
Curses & Bullets: The Malevolent Arsenal

Renko Ivanovna, a Japanese Guerrilla Reserves, finds herself blasted into bits by a 30mm Gunship mounted cannon. Instead of the hell that she believed awaited her, she opened her eyes as an 18-year-old teenager with parental issues somewhere in Japan... also the year was 2015, almost two centuries before her death. Creeped out of her mind, she decided to settle down into her new environment, maybe follow some rehabilitation tips she had heard a shrink gave to one of her buddies... yeah right as if that would happen. In less than a month she was attacked by something called a cursed spirit and somehow ends up awakening her very own 'Curse Technique' named Malevolent Arsenal. Also, her mandatory second-life cheat just decided to drop by. How does she know that? Well, a white-haired woman who went around calling herself the strongest sorcerer told her everything. Wonder how this one went all Kuku? ******************** "Curses & Bullets: The Cursed Arsenal" is a work of fiction created for entertainment purposes. Any resemblance to actual events, persons, living or dead, or entities is purely coincidental. The author acknowledges the inspiration drawn from various sources, including but not limited to Jujutsu Kaisen and other works within the fantasy and supernatural genres. Readers are advised that the story may contain elements such as violence, supernatural themes, and other mature content. Discretion is advised, and the author assumes no responsibility for any discomfort or offense caused by the content. ******************** Discord: https://discord.gg/efdGMSS2

EchoingDusk · Anime & Comics
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54 Chs

Chapter: 8 System {Re-Write}

Renko's vision swirled and twisted as the whiteness around her somehow collapsed into itself. With a sudden sense of overwhelming vertigo, she found herself back in her apartment, leaning against the familiar bathtub with the familiar scent of her blood wafting in the air... just like before.

She took a deep breath to steady herself and accidentally clenched her injured hand as she did so. The expected pain didn't come... which was quite a surprise considering it took her quite a bit of time to stitch herself back together.

Renko examined her arm, noticing the wound was just about healed, but the scarring was not a joke. Almost the entire skin on the bicep was covered in white marks ranging from her less-than-professional needlework and the jagged marks left by the creature's fangs.

"Great, it's been less than a month too."

Which was a brand new record considering it took her five years to reach this much damage last time, given that she didn't see combat till year four of her service. 

She flexed her fingers, feeling no major pain or stiffness,

"Well, that's new."

Renko didn't bother relocating herself, she was comfortable next to the bathtub and her brain was far too preoccupied with processing what had just happened. Did she meet some god and find that they got a government system of their own? Fuckin' bureaucracy's a scourge innit.

Plus there was still the question of that blue panel hovering in front of her face:

[Name | Renko Ivanovna]

[HP | 100/100]

[CE | 500/500]


[Strength | 8]

[Endurance | 10]

[Dexterity | 14]

[Spirituality | 5]

'Eh, I don't know shit... huh?'

The 'stats' seemed straightforward enough, she had tried a couple of 'Hobbies' in her free time at the school. But she had no idea as to what 'CE' stood for, maybe it was some form of mana? Or energy or something?

She decided to explore further, not like she had anything better to do at the moment. Cleaning up should be a priority, but the blood was only around the living room and none of it was likely to slip through the floor. Making cleaning noises around midnight seemed more suspicious than a bit of red in the drain water.

With a sigh, she touched the 'Occupation' tab and a brand new panel opened up:


- Sniper | Tier 5 of 5 | Level 7/10 | Skills -{>

- Delinquent | Tier 1 of 5 | Level 4/10 | Skills -{>

- High School Student | Tier 3 of 4 | Level 2/10 | Skills -{>

- Cook | Tier 1 of 5 | Level 1/10 | Skills -{>

- Jujutsu Socrcere: Grade 4 | Tier 1 of 5 | Level 0/10 | Skills -{>

"Well, that's useful... I guess?"

Each occupation had a brief description underneath, for example, the Occupation 'High School Student' was the third in a four-tiered structure where Tier-1 was 'Elementary School Student,' and Tier-2 was 'Middle School Student.' Similarly, the 'Sniper' occupation was also a steady rise in a role from 'Boot' to 'SDM' to 'Sniper,' the other two slangs were pretty hard to pronounce.

