
Custom king of kings through the multiverse

I only own mc, ocs and the story, this story is based off of custom made demon king, An average guy is reincarnated after a tough battle to the death, where he explores the multiverse enjoying himself along his way.

M3RL1N · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Chapter 30

With his final escapade, Corven runs through each of the unimportant wards, searching through every alley he can find for his next fight.

Through each fight he tries new ways to use his kagunes.

From making the strands of his ukaku kagune form into a drill head to drill into his opponents, to combining all his rinkaku tendrils to desytroy anything in his path.

Each fight he went into varied in difficulty, with some lasting only a few seconds, to others lasting a few minutes, but through each he'd come out on top.

Whether from good or bad luck, Corven only found small fry, none of the real big bads of this world, causing him to hunt more to make up the EXP.

He could've gained alot more if he went into the wards important to the story, but his presence has caused enough to differ from Canon, and though his actions this night will change much as well, the several dozens of his improved nanobots will keep everything of importance in order while hes gone.. wherever he may go, as well as notifying him of any drastic changes he'll be needed for.

Due to his nightly escapades, he long gained enough EXP to rid himself of all the downsides to his abilities, even upgrading the nanobots to be rechargeable, and in constant contact with him, unless they were destroyed of course.

So without worry for how everyone would do in his absence, he proceeded with his night of carnage, until the sun started rising, when he made his way out of the city, deep into the woods with only district 17 being the closest, and allowing himself a moments rest as he washes up in a lake, reminding himself of his time alone.

It doesn't take long for Corven to clean himself of the blood that managed to get on his body, while his suit cleaned itself as it rested on a rock due to the new adjustments he made on it as well.

Once everything is done, Corven looks at his total EXP, seeing that he gained an extra 12,905 EXP, he takes out all the corpses of those he killed and puts them into a pile.

Activating his hand tattoo, he makes the body mountain liquidate into red sludge, as it slowly pours into his hand, doubling his gained EXP instantly.

With his points now at a total of 39,472.45, Corbin brings up his drawing panel, and draws two items, a carnival ticket, and a blue bead, and inputs the abilities

Temporary Dimensional Ticket: allows the user to go to any dimension of his choosing, at any time and place chosen, with a time limit of 30 minutes.

After 30 minutes pass, user will be transported back to the time and dimension where T.D.T. was first used.

Morty Mimic Pill: allows consumer to copy the complete outward and inward appearance of a humanoid Morty, with a time limit of 30 minutes.

With the price of both items luckily being 27,076.12, Corven accepts the price, causing his points to drop to 12,396.33, leaving him with more than he needed for emergencies.

Taking his items out of his inventory, Corven stands up, puts the pill into his cheek to hold it, and tears the ticket, activating it.

{[Temporary Dimensional Ticket]Activated.}

{Please input where User wishes to travel.}

Seeing the systems notification in front of his eyes, Corven quickly speaks where he would like to go.

"Rick and Morty, the time of the "Rickshank Redemption" episode, in the citadel the moment it's teleported into the federation prison." says Corven quickly, as he crunches and swallows the pill in his cheek.

As soon as Corven finishes speaking, the system starts pouring out notifications, all while Corvens body slowly starts shrinking, and his hair and beard start to fall out, and his head rounds sharply, with a new set of brown hair growing on top, all while his clothes transform into the same clothes a normal morty would wear.

Once the process is done, Corven looks at his notifications from the system.

{Processing Dimension Jump Coordinates}


{Morty-Fication Complete}



{Coordinates Found}

{Jump Commencing in 3}



The second the system said 1, Corven felt the familiar pulling sensation from his soul, though this time not nearly as bad.

Corven watches the vast cosmos of the universes as he flies past them at fast speeds, watching the intoxicating beauty of the deep nothingness and millions of universes worth of life.

Though it only last a few seconds, the incredible scenery of the space between universes is unlike anything Corven has ever scene.

But with all thinks beautiful, it must come to an end, and that it does, for not long after, Corven sees a massive spiral of a new universe come into view before he slams into it.

Waking up not long after, Corven sees that he's standing in a building, with a lot of screams and yelling and burps, from everywhere he can look.

'I'm in.' thinks Corven as he starts to see several corpses of what looks like prisoners as well as risks and mortys.

