
Custodian (Extended Version)

"You are different, Daisy; I don't pity you... "I just want to protect you at all costs," says Edward Leo softly.  "The moment you saved me was the moment I knew you were the one; you are my custodian," says Daisy Rose through teary Daisy admires from a distance, whereas Edward loves in silence. But an unacceptable encounter can change many things. What will happen when Edward suddenly approaches her and their relationship blossoms from that of strangers to something more?  Will the introverts be able to hold onto their soft and poetic sides and let the love bloom?  eyes.

_writer_min · Urban
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20 Chs


As the new semester began, Edward and Daisy found themselves excited to dive into their final year of high school. Their bond had grown stronger over the past months, and now, their time together felt like an integral part of their lives. Whether it was taking leisurely strolls, sharing ice cream, or engaging in simple conversations, their connection had become a cherished constant.

Their companionship was so natural that when either of them was absent, there was a noticeable void. They had even gone shopping together, preparing for their senior year by picking out school supplies and discussing their goals and aspirations. The exchange of meaningful gifts had become a delightful tradition between them, each gesture carrying a hidden sentiment that only they could understand.

One day, Daisy was surprised with a beautiful hairpin from Edward, a subtle compliment that spoke of his admiration for her. In return, she gifted him a wristband, a testament to her fascination with his hands and wrists. These tokens of affection showcased the unique ways in which they saw and appreciated each other.

As the school year began anew, Daisy's eagerness was palpable. On the first day of their third year, she waited on her balcony, watching for Edward's arrival. When he showed up, she excitedly called out to him, "Edward, hey there! I'm coming, hold on." He nodded, waiting patiently as she joined him.

During the short drive to school, Edward couldn't help but notice the subtle changes in Daisy's appearance. He mentally recorded these details, as if adding another page to the diary of his observations about her.

Upon reaching the school, they retrieved their belongings from their lockers and proceeded to their new classrooms. As they checked the roll numbers and scanned the room for their seats, they realized with a hint of disappointment that their assigned numbers weren't together this term. The prospect of not sitting side by side for the first part of the year left a slight ache in their hearts.

The first day of the new school term arrived, bringing with it a mix of anticipation and pressure for Daisy. As she entered the classroom, her heart raced with a blend of excitement and apprehension. She glanced around, her eyes locking on the familiar face of Anna seated in her left seat. Seeing Anna there brought a sense of relief – a sign that at least one familiar presence awaited her in this new class.

However, Daisy's relief was soon replaced by a sharp pang of dismay as her gaze shifted slightly to the right. Her heart sank as she noticed Marcel sitting in her right seat. Memories of their recent interactions flooded her mind, memories of Marcel's relentless attempts to get under her skin, pushing her boundaries and testing her patience.

With a resigned sigh, Daisy took a deep breath and walked to her desk. She couldn't deny the annoyance that churned within her, but she was determined not to let it ruin her day. As she settled into her seat, she fought to maintain a composed demeanor. Marcel's presence might irritate her, but she wouldn't give him the satisfaction of seeing her flustered.

Unbeknownst to Daisy, Edward was keenly observant of her every move. He noticed the subtle shift in her posture, the way her shoulders slumped just slightly. It was a telltale sign that something was bothering her. As he watched from his own seat, his protective instincts kicked in. The sight of Marcel sitting beside her only fueled his concern.

Daisy's quiet sigh and the clenched fists of her seatmates did not escape Edward's notice. He could almost feel her tension, her unease. He wished he could be there by her side, offering her the support and reassurance she needed. But he also understood the importance of allowing her to navigate these situations on her own, to grow and learn from them.

As the classroom buzzed with the excitement of the new term, Anna's cheerful voice cut through the air, breaking Daisy from her thoughts. "Look who we have here," Anna exclaimed, her tone playful and welcoming. The room erupted in laughter, a warm and familiar sound.

Daisy's tension eased slightly as she turned toward Anna, the corners of her lips curling into a genuine smile. "Anna, oh my god," she exclaimed with dramatic flair, her giggle echoing through the classroom. In that moment, Daisy felt a renewed sense of camaraderie, a reminder that she wasn't alone in facing the challenges of the day.

And though Edward's own mood was clouded with concern, he couldn't help but be warmed by Daisy's laughter. He knew that, no matter the obstacles that lay ahead, she had a support system that would stand by her, even if that meant dealing with Marcel's antics together.

In the classroom, Edward felt a gnawing restlessness as he sat a couple of seats behind Daisy. He knew he should be focusing on the lecture, but he found it difficult to concentrate when Daisy was just a few feet away. He glanced at her occasionally, noticing her expressions and mannerisms, as if his gaze could offer some form of comfort to her.

Unable to bear the distance any longer, Edward excused himself from his seat and discreetly moved to a position where he could see both the whiteboard and Daisy. It wasn't the most inconspicuous move, but he didn't care. He needed to be closer to her, even if it was just visually.

From his new vantage point, Edward and Daisy's eyes met, and they both nodded and exchanged grins. It was a silent affirmation of their connection, a reminder that they were in this together. However, their moment was interrupted by a loud noise that made Daisy startle.

As Daisy's head jerked up, Edward's attention was pulled toward her. Their eyes locked again, and for a brief moment, the world around them seemed to fade away. It was as if they were the only two people in the room.

But their private moment was shattered when the source of the noise revealed itself – Marcel. The smugness in his eyes was unmistakable as he approached Daisy and attempted to pat her head. Edward's hand shot out, grabbing Marcel's wrist with a firm grip.

Edward's voice was low and filled with barely restrained anger as he spoke, "Stay. Away. From. Her."

Marcel's attempt at a casual response was met with Edward's exasperated retort, "None of your fucking business."

Daisy's shock was evident as she tried to make sense of the situation. She had barely registered Marcel's actions when Edward intervened, his protective instincts taking over. For a moment, she felt like a spectator in her own life, watching the scene unfold before her.

As Edward forcefully pulled Marcel's hand away, Daisy's heart raced. She hadn't expected such a confrontation, and the intensity of it left her stunned. But then, as the two men exchanged words, her surprise was mingled with a strange sense of pride.

Marcel's attempts at taunting were met with Edward's unyielding determination. Daisy couldn't help but smile at Edward's resolute stance. It was as if he was standing up not just for her, but for their connection, their friendship.

As the tension escalated, Daisy stepped between them, her hands outstretched – one stopping Marcel from fighting and the other on Edward's chest, urging him to stand down. She spoke with a gentle yet firm voice, commanding them to stop.

Both men hesitated, their energy waning in the face of Daisy's intervention. Edward spoke up, his voice calmer now, "Promise that you won't bother Daisy."

Marcel's response was nonchalant, causing Edward to press further. "We shall see," Marcel replied cryptically before turning away.

With the confrontation ending, Daisy cast a glance at Edward, her confusion mingling with amusement. His actions had taken her off guard, but they also touched her deeply. As the class carried on, Daisy left the room, a smug smirk tugging at her lips as she glanced back at Edward, realizing just how fiercely he was willing to defend their bond.

While reading this Chapter I recommend you to listen, "My Oh My" by Camilla Cabello ft. DaBby

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