
Cursed wolf

Raven is a werewolf stuck between two worlds. Shunned by both humans and her own kind because she can’t shift nor has a wolf of her own. However a chance encounter with alpha Kianti throws them both back into her past which is the last place she wants to be. All Kianti wants to do is protect Raven and all she wants is to prove that she’s strong enough to protect herself. How will she react when she realises there’s far more at stake then her own life. Will Raven be able to finally believe in the strength inside her or will Kianti loose his mate after only just finding her? —————-sneak peek————— Suddenly I heard a chuckle from the other side of the shower door. I stuck my head around as Kianti was leaning against the the basin a wide smile on his face. "Enjoying your shower?" I scowled. "I'd enjoy it more if you gave me some privacy." He smiled. "Why would I do that?" He started to undo his pants, as I started to panic. "What are you doing?" "Going for a shower what does it look like." "Can you not wait?" He dropped his pants quickly I closed the door. "It's not like you haven't seen me before." I growled "I wasn't exactly looking yesterday." He opened the door making me turn around my back to him. The shower had two shower heads and enough room for ten people but still just the fact that he was in here with me. My cheeks instantly turned bright red. I heard him turn on the other shower I couldn't move. I could feel his eyes on me there was no where to go if I tried to leave the shower it would place me right in front of him since the door was on his side. "Relax Rave it's not like I'm going to pounce on you even though Falc is screaming at me to do just that." Turning my head just enough so that I could ask. "Falc?" He chuckled. "My wolf." Despite myself I turned my head more as my eyes met his. The water made his eyes even brighter as he matched my stare. Slowly his eyes not leaving mine he stepped closer, I remained frozen not being able to push him away not that I wanted to. His hand moved my hair to the side as he touched my neck. His left hand slowly moved down my neck to my shoulder. He stepped closer his chest now touching my back. Our eyes still looked as his hand wrapped around my waist resting at my stomach. Yet closer he stepped still I could not move as his eyes moved to look down studying my naked body. "So beautiful." He whispered as he dipped his lips to my neck. Not being able to control myself my hand reached up to grab his hair as I pulled him closer a moan escaping my lips. His hand on my waist travelled lower to my very core. His hardness at my back pulsing as his fingers worked inside me. "Ki...." His body vibrated as his name escaped my lips. "Mate." Falc spoke through Ki as his fingers continued my heart racing as I neared the point of ecstasy. I felt ki's canines graze my skin. My hand went to the wall to steady me as his right hand cupped my Brest. "Mine." His canines nibbled at my neck I knew he was fighting the urge to mark me. I also knew within my heart that he wouldn't do it til I gave permission and I knew that I could never give it. Growling he took my lips in his as my core exploded with pleasure. My body shook all over as my legs became jelly. Turning he got out grabbing a towel and headed to the door. "Met me outside and we'll start your training." Without another word he closed the door behind him. It took me awhile to recover after what had happened. Why didn't I stop him? I knew deep down that even if I wanted to I couldn't have stopped him. My body called to his just as his called to mine. #Disclaimer cover photo is not mine

dragonpaw · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
61 Chs

21. Tharon’s confession


She'd collapsed I caught her just before she hit the floor.

"Somebody help!"

The twins burst through the door just as I was laying her on the bed.

Luke or was it Leo? one of them turned to the other.

"Go get Ki!"

The one remaining turned on me growling.

"What did you do?!"

I growled back anoyed with the accusation.

"Nothing we were just talking and she passed out! I don't know what happened."

Suddenly with lighting speed Ki had me up against the wall.

"If you've hurt her I don't care what you mean to her I'll kill you!"

His eyes glowed blue his canines out barely controlling his wolf. I didn't care if he was an alpha I would never hurt Raven she meant more to me then anyone.

"How about instead of blaming me you get someone to help her!"

He drew closer his canines inch's from my face.

"Or I kill you and whatever you've done to her is reversed."

I growled he was wasting time these city wolves too hot headed for their own good.

"Or you could get her some help don't you have a healer in your pack?"

Ki reluctantly put me down roughly pushing me towards the twins.

"Take him downstairs I don't want him anywhere near her."

I growled at the twins.

"I'm not leaving her."

Ki punched me knocking me back a few steps, pain vibrating through my jaw.

"Ever since you got here you've caused nothing but trouble for her now I'm not letting you Any where near her until I figure out what you've done!"

