army of demons, numbering in the thousands, surrounded him as he marched along, making him look formidable.

Over the next few days, the army encountered migrating tribes of elves, and whenever they did, Saeren explained the nature of the demons.

Destruction, all of it! Not to mention encountering living creatures, even when encountering empty villages, Saeren would set fire to them, burning them to the ground. If one could observe from high in the sky, one would realize that along the route of Saeren's army of demons, all that was left behind was blood, corpses, and charred ashes, and nothing more... ...

This kind of bad behavior will naturally cause the anger of the elves, in the seventh day of the march, an elven scouting troop from the side, found the traces of Roy and his evil army, according to the reason, they should have gone back to report, but regrettably, after they saw the corpses of their people, they were instantly enraged!

Apart from wanting to avenge their compatriots, they also found out that this army of demons possessed a lot of siege equipment, so after sending out an alert by carrier pigeon, they caught up with Saeren's army of demons from the rear and then directly launched a surprise attack!

Their number is not large, only about a hundred people, however, since it is a scouting force, the emphasis is on mobility, so this elf army does not have any slow-moving soldiers, but rather, they are all pegasus riders!

This kind of Pegasus, is the specialties of the Averie Elves, although and ordinary horses are exactly the same, but in the back there are two extra wide wings, in addition to running on land, but also able to fly fast in the low altitude, and the Pegasus on the back, often ride an Elven warrior, although these Elven warriors are light, not strong, but when they hold the blade, with the Pegasus's Although these Elven warriors were light and not strong, when they held their blades in their hands and used the high speed of the Pegasus to charge at the enemy, they were often able to inflict great damage.

The 100+ Pegasus Knights attacked the non-Han soldiers, and their target was the non-Han soldiers pulling the non-Han soldiers!

These Pegasus Knights appeared from the low altitude, then swooped down with a whistling sound, and charged at the tallest stone carriers, and as they flew by, the knights on the back of the Pegasus took the opportunity to slash their blades, and attacked at the fragile structure of the carriers' brackets, and in just one round of attack, four of them were destroyed, and when the carriers were disintegrated, the heavy logs collapsed and hit and injured many of the nearby non-Han soldiers. The heavy logs collapsed as they disintegrated, injuring a number of Cerberus demons in the vicinity.

The Pegasus Knights whistling past the top of the demon army made Saeren furious, he would rather his army lose than these siege equipment, because with the handiwork of the demons, it is a bit difficult to repair and rebuild these equipment, without the siege equipment, once they encountered the city of the elves, Saeren's troops would be blind, after all, the ones under his leadership are low level demons, when facing the taller and more powerful demons, they would be blinded. After all, he is leading a group of low-ranking demons, who don't have much attacking means against the high walls. ...

Taking advantage of the Pegasus Knights circled around in the low altitude and came back again, Saeren violently raised his hand with one hand the evil demon's sickle, he used this sickle as if it were a magic staff, along with his action, a lightning bolt suddenly appeared in the sky above the Pegasus Knights who flew in again! This lightning first struck the head of the first Pegasus knight, and then with a stabbing sound, the lightning's rays swept towards the other Pegasus knight behind him!

This lightning bolt, just in a jumping way, in the group of Pegasus Knights back and forth seven or eight times, the Pegasus Knights simply did not even have time to react, every Pegasus Knight that was struck by the lightning bolt, all of them became scorched and blackened, and together with their Pegasus Riders, they fell headfirst out of the sky, and directly fell to the ground into a mass of meat sauce.

This was a magic chain lightning, and it was extremely powerful!

When Roy saw this scene, he couldn't help but mourn for these Pegasus Knights, according to his observation over this period of time, he found out that Saeren, this superior devil, knows the four magic systems of this world, and currently, at least two magic systems are high level, one is the earth system, one is the air system, and the earth system is the earthquake and mountain shaking that Roy had seen when he detonated the volcano, and the air system is the chain lightning now! The earth magic is the Earthquake Shake that Roy saw when he detonated the volcano before, and the air magic is the chain lightning!

As for the water magic, Saeren seldom uses it, but when Roy was summoned before, he had received a Weakness and Powerlessness from him, and at that time, even Roy's Bloodthirsty Technique bonus had been canceled out, so the water magic will never be as low as it should be.

As for the last system of fire magic, Roy has not seen Saeren used, but Roy estimates that it is absolutely will be, because for the abyssal world of the devil, from birth with magma and flame companion, if you do not know the fire magic, that is almost impossible, and even Roy also guessed that maybe the fire magic is Saeren's best, but this guy has not been shown over the ...

This is the greatness of Saeren, a superior devil, four series of magic, not to mention, and the level is quite high, however, Roy has not seen Saeren use dark magic, I do not know whether it is because the four series of magic is more suitable for war, or is it because of the world's rules about magic restrictions?

Roy guessed that it might be the former, because at least when Roy unleashed the Bloodthirsty Technique on himself, he was able to use it without feeling any suppression from the world's rules.

In any case, Saeren's chain lightning bolt made the Pegasus Knights nervous, and made the Pegasus Knights spread out, this scouting troop was just a small troop, and there was no Elven hero among them, one of the Pegasus Knights, who looked like the leader of the troop, shouted loudly, this leader Pegasus Knight was a bit different from the other Pegasus Knights, he and his Pegasus Knights wore silver armor, in his command, the Pegasus Knight was a bit different from the other Pegasus Knights, he was wearing a silver armor. Under his command, the Pegasus Knights immediately pulled back, not giving Saeren a chance to continue to use Chain Lightning.