With only less than 30 minutes on the clock, Corven gets to work, speeding through the corridors until he gets to the first body of a rick, searching his corpse for what he needs most, a portal gun.

Being unlucky with this one, he stores the corpse and keeps moving, picking up any weapons corpses, or interesting pieces of technology he can find.

It takes a couple of tries before he comes across a rick with a undamaged portal gun, still full with portal fluid, and not wasting anytime, he stores it and continues his search for anything he can find without worry.

Coming across some prisoners aren't a worry for Corven, as even as he's posed as morty, he quickly heats up his fingers, snapping them once their hot enough, causing bolts of electricity and pure fire to fly through the air and slaughter whoever he comes across, allowing him to speed by right after and store their corpses.

And before Corven realizes it, his times up, and he's brought back to the void, heading straight back to the woods he was in, in the tokyo ghoul dimension.

Standing in the clearing for a moment, motionless, all corven can do is hold still as his body visibly morphs back to how it originally was, and once it's finished, he goes back to rest in the lake, and sleep.



A few hours later--

Corven wakes up with the sun hanging right overhead.

And once he does, he drags his body out of the lake, revealing a pruny mess, thats fixing itself quite quickly.

He firsts summons out every corpse he has, and uses his EXP tattoo on them, then summons every bit of technology he could get his hands on, including the cybernetic enhancements from every rick and or priconer that had them.

Serperating the items into piles of broken and work, where once he's finish, he quickly eats the broken ones for the knowledge of how they're made, and Starts integrating the working ones.

From laser weapons, simple A.I. devices, to all enhancements he could find that seemed compatible, he slowly integrated them all, eating them first whole, to learn about them and integrate them at the same time.

By the time Corven finishes with everything, the sun has already set, and he's down to his last and most favorite device, the portal gun.

With it he could go anywhere, achieve anything, just what he needed.

And with one specific place in mind, he eats the portal gun with the cannister of portal fluid separated, learning how to make it as well as integrating it.

Then after he's done, he stares at the bottle of portal fluid, the most volatile and dangerous substances he's ever had in his hands.

Staring at the mystic green colors of it, he quickly tosses the glass cannister in his mouth, liquid and all, as he learns how it's made.

Realization dawns upon Corven, that drinking it probably wasn't the best of ideas, especially when his stomach starts feeling as though it's gonna be ripped apart.

With pain so strong, all he can do is fall to the ground.

Though with the effect of his Tyrant bloodline, Corvens Adaptability, which is capable of helping him in every kind of situation, comes to the rescue.

With a loud involuntary roar, he clutches his arms as he rolls on the ground, feeling his insides burn and tear apart before slowly regrowing.

With a tightness in his chest that slowly gets tighter and fuller, only then the pain starts receding.

As he slowly starts to sit himself up, Corven holds his chest as grunts.



Name: Corven Cain

Race: Ghoul 45%, Human 45%, Tyrant 10%

EXP Points: 14,586.33

Health: 1100/1100

Mana: 720/720

STR: 88!

AGI: 105!

CON: 97!

VIT: 110!

INT: 72!

WIS: 52!

LUK: 10

Tabs: Inventory, Drawing Panel

Skills: EXP Exhange, Bio-Electricity Manipulation, Bio-Flame Manipulation, Claws, Defensive Form, Hyper Regeneration, Kagune(Rinkaku/Ukaku), Heightened Senses, Consumption Learning, Poisonous blood, Tyrant King's Adaptability, Scent Blocking, Full Counter(Physical), Enhanced Body( Teeth, Gums, digestive system, Portal Organ!, etc.) TechnoFormation(Nanobots, cell phone, etc..),

"Portal Organ?" says Corven confusedly

Touching his chest for a moment where the new tightness is.

Looking at his hand for moment, Corven makes them unlock, and slowly transform into the barrel of a gun.

Focusing on the tightness in his chest, He feels as tho warm liquid travels through his veins, making them glow slightly in his arm as it gathers up to his hand, before he quickly fires it infront of him.

After firing it, only a few feet infront of him appears and swirling gold portal.

Walking through the portal with closed eyes, Corven walks through it, appearing on a beach with nobody around, but a extremely tall tower in the distance.

{New world- [Hunter X Hunter]- cataloged} Reads out the system.


(Hunter x hunter intro plays)