I didn't want to leave her but I knew Ki would never let me stay. I was in his territory there was no way I'd be able to fight his whole pack. Reluctantly I let the twins lead me downstairs. Even if I did decide to fight despite the odds I knew Rav wouldn't want me hurting any of them let alone her precious mate. I growled as the twins pushed me forward.

They lead me to the basement where they had a room full of cells. Lone laughed,

'Do they really think cells can hold a forest lakes wolf. They have no idea what they are dealing with.'

I chuckled at his remark.

'But we can't do anything Rav would be furious at us.'

'As would Caryi.'


The twins shoved me into the cell closing the door.

I could feel the wolfsbane woven into the bars.

'Definitely have no idea if they think wolfsbane will suppress our power.'

"Well well well if it isn't the stray Tharon picked up as a child."

I turned to the cell next to me as the twins disappeared.

"Halk? I had wondered where you got to."

Halk laughed bitterly.

"Oh yea been here for what a week now just wasting away bored out of my mind."

"Serves you right for trying to kill Raven even though I know your orders were to capture only."

Halk shrugged.

"There was a higher bidder."

"Hmm I bet there was."

Halk lay down on the bed using a bone to pick his teeth.

"So what brings you here? Did Tharon send you after the girl too?"

I sighed I was going to be here for awhile might as well pass the time.

"Not exactly."

Halks eyes narrowed.

"Oh dam! your in love with her! Well I'll be Tharon's golden boy in love with a useless mutt."

I growled.

"Watch your mouth bounty hunter or I'll rip it out!"

He held up his hands.

"Hey no judgment here go for it I don't blame you she is a looker. I'll even wish you luck."

I sat down on the dogs bed scowling.

'Nice joke seems these blue moon wolves have a sense of humour....how cute.'

I smiled at Lones words.

After a full day of being in this cell I was starting to feel claustrophobic. Wild wolves didn't do well being locked up.

I began to feel anxious as I started pacing.

"Hey there boy easy does it you need to calm down before you loose control."

I paced faster as my canines extended.

'We need to get out Zeld!'

I growled.

"I know lone!"

I yelled out loud.

Halks laughter only served to make me madder.

"I wouldn't laugh if I were you if I loose control you'll be the first to suffer Lones wrath."

Halks smile widened.

"Oh but Im counting on it."

I howled hopeing to get somebody's attention.

Seconds later the twins came back in.


They started to say but stopped mid sentence as they saw I was already starting to shift.

"What the hell you shouldn't be able to do that!"

I howled again trying desperately to hold on to my human form.

"You need to let me out if I loose control it would be very bad for everyone in this house!"

They looked at each other. I slammed my hands on the bars gritting my teeth.

"I'm serious I don't do well in bars I give you my word I won't try to escape but you need to let me out of this cell!"

One of them disappeared coming back seconds later with Ki in tow.

"What now!"

I growled.

"Let me out now I can't hold him back for much longer."

"How do I know you won't run!"

I cried out as I forced Lone back again.

"I give you my word now hurry up Rav would kill me if I hurt any of you."

Ki sighed as he indicated for the twins to open the cell.

Rushing out I instantly felt better. Panting I looked to Ki.

"Thank you."

He grunted narrowing his eyes.

"Thais said Rave is fine she's just sleeping but I'm not convinced."

He inclined his head wanting me to follow him.

He took me to the massive book lined office closing the door behind him he turned to me.

"If you really cared for her you'll tell me what happened before she passed out."

I glared at him.

'Serious trust issues this one.'

"We were just talking that's all then she got upset and passed out."

"Upset about what? What were you talking about?"

I remained silent it wasn't my place to tell him anything not to mention it was none of his business.

Ki sighed.

"Look let's be honest with each other here I despise you you despise me but I can see how you feel about her. Problem is she's my mate and I'm not giving her up. So let's just get that out of the way right now she will never be yours."

I knew he was trying to be polite but the threat was still there.

"You have no idea what your dealing with Ki she is far more important then you could ever know."

Ki growled in frustration.

"Then tell me!"

It was at that moment the door to the office swung open ki turned to yell at whoever had interrupted us however stopped as Tharon walked in.

"Ah there he is I had a feeling I'd find you here."

Ki growled.

"What's the meaning of this!"

Tharon's lips spread into a sneer as he looked down at Ki.

"Well you see I seem to have lost my adapted son and a little birdy told me he was here. I've merely come to claim back what is mine."

"This is my territory Tharon he was caught trespassing therefore is my prisoner by right."

"Ah but you see since he is still a member of my pack it is my responsibility to deal whatever punishment I deem fit. Unless of corse you wish to take this too the council as a formal complaint either way he still comes with me until such time as the council next convenes."