As for the skills... well, she hesitated before tapping the arrow beside 'Sniper.' The panel expanded, revealing a list of skills under the occupation:

[Sniper | Tier 5 of 5 | Level 7/10 | Skills {>

- Marksmanship | Mode 1/2 | Precision Shot | Increase the probability of hitting the target at a firearm's maximum effective range by 70% |

- Marksmanship | Mode 2/2 | Rapid Shot | Increase the probability of hitting a target at 70% of the firearm's maximum effective range by 100 % |

- Stealth | Enhances the ability to remain undetected and reduce the likelihood of being spotted by 70% when moving slowly or utilizing camouflage |

- Advanced Ballistics | Enhance comprehensive knowledge of projectile dynamics |

- Survival | Increase resilience and self-sufficiency in the field. Boosts health regeneration by 70% and reduces damage taken from environmental hazards by 70% |

- Field Craft | Enhance the probability of setting up an effective nest by 70% at 70% of the optimal vantage point distance, improving concealment and shot stability |

'Hmm- it's bullshit.'

There was no practical method for someone to ensure a 100% guarantee of a confirmed hit with any firearm... except, perhaps at a closer range of under a hundred yards or something. Not to mention the possibility of hitting anything at 100% of a firearm's maximum effective range, after all, depending on the model and make, the range could reach up to 10 kilometers.

[Answering | Some occupations' skills have been enhanced as compensation for missing out on the attribute points at their skill level]


[Answring | When leveling up the 'Sniper' occupation, users are normally granted +5 attribute points per level. Therefore, a user at level 7 would typically have +35 free attribute points, in addition to any points from previous tiers. However, in this unique case, where only the user's soul has transmigrated, the occupation and attribute points reset along with the user's memories. Despite this reset, the user retains their memories and, by extension, the skills of the 'Sniper' occupation. Consequently, the effectiveness of the user's skills has significantly increased, compensating for the loss of attribute points]

'I see...'

It was quite disheartening to find those years spent putting rounds down range and into skulls, just to gather some experience in firearms were wasted by mere 'compensation.' A wonder that the 'system' contraption could do something like that, but then again, she could still faintly recall getting blown into bits so who was she to talk about unbelievable events?

As for the next two or three occupations, they gave mostly mundane skills that had minimal to moderate significance... well, she might be underrating them a tad bit, but that was her honest opinion.

[Delinquent | Tier 1 of 5 | Level 4/10 | Skills {>

- Street Fighting | Enhance the effectiveness of hand-to-hand combat by 8% |

- Intimidation | Enhances the ability to scare or coerce others, increasing the chances of successfully intimidating an individual by 8% |

[High School Student | Tier 3 of 4 | Level 2/10 | Skills -{>

- Studying | Improves the speed and retention of learning new information by 15%, making it easier to comprehend new occupations and skills |

- Socializing | Boosts the user's public reputation by 15% |

[Cook | Tier 1 of 5 | Level 1/10 | Skills -{>

- Basic Cooking | The ability to improve a meal's quality and nutritional value by 2% |

- Ingredient Identification | Increase the chances of identifying ingredient quality by 2% |

Renko raised an eyebrow, taking in all the information displayed on the holographic panel. The skills were somewhat useful, a couple of them more so than others. The explanations and percentages corresponded with the level of said occupation, something she noticed quite easily. Also, she figured she could make sense of them with time and practice.

'Waste not - want not'

As for the last occupation, it was quite intriguing, also it must have something to do with that 'thing' that attacked her a couple of hours ago. She tapped on the arrow next to it and the panel expanded to reveal:

[Jujutsu Sorcerer: Grade 4 | Unregistered/Curse User | Tier 1 of 5 | Level 0/10 | Skills -{>

- Cursed Energy Manipulation | Allows the user to manipulate Cursed Energy (CE) for various techniques and spells, reduces curse energy wastage by 0%.

- Cursed Techniques | None -{>

- Innate Cursed Technique | Malevolent Arsenal | Special Grade | Expand -{> 

 'What's with the innate technique?'

[Answering | An Innate Cursed Technique represents a unique ability or power inherent to a sorcerer, which can be harnessed by manipulating cursed energy. Activation of this technique occurs through the infusion of cursed energy. While not widely prevalent, sorcerers evaluate the potency of these abilities based on their inherent capacity for destruction. An example would be the user's ICT, Malevolent Arsenal, characterized as a support/production-based technique capable of significantly influencing the natural order if trained properly. |

"Looks like I'm gonna need to learn a lot about this 'Cursed Energy' stuff, huh?"

Renko muttered to herself, not looking for an answer altogether but received one nonetheless:

[Answering | Modern-day Japan is plagued by numerous supernatural threats, with cursed spirits being a prominent concern. The Jujutsu Society is a reputable organization established to combat this threat. They operate from two principal bases in Japan —Kyoto and Tokyo— and the society is strategically positioned to combat supernatural phenomena across the country. If user wish to further their knowledge on the subject, they are advised to investigate 'Jujutsu Tech']

'Now that's interesting isn't it?'