
Curses & Bullets: The Malevolent Arsenal

Renko Ivanovna, a Japanese Guerrilla Reserves, finds herself blasted into bits by a 30mm Gunship mounted cannon. Instead of the hell that she believed awaited her, she opened her eyes as an 18-year-old teenager with parental issues somewhere in Japan... also the year was 2015, almost two centuries before her death. Creeped out of her mind, she decided to settle down into her new environment, maybe follow some rehabilitation tips she had heard a shrink gave to one of her buddies... yeah right as if that would happen. In less than a month she was attacked by something called a cursed spirit and somehow ends up awakening her very own 'Curse Technique' named Malevolent Arsenal. Also, her mandatory second-life cheat just decided to drop by. How does she know that? Well, a white-haired woman who went around calling herself the strongest sorcerer told her everything. Wonder how this one went all Kuku? ******************** "Curses & Bullets: The Cursed Arsenal" is a work of fiction created for entertainment purposes. Any resemblance to actual events, persons, living or dead, or entities is purely coincidental. The author acknowledges the inspiration drawn from various sources, including but not limited to Jujutsu Kaisen and other works within the fantasy and supernatural genres. Readers are advised that the story may contain elements such as violence, supernatural themes, and other mature content. Discretion is advised, and the author assumes no responsibility for any discomfort or offense caused by the content. ******************** Discord: https://discord.gg/efdGMSS2

EchoingDusk · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter:11 Next Day

[You Have Slept In Your Bed, HP & CP Are Fully Restored]

Renko awoke the next morning feeling a bit disoriented. As she opened her eyes, the events of the previous night came rushing back to her, and she groaned at the mess that awaited her. The room was still in disarray, and the stains on the carpet were a painful reminder of the battle she had fought.

Dragging herself out of bed, Renko stretched her sore muscles and sighed. There was no avoiding it; she had to clean up the aftermath of the fight. 

"Hmm, not bad,"

She muttered to herself, as she picked up the bloodied butcher's knife from the ground and examined it. It was reassuring to see that there was no damage to the knife; if anything, it felt a bit heavier and more durable than it did yesterday. Perhaps something had changed about it after she had used it to chop three of those bugs in half.


[Flesh-Cleaver: Grade Four Cursed Tool

Durability: 14/15

Description: A high-carbon stainless-steel butcher's knife transformed into a cursed tool after cleaving through three semi-grade 4 curse spirits and being infused with the curse energy of Renko Ivanov.

- Damage: 15

- +5% Critical Chance.

- 10% Increase in attack speed.

Stat requirement: Strength(5), Dexterity(5)]

"Hmm, not bad at all."

Renko admired the effects of her curse technique on the butcher's knife, but as she did, she noticed her right arm felt more durable and stiff than before.

"Huh, that's odd."

She wiggled her fingers and arm, and to her surprise, it had gained a considerable increase in strength. Seems like the weapon's boost lasted as long as she was touching even the bare minimum of its parts. She continued to inspect the butcher's knife for a few more moments before putting it in her inventory and heading to the kitchen.

Moments later, she started by gathering the necessary cleaning supplies, and mentally preparing for the task ahead. As she worked, the monotony of cleaning gave her time to reflect on the strange abilities she had acquired.

She thought about her luck reaching 100 and the perks associated with it. Admittedly they were quite sweet but the idea of being so lucky stuck her as quite the ludicrous one considering her occupation in her previous life. 

With each passing moment, Renko's apartment began to regain its normalcy. The stains were scrubbed away, the furniture rearranged, and the sheets and rugs all piled up and stuffed in a single bag. As she finished the last bit of cleaning, Renko took a step back to admire her handiwork. The apartment looked as good as new.

"Alright, time to check the aftermath on the system,"

Renko said, activating the interface once more.

[Name: Renko]

[Occupation: High School Student]

[Level: 1]

[Experience: 50/100]

[HP: 100/100]

[MP(CE): 100/100]




[1*Antique Flintlock Pistol(8/10)]

[Money: $3,500,000(Bank)]

Everything seemed to be in order, and Renko couldn't help but wonder if there were new developments in her skills or attributes. She scrolled through the list once more, looking for any changes or upgrades.

'System, check for updates or new skills.'

[Checking for updates...]

[No updates available.]

[Checking for new skills...]

[Cleaning(1) Detected]


[You have Acquired A New Skill]

Renko sighed, a bit disappointed at the seemingly useless skill she picked up. However, she reminded herself that she had just started out and there would be plenty of opportunities for her to acquire new skills later on.

"Alright, time to figure out what to do next,"

She took out the flintlock from her inventory,


[Inferior Cursed Flintlock Pistol: Semi-Fourth Grade Cursed Tool

Durability: 8/10

Description: A poorly crafted flintlock pistol created by Renko Ivanov using her cursed technique, 'The Malevolent Arsenal.'