Ki looked to me hesitating. I sighed Ki had more important things to deal with like Rav and her mysterious sleep.

"It's fine I'll go."

Ki turned to me his face blank but I could see it in his eyes that in some small way he was grateful.


Tharon's clicked his fingers as two moon goddess pack members each grabbed one of my arms.

As they pushed me passed Ki I paused.

"Keep her safe."

Ki's slight nod the only indication that he heard me as I was dragged out of the house and forced into Tharon's limo.

Tharon jumped in seconds later. The two that roughly put me in the car got into the front.

Tharon was silent his eyes watching me an unreadable mask on his face as the blue moon estate disappeared from view.

"If your going to kill me get it over with."

Tharon frowned. he suddenly seemed sad which was not normal for him. Well that he was showing any type of emotion wasn't normal.

"I don't want to kill you Zeld, I want to save you. Save both of you."

I narrowed my eyes what kind of game was this?

"Don't believe me? here."

He handed me a file slowly I opened it. As I realised what I was holding I snapped my eyes back to Tharon.

"What is this?"

"Exactly what it looks like. It's everything you need to find the forest lakes pack. Plus all the names of who to trust in the moon goddess pack and who Shiya has under her thumb."

I shook my head taking in everything in the file.

"I don't understand."

Tharon poured himself a drink of whiskey as he rubbed his temple suddenly looking exhausted.

"When I attacked Lyietas pack I wanted to eliminate the competition. I believed that if I took out the last true wild wolf pack no one would have the power to challenge me. That was before I saw lyieta. She was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen. So I made a deal to spare her pack if she mated me. I treated her badly I was angry that we could never be true mates I wanted it so badly but there was always something missing between us.

That was when Loki stole her from me, her true mate. I was jealous of what they shared. In my anger I tracked them down and destroyed them all. At least I thought I did."

He sighed as he remembered his past.

"She was killed in the attack I blamed Loki if he hadn't taken her away she would still be alive so I hunted him. After months I finally tracked him down or rather he let me catch up. He had a child their child I didn't even know she existed. Loki was prepared to hand her over to me on a promise that I raised her as my own saying that a life on the run was not a life for someone as special and she was. I love her Zeld like she was my own Loki had cursed her locking her powers so that I could not use them for myself.

He was right to curse her back then I would have done exactly that. I started to try find ways to break her curse. However in my search I ended up in Greenland I had heard of a witch who was powerful enough to maybe lift it. So involved in my search I didn't think I was walking into a trap. The remaining wolves of the forest lakes pack captured me. I thought they were going to kill me but they didn't instead what they did was far worse."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing he had found our pack or rather they had found him. Why was he telling me all this?

"What did they do?"

He smiled bitterly.

"They showed me my death. Shiya my own daughter will be my downfall. Everything I fought so hard for amounted to nothing. Can you imagine knowing that your own daughter will kill you?"

He pointed to the file.

"Since that day I have vowed to protect the last wild wolves pack. I even took you in as atonement for my sins since I was the one who had killed your parents. I banished Raven because I could see her wilting in New York. Even without her wolf she belonged in the wild just like the rest of your kind. I tell you this Zeld because the vision they showed me will soon come to pass. I need you to tell Raven my story and give her that file with it she will find her pack and become the alpha she was meant to be. She doesn't belong with a city wolves she belongs in the wild."

I flipped through the pages this was all just so much to take in all these years both Rav and I hated him. When he was protecting us and our pack all this time.

"Is there no way to save you? what if you come with us?"

Tharon shook his head.

"I must pay for my sins Zeld I'm a corrupt old fool who wasted my life gaining as much power as possible I am better off dead after what I've done. Plus while Shiya is busy moving on me you and Raven can slip unnoticed to Greenland."

Tharon knocked on the window and the limo pulled to the side. We were not far from the blue moon estate but Tharon pointed outside.

"Wait for her she will come after you I know it and when she does take her to her pack. Be her beta protect her and stop my daughter from destroying every one of our kind."

I nodded as I stepped out of the limo file in hand.

Tharon grabbed my arm.

"Stay safe Zeld I'm sorry for making you an orphan and hope that one day you can forgive me."

Stunned by all of It I watched as he closed the door leaving me on the side of the road at a loss for what had just happened. I looked up, the blue moon estate was not visible from here but as I held the file in my hands I knew Tharon was right I wanted more then anything to be Ravs beta. She was my alpha and together we would find our pack and take down Shiya.