
Cursed Zero: Negative

[This is the prequel to my book Cursed Zero, you should 100% read this before you start it. Once you've started reading this, don't switch to Cursed Zero, you'll confuse yourself] Once every one thousand years there is an event known as the Soul Parade occurs during the month of October were creatures known as yūrei appear. And it's up to a special group of people known as exorcist to stop them. And one of them is a boy name Soya, who is dragged into this when a bounty is put on his head and he is saved by the strongest exorcist, Sora Senju. Now Soya must help save the world from being consumed by yūrei

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Chapter 1 - Cursed Zero

Soya walked towards his school. As he got to the entrance gate of the school, he heard someone call him. "Yo, Soaya!" Soya stopped and turned around. "Minimaru, how are you?" Soya asked. Minimaru ran up to Soya. "I'm a good man," he said. Soaya nodded and began walking forward, with Minimaru following him. "Are you free later today?" he asked. Soya shook his head. "Sorry, I have a part-time job after school," he said with a sheepish smile. "Oh okay…" Minimaru's voice trailed off. "Yo Minimaru!" Both Minimaru and Soya turned around to see a boy and his gang of friends standing by the gate. "Oi, Minimaru, come hang with us and ditch that loser!" The boy said this as he took a cigarette and lit it. Minimaru turned to Soya and gave a smile that said, 'Sorry, but I gotta go'. Soaya nodded and said, "You can go; don't worry about it," but before Soaya could finish his sentence, Minimaru ran away. Soya sighed and turned around to walk to his classroom. Soya walked to his classroom, spaced out. He thought about how few friends he had and how he was sort of an outcast. As he was thinking about his situation, he bumped into someone. "Sorry, I should've watched where I was going," he said. "You should be an idiot," the person replied. Soya had an embarrassed look on his face. "Sorry," he said again. The person sighed. "You don't have to apologize again," the person said. Soya nodded, and the person walked away. "She seemed 'nice'," Soaya thought as he shook his head. Just then, the bell rang, and Soya walked towards his class. Once he got there, he entered the classroom and sat down in his seat. He waited awhile for the teacher to enter the classroom, but eventually he did. "Settle down, class. Now I'd like to introduce our two new students," the teacher said. Everyone began to whisper and talk about who they thought the new students were. "Honestly, I hope one of them is a super hot girl." "You're such a pervert, dude!" Soya waited curiously to see who the new students were. "You may come in," the teacher said. Just then, two people walked into the classroom. There was a boy and a girl. The boy had light blue-ish hair and black eyes. He was also about 175cm tall. The girl, on the other hand, was about 170cm tall. She had long black hair that was tied in a ponytail. She also had dark green eyes; they were so dark that they were almost black, and she wore a pair of glasses as well. "These are our new students, Mino Haibaya and Ito Ichi, '' the teacher said. Students began to whisper amongst themselves again, "Isn't Ito a last name?" "Yeah, it's kind of weird; that's his first name." "Bro, I'd smash that girl, no doubt!" "You're weird as hell, dude!" The students whispered amongst themselves. Soya's eyes widened when he saw the girl; that's the person he bumped into in the hallway. "How did I not know she was a new student?" Soya thought. Mino scanned the room, and then her eyes fell on Soya. She then leaned over to Ito and whispered something in his ear. Soya immediately looked down. "You two may choose any seats you'd like," the teacher said. A seats. Soya looked up and was completely shocked. They were coming to sit by the desk next to him. They both sat down in the seats opposite him. Soya stayed calm and kept his attention on the teacher. Then someone tapped his shoulder. Soya looked to his left and saw Ito smiling at him. "Yo, what's up?" he said calmly. "Nothing much," Soya replied. "What's your name?" Ito asked. "It's soya," he replied. "Well, Soya, it's nice to meet you," he said as he smiled. Soya couldn't help but notice that his words and his smile were odly 'fake'. The rest of the day went