
Chapter:40 Medicine


"You found anything that tickles your fancy yet?"

Renko blinked, realizing that at some point, the receptionist woman had silently made her way over to the section she was browsing through.

"Ah, yes. I have gathered them all in a bundle over there."

She pointed at one of the tables that was now laden with almost twenty books. 

The receptionist woman frowned,

"You sure about buying all of them? Or do you need to reconsider buying some of them?"

Renko nodded,

"No, I want to purchase all of them."

The receptionist beamed,

"Very well then, I will ring 'em all up and you can get them from the counter."

Renko nodded politely. 

If the receptionist was willing to help her get all these books to the counter, who was she to stop her?

As the woman headed off to the counter, Renko glanced around the bookshelves. She had checked about one-fourth of the store in the two hours she spent there and out of almost two thousand books, only twenty were of any use.

There were of course the ten books on medicines brewing.

Three books on furniture blueprints: {BIY Ideas of the Woodsmen} {Wood Magazine: Amateurs' Edition Volume I, and Volume II}. Two books on blacksmith basics: {The Black Smith's Backyard} and {Practical Blacksmithing}. One on thread working: {Goldwork, a Beginners Guide to Embroidery}.

One on Leatherworking: {Leathercraft: a Beginners Guide to Elementary Tanning}. Two on Carving: {50 Tips and Ideas about Stone-Carving} and {200 Ideas for Woodcarving Projects.}

And the last one was... well.

{Basics of Lingerie designing, Beachwear, and Leisurewear patterns.}


'Well, I just couldn't help myself.'

The receptionist began scanning each book, the tapping sound on the old counter creating a rhythm that seemed to echo in the quiet bookstore. Renko's mind, however, was occupied with thoughts about the skills she might acquire from these books. The possibilities were intriguing, especially considering her recent acquisition of the "Basic Craftsmanship" skill.

Once all the books were scanned, the receptionist named the total price.

"That'll be 4,900 yen for all of them."

Renko nodded before reaching into her school bag and pulling out a 5,000 yen bill, handing it over to the woman. 

Moments later, she received a pair of bags containing all the books and a hundred yen coin. 

"Thank you for your purchase. If you need anything else, feel free to ask,"

the receptionist said with a smile.

Renko reciprocated the smile, the woman was pretty and a bit mature... just like her type! But the age gap was a bit too much. She hoisted the bag onto her shoulder and headed towards the exit, the bell above the door chiming softly as she left the bookstore.

[06:30 PM]

With her newly acquired collection of skill books in tow, Renko made her way back to her apartment. The fading daylight painted the sky with hues of orange and pink as the sun began its descent.

Upon reaching her apartment, Renko laid out the books on the coffee table, eager to examine each one in detail. The room was quiet, except for the soft hum of the vacuum cleaner being used next door.

'Tatsu sure is diligent huh.'

[Skill Book: Basics of Herbalism]

[Learn Skill: Basic Herbalism?]

{Yes} {No}

Renko pondered for a moment. Herbalism was a potentially useful skill, but it might also be a flop if the brewed medicine doesn't work on herself. But if it somehow did, then this skill had a lot of potential. So she selected "Yes."


[New Skill 'Basic Herbalism' Acquired]

[Basic Herbalism(1): 0/100

Description: A skill that allows the user to identify, gather, and use various herbs for medicinal and alchemical purposes.

Chances of Successfully identifying an herb: 25%

Chances of Identifying a herb's property: 10%

Chances of Successful Herb Gathering: 10%

Registered Herbs: 0]

Satisfied with her decision, Renko moved on to the next book.

[Skill Book: Basics of Apothecary]

[Learn Skill: Basic Apothecary?]

{Yes} {No}

Renko didn't hesitate, apothecary skills could complement her new Herbalism skill, and maybe it could even combine with the skill to create a better one. Once again, She selected "Yes."


[New Skill 'Basic Apothecary' Acquired]

[Basic Apothecary(1): 0/100

Description: A skill that allows the user to concoct basic potions, salves, and remedies using various ingredients.

Chances of Successful Medicine Creation: 10%

Registered Potions: 0]

Renko continued this process, acquiring skills in Botany, Infusion, Emulsion, Tincturing, Decoction, Compounding, and salve-making.

[Basic Botany(1): 0/100

Description: Learn the essentials of botany as it applies to medication. Understand the properties of various plants and their potential applications in potion-making.]

