
Destined marrige

In another town, A family was having there breakfast when they heard a known on their door"come in" "good morning Austin hart" "Morning Japheth" "Come and join us for breakfast" " thank you Lina hart but I came here to talk to your husband" " Oh okay" " Austin have you concluded on what I said" " about that, I will have to confront her first to know her opinion" " What do you mean by her opinion, my son and your daughter has been destined together" " I know but I care more about her feelings". " if you say so, I will take my leave now, have a nice day". " you too", " honey is Lauretta engaged?" " no, but Japheth said his son has an eye on her and there had been destined together" " but have you asked Lauretta?" "I will, let's just eat before I go to work" " okay, I love you" " love you more".