Seeing this, Searen snorted coldly and raised his scythe again, but this time he released a shield magic, which was attached to his demon army.

Then, with a roar, Saeren bellowed to the golems in his army, "Shoot! Shoot them down!"

Gog demons get the order, immediately spit in their palms, and then one after another towards the mid-air attack of the Pegasus riders flung, the next moment, the sky immediately burst a large number of flames, these explosive flames do not need to be what the precise hit, once the explosion of the nearby Pegasus riders, then the flame immediately ignite the feathers of the Pegasus, Pegasus is injured, and then immediately hissed and fell, and has long been below the eye of the Pegasus riders. The Cerberus dogs that have been watching from below will immediately swarm up and tear these Pegasus and their riders to pieces.

The Pegasus Knights looked on with horror as they watched their compatriots being killed, and the leading Silver Pegasus Knight shouted, "Revenge! The silver Pegasus Knight who was the leader shouted: "Revenge!" and led the team to swoop down, under his leadership, the Pegasus Knights also rushed down one after another to fight with the demon army on the ground, at this moment, they have already put life and death at risk, and they have not thought that they can still go back alive, so naturally, they will be able to kill one to earn one.

After charging down, some of them resisted the attack of the demon army, while the others continued to destroy the siege equipment!

"We can't let them destroy the rest of the catapults, kill them!" Saeren roared, clipped his Nightmare Horse's belly, swung his Demon Scythe, and led the army up.

Roy naturally followed suit, charging into the horde of Cerberus, first joining up with Fat Tiger, and then attacking the Pegasus Riders together.

Compared to the other low-ranking demons, Roy was much taller, so as soon as he appeared on the battle line, he immediately attracted the attention of the Pegasus Knights. Two Pegasus Knights, after killing the Cerberus dogs in front of them, immediately wielded the long swords in their hands and stabbed towards Roy.

However, before their swords reached Roy's body, they suddenly felt that their swords seemed to be stuck in a pool of mud, and there was a kind of soft resistance in their hands, which made them feel very weak!

This sudden resistance caused them to be distracted, and their hand movements naturally slowed down a step, this consequence is fatal, the next second, Roy's sharp claws have already cut their throats first!

Pegasus knights died a tragic death, they sat on the Pegasus also can not be spared, a Pegasus was Roy one hand pressed, the other hand directly ripped the wings, and the rest of the Pegasus, was fat tiger from the side pounced on the three brains together under the mouth, directly bitten to death.

With a very stealthy wave of his hand, Roy put the souls of the two Pegasus Knights into the system, and with the rest of his eyes, he glanced at Saeren, who was also in the midst of a big killing spree, and realized that he didn't even notice his side of the situation, and then he was even more relieved, as one devil and one dog started to rush into the battlefield, not only killing the enemies that rushed up to him, but also collecting the souls that were drifting in and out of the battlefield.

When every Pegasus Knight who faced Roy attacked Roy, without exception, the symptoms of the first two Pegasus Knights appeared, as if there was a layer of invisible air shield around Roy's body.

They didn't know that Roy had used the power of his mind!

Roy's psychokinesis, is the use of the T-virus perfect enhancement of the auxiliary ability, and not his own creation, so there is no legal definition and modify the attributes of the psychokinesis's ability is relatively weak, the use of the scope has been relatively small, so Roy usually in addition to take it to pretend to be a pussy, has not been in the battle to use it.

Roy originally thought that it should be related to the size of the spiritual power, but the problem is that Roy's attribute does not have the attribute of spiritual power, so he has not been able to find a way to strengthen the power of the power of the power of the power of the power of the power of the power of the power of the power of the power of the power of the power of the power of the power of the power of the power of the power of the power of the power of the power of the power of the power of the power of the power of the power of the power of the power of the power of the mind. It was only after discovering that souls could be used to make Essence Magic Potions and that Roy had recently been taking the potion that he suddenly realized that the power of his Psychokinesis seemed to have grown!

In the beginning, it seems that psychokinesis can only be used to manipulate some objects that are not heavy in mass, but now, psychokinesis can even manipulate such invisible things as air, and he is able to use the power of psychokinesis to pinch the air together, greatly increasing the density of the air, in order to create an "Air Shield" to protect in front of his body.

The reason for this change, naturally, is in the enhancement of magic energy, so until then, Roy realized that he had made a mistake before, the structure of the body of the devil and human beings are not the same, human beings may have this kind of spiritual power, but for the devil, the source of all the energy is from the devil's heart! The Devil's Heart is the powerhouse of the Devil!

When the Essence Magic Energy Potion boosted his magic energy, it naturally strengthened Roy's heart, and the strengthening of his heart, in turn, fed back into Roy's psychokinetic ability, which led to the strengthening of his psychokinetic power.

And after discovering this point, Roy is naturally very happy, when the first obtained the power of the power of the mind, he had thought, this power of the upper limit of the template, is not a biochemical crisis Alice as simple as the use, in the thought of Roy, should be the Saint Seiya in the Aries Saints Mr. Mu as the power of the power of the mind to the right ...