[Basics of Infusion(1): 0/100

Description: Master the art of infusing medicinal properties of different liquids. Explore techniques to enhance the potency of medicines through infusion.]

[Basic Emulsion(1): 0/100

Description: Delve into the world of emulsions, understanding the science of blending liquids to create stable and effective mixtures. Essential for crafting advanced medications.]

[Basic Tincturing(1): 0/100

Description: Discover the secrets of tincturing, a method of extracting medicinal qualities from herbs and roots. Enhance your ability to create potent herbal remedies.]

[Basics of Decoction(1): 0/100

Description: Learn the technique of decoction, a process involving the extraction of essences from hard plant materials through boiling. Useful for handling tougher ingredients.]

[Basic Compounding(1): 0/100

Description: Explore the art of compounding, combining multiple medicinal elements to create powerful mixtures with synergistic effects.]

[Basics of Salve Making(1): 0/100

Description: Dive into the craft of salve making, mastering the creation of soothing and healing balms. Ideal for treating wounds and ailments.]

[Basic Diagnosis(1): 0/100

Description: A skill that enables the user to assess and diagnose basic medical conditions, injuries, and ailments.

Chances of Accurate Diagnosis: 10%

Registered Diagnoses: 0]

Each skill was related to medicines one way or the other, whether it be enhancing the medicinal property or creating a more potent one.

With a victorious smirk, Renko surveyed her newly acquired collection of skills and as she pondered what to do next, a notification appeared before her,


[10 Basic Medicinal Skills Detected]

[Would You Like To Combine all the Basic Skills?]

{Yes} {No}

She didn't consider the question for long, after all, just yesterday she gained the basic craftsmanship skill that could potentially rival her Innate Curse Technique. Maybe this one would be similar,



[New Skill 'Medicine' Enhanced]

[Medicine (1): 0/100

Description: Grind, squeeze, ground, burn, drain, boil, and create whatever medicine you wish for. Old age? Maybe, Death? Who knows? Hole in the stomach? Coming right up! 

A skill to refine or brew medicines, encompassing a wide range of medicinal items.

Chances of brewing a medicine with permanent effects: 0.1%

Registered Medicine Recipe: 0]

Renko nodded in satisfaction.


This Friday has indeed been fruitful and this skill was simply... Magnificent!

According to the description, she could create a cure for almost everything such as a missing organ, or a hole in the chest. Heck, she was pretty sure the description also said she might even be able to cure 'Death,' how cool was that? 

"Kono-chan, I could have never guessed you liked burning books."

As soon as the voice registered in her head, Renko's body went into autopilot. Guided by the innate skill 'Danger Sense,' her instincts took over her mind. With a whirl, she activated her innate curse technique,

"Malevolent Arsenal: Create Inferior Blunderbuss."

[CP - 120]

[CP: 80/200]

The curse energy coursed through her body, concentrating in her hands and as they came together, it took the form of an antique Blunderbuss.


[CP - 50]

[CP: 30/200]

In an instant, Renko manifested an Inferior Cursed Blunderbuss and swiftly loaded it with an Autoload feature.


And it seems she had no qualms with firing the weapon as well.

As the smoke cleared from the gunshot, Renko found herself facing a peculiar sight. Standing before her was a tall figure dressed in a black suit, a white collar, and a pair of round, golden-rimmed glasses that glinted in the dimly lit room. The woman's silver hair contrasted sharply with her impeccably neat appearance.

"Miss Gojo!?"

Renko blurted out in surprise.

The woman before her was none other than Satoru Gojo, the very same woman who had made quite an impression on Renko yesterday. She stood there, seemingly unfazed by the sudden appearance of the firearm or the lead ball suspended close to her body.

"Ah, Kono-chan, you're as lively as ever. Shooting at your big Sis, though, that's quite the greeting,"

Gojo remarked, her voice carrying that same annoying tone she used yesterday. Renko lowered the blunderbuss, eyeing Gojo with a mix of confusion and skepticism.

"What are you doing here? And how did you even get in here?"

Gojo chuckled, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Well, I did say I would teach you a couple of things, and yesterday I forgot to ask about that strange technique of yours that made things disappear without using curse energy."


You guys... really had to pile all that power stone, didn't you?

Now take this and don't expect another one from me till Friday... I have a paper on Thursday.

Next chapter