by in a flash. Soya packed up his things and prepared to leave. He looked out the window for a few seconds, admiring the view. The sun was setting, which made the view even better. He checked the time on his cellphone: 16:30. "The school is probably empty by now," he thought. Not to mention his part-time job was going to start anytime soon, so he had to get there quickly. He walked out of the classroom. As he walked out of the classroom, he saw Ito standing by the classroom door. "Soya, I've been waiting for you," Ito said. Soya looked confused. "Why?" He asked. "I wanted to know if you'd like to come with me to the mall," Ito said. "I've got somewhere to be, sorry," Soya said as he began to walk away. Just as he began to walk away, he felt a strong grip on his shoulder. "I'm not asking," Ito said in a serious tone. Soya looked at Ito's hand on his shoulder. "Take your hand off my shoulder," Soya said. Ito ignored him and instead increased the strength of his grip. Soya grabbed his hand. "I said, take your hand off my shoulder," he said. Just then, Soya noticed Ito's hand had a blue glow to it. "Could it be?" He thought. Ito smirked, "So it is you!" Before Soya could process anything, Ito grabbed his shirt and threw him down the hallway. Soya landed on his back. "Y'know, at first I didn't think it was you. I was like, 'How is this kid a 7-star threat'? Then I saw that thing around you, and I immediately knew it was you," Ito explained. Soya got up and said, "I don't know what the hell you're talking about!" Ito smirked. "Sure, buddy," he said before rushing at Soya. Ito stopped a few inches away from Soya. "What the!" He tried moving forward, but he couldn't. Then he felt something grab the back of his shirt. Ito then flew 15 meters backward and landed on his side. Ito looked up to see a giant 'monster' standing in front of Soya. It was about 5 meters tall and had horns; in the place we're, it's eyes should have been. It also had white skin and a small pair of wings on its ankles, as well as multiple tattoos of waves on its body. "That's one behemoth!" Ito shouted as he got up. "I doubt I'll be able to exorcise it by myself; seriously, where the hell is Mino?" Ito thought that himself. Just then the ceiling behind Soya cracks, and BOOM! The ceiling broke as something fell through. Soya turned around, and his eyes widened when he saw a girl brake through the ceiling and land on the floor. "Mino! And I thought you'd never show up!" Ito shouted. "Mino?! Isn't that girl in my class?" Soya thought as he looked at the girl standing in front of him now. "No need to get so excited, Ito," she said as she unsheathed the sword on her side. "What is going on?" Soya thought. Just then, Mino rushed at Soya, but she didn't make it far. The creature appeared in front of her and grabbed her sword before throwing her in Ito's direction. Miko landed on her feet effortlessly. "That brute is the only thing stopping us from completing this mission," she said. "Then let's kill it," Ito said with a sadistic smile on his face. "This seems bad; maybe I can." Before Soya could finish his thoughts, he felt something grab the back of his shirt. Then something began dragging him. "He's getting away?" Ito shouted. Soya looked up at the thing dragging him with a shocked face. "Oh, it's you," Soya said as his face went normal again. The person, or rather 'thing' caring for him, was another monster, 6 meters tall with white rough skin and branches where its eyes should've been. It also had many black flower tattoos on its body, with its right arm covered in red flower tattoos. The thing carried him outside and onto the school roof. Then it began jumping from roof to roof. Then suddenly, it stopped and put Soya down. "What the-" Soya looked forward to seeing a tall man standing in front of them. "Lucky, I found you before they did." The man said, Soya noticed the man was about 192cm tall; he also had black hair that hung in his face. The color of his eye was incredible, to say the least; it was a perfect mix between light blue and light pink that radiated a neon glow. "But since you have your spirit out, I'm guessing they got to you first, huh?" he said. Soya just stared at the man blankly. "Oh, I'm sorry, where are my manners? The name Sora…Sora Senju,"

What a chapter


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