
Custom king of kings through the multiverse

I only own mc, ocs and the story, this story is based off of custom made demon king, An average guy is reincarnated after a tough battle to the death, where he explores the multiverse enjoying himself along his way.

M3RL1N · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Chapter 32

3 months later-



"AND WITH A SWING OF HIS FIST, CAIN WINS WITH A TKO!!" Yells out the announcer, causing a wave of cheers from the fans in the audience.

As the audience is cheering, a man holding a ticket walks up to Corven.

"Mr. Cain, proceed to floor 150." Handing him the ticket, the man walks away, while Corven heads out of the arena, into his room.

Walking into his room, which is an exact copy of the one gon and killua stayed in, Corven lays on the bed, meditating as he practices with his nen, like he's done every day since he opened his aura nodes.

From 3 of the 4 major principles, Corven practiced daily with them until he reached a satisfactory level, even managing to keep his ten activated while he slept, as well as learn the advanced techniques.

His favorite technique is en, having focused on that and his Ren more than the others has brought great fruits.

With his Ren largely increased and defined compared to before, and his En has become 15 meters in circumference.

Not having a type of observation ability, it was obvious he'd favor it, as well as Ren to build up strength for the several Nen abilities he plans to have.

But with a base set, it's time for Corven to make a hatsu.

Due to him first and foremost being an Enhancer, and then specialist under certain circumstances, Corven wants to make a large series set of nen abilities, preferably with at least one for each of the 6 nen types.

When dealing with nen, depending on your type can mean everything on how your growth will go, as an Enhancer, Corven will have a 100 percent efficiency in enhancement, with 80 in emission and transmutation, and 60 in conjuration and manipulation, with a 0 in specialist like every other type.

Due to these percentages, Corven should focus himself on what he has the highest growth in, aka Enhancement, and then emission and transmutation.

But due to his new Scarlet eyes, he becomes a specialist when they glow, making his percentages be reversed from an Enhancer.

Unlike Karapika, Corven doesn't have "Emperor Time", his specialist hatsu, to allow him to use each category at 100 percent at the cost of his life, but with proper training, he'll be able to switch between types at his will, allowing him to use all types at a good proficiency.

But before that time comes, Corven needs to settle with what he can do best at the moment, which is either an Enhancement, or his specialization hatsu, but not wanting to figure out the complex methods of his specialist hatsu, he'll start with Enhancement.

Having a thought in mind of a certain ability and character from the show, Phinks and his Ripper Cyclotron, which allows him to build up aura in his fist with each rotation of his arm, increasing the power greatly, Corven wants to base an ability based on that.

Using many of his fights as practice, he's focused on ways to increase the power of his punch with ko in a similar fashion.

Tho he's failed in figuring out how to allow his punches to be charged like phinks cyclotron, he's figured out ways to achieve it by transforming his nen slightly during ko, imagining it as if it's sort of a "Phone charge", allowing him to increase the charge of his punch.

It's been difficult figuring out how to regulate it properly, but he's molded the ability the way he wants, now he just needs to think of the right conditions for it, to better regulate and control it.

With the basic name of the ability set, he starts imagining the conditions to set, allowing his nen to take control of it.

Stack-a-pack: Stacks physical capabilities per hit Given. (I.e. all physical stats stack on themselves, making 10=20 then 20=40, also improving his reflexes with each stack, to even improving the quality of the poison of his blood.)

Condition 1: Limit is 10 Stacks.

Condition 2: For every x minute(s) the battle lasts after stack limit has been reached, nen will be unusable for x day(s) times 3.

Condition 3: If Self-Harm is induced, said stack is halved. (i.e. 10=15=25)

Condition 4: Stacking outside of battle will last for only 1 minute.

Satisfied with the conditions, Corven feels as his nen swirls around himself, within a minute providing him a noticeable change.

Standing up from his bed, Corven focuses, activating his Ren, causing a large field of nen to surround him.

Extending his Claws, he then slices his arm, feeling the large change to his nen and his strength, feeling the bulge of his muscles and the pressure created with every movement.

"Even with it halved it still provides this much of a boost. It's not complete yet, but it's perfectly usable for now." Satisfied with the progress in his new move, Corven cancels his Ren, allowing himself to calm as his body quickly returns back to normal.

"*Yawns* What a day.. these rooms really need proper kitchens." With a large yawn, Corven heads down into the food court to get something to eat, then to wander around town to search for something interesting, prod his mind for new ideas for other nen abilities to create, then deal with some business.




"Thank You again! and Congrats on your fight too Cain!!!" Yells out the cashier guy at the food court.

'Nice guy' Thinks Corven as he walks away, enjoying his food.

While walking around the town and enjoying the various shops and stalls, Corven admires the foliage he comes across.

During his second water divination that showed he's a specialist, under circumstances. The change to the glass showed roots and a bud growing on the life.

Not knowing completely what he wants his specialist hatsu to be, Corven can only focus on it being something plant based, seeing as how it's clearly his affinity, providing him an easier time making it.

Walking Towards a flower stall, Corven admires all the flowers that the owner has, while thinking constantly on what it could be, what it's conditions would be, if it'd be support or something else, everything flowing through his head of hundreds of possibilities.

looking at the owner, he sees that she wears a beautiful flower crown today, consisting of what looks like red and pink lilies, and normal daisies, as well has a strawberry fruit hair pin to hold back her hair.

Like all cliches out there, the accessories give Corven some useful ideas, though still nothing concrete or completely useful.

Paying for 2 bundles of flowers, Corven walks away.

Arriving only a half hour later at the beach he first came to this world on, Corven walls up to two of his old favorite plants, the set of bamboo lotus he bred himself, which is growing beautiful, extending the lotus leaves greatly, with a large petal from each interlocking slightly, almost as if they're holding hands.

Placing each of the bundles of flowers down, each right beneath two stones, with the bamboos right behind a respective stone.

Corven takes a minute of silence, before walking away, leaving behind the flowers beneath a set of stones with the names Ryoko and Asaki Fueguchi, crudely carved into both.