
Custom king of kings through the multiverse

I only own mc, ocs and the story, this story is based off of custom made demon king, An average guy is reincarnated after a tough battle to the death, where he explores the multiverse enjoying himself along his way.

M3RL1N · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Chapter 10

( Short Time skip)

1 month later--

Its been an extremely grueling month.

After Corven woke up after using the EXP Exhange skill, he was still shaky and exhausted.

The debuffs were cleared and his health and mana were full, but he could still remember the intense pain he had, it was like nothing he felt before, almost like a piece of his soul was torn apart and put back together again.

For the entire day after he dreaded using the skill again, even came close to deleting it many times just for that alone.

But in the end he knew that he wouldn't survive if he didn't find ways to grow.

With shaky hands he used the skill again and again, for 26 days, each night causing him great pain, without it ever diminishing, until eventually he just became used to it.

He could still feel the great pain and would be forced to grab his chest and sit down, but his mind slowly became numb to it, just working through the pain.

After he exchanged all the Turtle-Boars, gaining himself an extra 260 EXP, he just took a few days to rest, letting his mind and body take a break from the weeks of pain.

Its been a long month, but Corven has managed to passively hunted fish and rodents, earning himself an average of 30EXP a day, gaining quite a sum of points.

Normally he would've already bought the T+G virus that hes been working towards, but with more free time and time to think, hes come up with a different plan, which has involved him saving up every single one of his points until now.


Looking up towards the setting sun, Corven rubs his eyes from how tired he is.

"Status." he says as he sits against the outside wall of his cave.


Name: Corven Cain

EXP Points: 2262.9

Health: 130/130

Mana: 100/100

STR: 14

AGI: 13

CON: 14

VIT: 13

INT: 10

WIS: 12

LUK: 10

Tabs- Inventory, Drawing Panel

Tapping the drawing panel tab, Corven brings out his saved drawing of the T+G virus.

"Grandpa always said a strong base makes will make a stronger build, so ill do my best for you old man, and For the start of my base, this'll be one of the key items."

Accepting the cost of 1050.17, the syringe gun is put in his inventory, but instead of taking it out, he keeps it there for a moment.

Drawing what seems to be a little bead, with a slight golden hue, Corven puts in the descriptions:

(Item thought of by 000striker000, to see specific effects see his comment.)

[Body Cleansing Pill]- Expels all impurities from consumers body, improves bodily function by 100%.

[Side Effect 1]- After taken, consumers body will heat up during cleansing, to a painful degree.

[Side Effect 2]-Impurities will slowly be removed from the body over the course of 1 hour, causing consumer to smell terribly.

[Side Effect 3]-Consumer will be forced into [paralysis] for 1 hour after consumption.

[Side Effect 4]- Consumer will gain debuffs- [Nausea], [Diarrhea], [Migraine], and [Slowness], for 6 hours after consumption, as well as a heightened sense of smell.

"Im gonna have a rough time sleeping tonight..."

Seeing the price at 200 EXP, Corven accepts the price, making the golden hued bead appear in his inventory.

With 1012.73 EXP left, Corven starts drawing, using the same syringe gun as the T+G virus, he replaces the vile with a glowing orange liquid, in a plain normal vile.

"The Extremis virus...perfect in combination with the T+G virus"says Corven.

Due to its instability, the price is only 400, but to stay safe, Corven adds the descriptions:

[Perfect Infusion]

Jumping the price up to 1000.

To decrease the price, Corvens forced to write side effects.

[Side Effect 1]- after injection, user will experience [Hot Flashes] and [Heartburn] for 1 hour.

'Thatll be terrible with the side effects of the body cleansing pill, ill have to let my body rest in the river until I can move.' thinks Corven

[Side Effect 2]- For 3 days after injection, user will be prone to [aggression/depression], have [Suicidal Tendencies], and have frequent [Headaches] as serum adjusts to the body and mind.

After finishing with inputting the side effects to lower the cost, hes managed to lower it down to 711.23.

Accepting the price, a second syringe appears in his inventory with a orange liquid.

Knowing the pain hes gonna experience for a few hours, Corven sighs with a heavy heart as he draws one more thing.

The item he draws appears normal and plain, he draws a pair of glossy black aviator sunglasses, with an old looking, black dyed, leather Eyewear retainer.

Though it may not be the real thing, its the exact pair his grandfather had, and the same pair he gave him at his grandmothers funeral, as well as the same pair he wore at his grandfathers funeral, and the day he died.

'I'll need you to help me through this grandma and grandpa...'wiping some tears away from his eyes, he accepts the cost without even looking at it

....But if one were to look at it, they'd see that the price remained 0.

Walking towards the river, he steps in and gets comfortable, taking out his grandfathers aviator shades, he puts them on, allowing the strap to hang on the bask of his neck.

After hes set, he takes out the Extremis virus, he presses it against his left elbow pit, injecting it into his vein.

Storing the syringe gun, making sure to dispose of it later, he readjust himself as he nervously prepares for the coming effects.

It doesn't take long before the virus takes effect, causing his heart to burn painfully, as well as causing his face to feel heavily flushed and sweaty.

Seeing the effects working, he takes out the body cleansing pill.

'Theoretically, since the virus has perfect infusion, and will only aid my body, the cleansing pill shouldn't effect it, maybe even boosting it or halfing the side effects.'

Nervously swallowing the Cleansing pill, he feels as the beads slides down his throat.

Not long after, its side effects start as well.

It quickly becomes clear that Corven can't move, he struggles to move is right arm but it won't even twitch, quickly, the heat comes, its much worse than the extremis virus, infact them together makes his heart feel like its gonna melt from the heat.

His body starts radiating heat as small black bits of sludge start pouring out of his pores.

If he wasn't pain he'd even see that the water closest to his body is slowly boiling.

Luckily he was able to rest his head against the grass, cause he quickly starts having bad headaches.

The pain of his body and head is terrible, its much like the daily pain he experienced the entire month, but much hotter.

Not wanting to be awake for the pain, he quickly lets himself drift off to sleep as his body rests in the lake




sometime after Corven fell asleep, his body was making visible changes.

His body was constantly releasing black sludge through his pores, while his chest glowed a bright yellow and orange, slowly traveling by the veins across his body.

His entire body constantly pulsed, increasing his muscle mass mass slowly, compacting them tightly.

It wouldn't be long now until he woke up.