- Damage: 5

- Range: 20m

- Reloading: Manual(15CP), Automatic(25CP)

Stat requirement: Strength(5), Spirituality(5)]

Renko took a moment to observe the details of the flintlock pistol she had created using her cursed technique. Despite its inferior grade, the pistol had proven effective against the bug-like creatures. Maybe it could have been better if she wasn't half-dead when she created it

With the cleaning completed and the system checked, Renko decided to focus on understanding the extent of her cursed technique. She looked at the clock and noted that it was still early in the morning.

Renko placed the flintlock pistol back in her inventory and headed to the bathroom to freshen up. As she looked at herself in the mirror, she noted with quite a bit of surprise that all her wounds had healed and most of them didn't leave a scar behind. Keyword, 'most,' except for the one on her left eye and a large gash on her shoulder.

Well, she was still quite the looker.

Renko took a moment to admire her beauty in the mirror before walking out of the bathroom.

"Alright, let's see what else I can learn about this cursed energy and the Malevolent Arsenal,"

She muttered to herself.

[Malevolent Arsenal: Innate Cursed Technique

Description: An Innate Cursed Technique that, at its fundamental level, allows the user to create cursed tools (firearms) using cursed energy. 

At level 1: Create ancient firearms from muskets to flintlock pistols along with their respective ammunition. Each shot is charged with curse energy, allowing the user to exorcise curse spirits. The projectiles are materialized in the real world and can harm both spirits and normal humans.]

As Renko delved deeper into the information, she found a subsection related to this skill.

[Malevolent Arsenal:

1. Advanced Firearms: As the skill level advances, the user will unlock the ability to create more modern and powerful firearms.

2. Ammunition: The user could either create and store ammunition in advance or create them during a fight. 

3. Curse Spirit Exorcism(Advanced): Exorcising cursed spirits will advance the skill level as well as the user's level.

4. Expand: An arsenal consists of military equipment, weapons, ammunition, comfort items, medications, rations, and communication equipment. As the level of the skill progresses, the user will unlock the above-mentioned items.]

Expand the range of cursed tools that can be created beyond firearms. Since tactical knives come under the same category as weapons, she should be able to make similar items soon enough. Renko pondered her options, realizing that there was a lot more to her cursed technique than she initially thought.

Next, she considered the new skill she acquired during the cleaning process.

[Cleaning(1): 21/100

Description: A basic skill regarding cleaning and maintaining living spaces. Increases efficiency and effectiveness in tidying up.]

Renko chuckled at the skill she had gained, at least scrubbing away at the floor for an hour or so had some benefits.

[7:45 AM]

Well, she did fall asleep around 3 in the night and woke up at 6, three hours of sleep was quite insufficient but she would have to make do.

After Stretching her body for a bit, Renko changed into her school uniform and exited her apartment, locking the door behind her, and headed into the city, towards her school. 

'Wonder how Hori's doing today.'

Renko walked through the bustling streets towards her school, the city slowly coming to life as people started their day. Despite last night, the world around her seemed unchanged. The ordinary routines of the city carried on as if nothing extraordinary had occurred in her small apartment.

As Renko approached the school grounds, she noticed her friend Hori standing near the entrance, engrossed in a conversation with another student. Hori turned and spotted Renko, offering a cheerful wave.

"Hey, Renko! You look... well, a bit tired. Everything okay?"

Hori asked, concern evident in her eyes.

Ah, Renko messed up. She forgot to cover the scar on her. No wonder all those people were giving her those weird glances.

Renko managed a tired smile.

"Yeah, just had a rough night. You know how it is."

Hori nodded understandingly.

"Well, if you ever need to talk about it, I'm here."

Renko raised an eyebrow.


Hori rolled her eyes, used to her antics by now. 

"Seriously, with that scar, people will think you are some sort of thug."

Renko couldn't help but smirk.

"Thug, huh? Sounds fun."

Hori laughed and Renko laughed along with her, still amused by the idea of Hori thinking she was a thug. The thought of her tiny friend calling her that was a sight too much to handle for too long.

"Come on, we'll be late for class."

Renko said as she started walking towards the entrance. Hori followed along, looking at her friend for a moment with a concerned look on her face.

"Renko, are you sure you're alright? Are you sure you can't-"

Hori's words were cut off as she was tackled by the fur-ball named Yuki Yoshikawa.

"Hey there, good morning to you too."

Renko greeted while looking down to inspect the fur-ball she just picked up.

"What an adorable little ball of fluff."

She chuckled as she patted Yuki's head resulting in her hand getting swatted away gently,

"I am not your cat ya' know."

Muttered Yuki as she stood up straight, not even reaching Renko's shoulder.