
Who's she

After work Mr Jason decided to go visit his parents with ella while he sent Annie on a meeting request. When he got there he beeped for the gate go open the gate, "Good evening sir"

" good evening, are my parents home" " yes sir" Jason headed in to meet his mother in the sitting room watching TV " Good evening mom" Jason's mother's eyes were fixed on Ella " who is this skinny girl, are you cheating on your girlfriend with this....." " Jason who is this beautiful lady" Jason's father says as he heads down stairs " She is my secretary" " better, I thought you were cheating" " do you have a girlfriend?" " No father I....." " shut up, my dear he has and her name is Annie I met her at my last visit to Jason's company" "mother she is not my girlfriend" " well Jason if you say so, this secretary of your is beautiful and fit to be your wife" '100 percent correct' Ella thought " no Donald, he has a girlfriend and there is no way she will be replaced with this skinny" " who told you she is skinny, can't you see how beautiful she is with skin So smooth" " are you admiring another woman in front of me?" " No dare you got it wrong I..." " nevermind, Jason is getting married to Annie and it's final" " come on mom, I just came in let's have a nice relaxing dinner before I go" " are you leaving today" "yes, have some business to attend to" " well then make sure not to bring this skinny lady here again" " mom" "Shut up and eat".