
cursed tea cups

Bastain had been giving a mission to figure out the magic behind an English cafe / bar and through meeting the bar tender he learns more about the cafe and is eventually wanting to stay there and improve it with the bar tender Damian

lolly_pop_8166 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
4 Chs

day 1


The air had always had a certain bitterness to it especially around the poorer area's of England . The thick wisps of black smoke which would engulf your chest and tighten itself ; to the point where wheezing and coughing seemed common place around that area . This made it harder with the rain that was in a constant thick and heavy downpour making the air dank and heavy . It was notable not only one one's chest as it could be seen the area infront darkening with a heavy smog . That in itself had made the time quite hard to tell in the region adding onto the idea that slight hues in the colouring from a greyish blue to a navy blue where quite hard to tell . This especially became a larger issue due to the fact elves had struggled to notice the difference between different shades of different colours ; it was why villages they where placed in had been decorated with more than 12-15 colours throughout a block of the area . Which learning from the glares he was given by many of the scruffy civilians of this particular street was seldom done in that culture . However this reign he had to get use to knowing how he was warned about many future exponditons being placed here .

He stuck his hand deeply into his back pocket and shoved his hand around there for several seconds , the map slightly out of reach from him before turning around and peering through the dark pit which was his cloaks pockets . Eventually - after many unsavoury glances from the humans who passed by - he pulled out the scroll . It was quite old whith a certain amount of tattering around the edges , small peices slit and torn off . As he placed his fingers around the edge and peeing through his narrow peripheral vision tapped the scroll gently and created a light blue bubble around it . Where in which the water had slid off the bubble and dribbled off the surface .

You will be exploring A tarven placed in middleborough England which is suspected to have magic within it . A suspicion that was build upon the unusual effects the tea is known to have on the guests who have been there . Go to the area and question the guests and bar tender if having to work there to get the information it will be required to do that aswell .

He read over the text multiple times , so they will be asking Bastain to work in an unknown location for a reason he is unable to know . This quest may take weeks to figure out as magic in England doesn't happen every 5 seconds and mortal usually falsely sense it . The food is magical is a phrase that can be used to enchanted tea or because it tasted like grandma's food - and besides understanding the sentiment it was still the sort of jargon that made him judge this races intelligence . Although new location , many opuntinties . There was no time limit so trying the usual palette of the English could be ... alright in some aspects knowing how he would probably be entering many pubs , cafes and restruants as tarven is used to descibe all of them . He then casted another spell gently tapping his head as the thought had came to him it located losely where the complaints had been started and he used that and a few visions to pin point locations ; he was east of the town and the last time he checked these effects where placed around the east part although more south ease than anything else . A quaint part of the area although one where still you may see a drunk guy on the street corner or at least he was told that about the area when talking to another coworker - which he talked to a lot of things about . The rain and landed across his boots which where slanted slightly on a heel and dripped down into small puddles beneath his feet . Which had created dull pattering on the ground the water creating small ripples on the pavement ; in which the cracks in the pavement had filled up with grime and other sources of brown goey substances which he couldn't name fully .

The night itself quite dark even without the smog covering the area . As the pavement was barely seen unless underneath the street lamps which small yellow glow was the only source of light and reason to see anything below . It also had a slightly shiver to to the air even without the rain leaving to him hugging into his jacket and standing stationary trying to cast a warmth spell , although hesitant to move unless even the slightest bit of heat leaves his body . This had left him with one thought that if he ran to the closest shelter it would be better for him one closest the hotel to avoid the walk that the morning would . there was a large portion of the next few weeks to walk around and knowing the loose rules he was eager to take the opportunity . Middleborough it's a city with other cities near by - which he can't visit - even then the area would have at least a few things to do right ? . He started to rush across the street towards a a large narrowing streets a few feet away from the area peering around the area to find anything that was open . There where a few bars , which in turn had big burly guys guarding the doors like knights . And as the night become more bitter and crisp a new place had caught his eye . One with a red canopy over the front enterance , a wine red colour with a sturdy structure as it kept upright even with the carcade of water cascading down it and the building itself had an unusual structure being that the bricks where white with a small sign placed near the left side of the building furthest to the window . The sign being a cup of coffe with a purple wisp of smoke to it - poison he thought taht represented to humans at least unusual advertising - the surrounding sign with red flowers the same colour as the conopy . His jacket was tense and dripped down with multiple different droplet areas . The ground beneath was dark although looked quite clean through what he could perceive . The window itself was alight with a blazing glow from the lamp like structure what could be seen through the polished glass and several tables that where placed all throughout the cafe . it was a pretty good the place quiet quaint and may offer a good set of coffee and tea he could try . Before being on some of the more usual mind bending things the other cafe that he was told to go to offered . He tried to quietly go into the place just to lurk around slightly . That plan had failed as he heard a loud blaring bell being played for all to see at the enterance - it wasn't the most garish noice but it was attention seeking . For a moment he was unable to think only looking in at the place with a sort of empty but confused look in his eyes . He darted his stare around the place to notice no one was in the place at the moment which was a positive to him , he never really liked being around people especially when humiliated at things : that didn't really make sense to anyone else . He took a few steps in the water from his jacket dropping onto the floor in serval small puddles .

The place itself was quite cozy , the orange glow of the lights where placed in candle hold shaped lightbulbs , pretty much the bulb was like a candle light on the plastic base which had looked like a candle holder . Which where placed a few feet away from each one , a large amount of them placed around the semi large establishment where it was well lit although the light never became to intense . There were light noices of scuffling around that where usually placed in the back of the area although it was quite dull and and not really noticeable to a usual person . He took a few more steps in as the coldness of the outside had washed over his body . It was really warm in the area the gusts of air instead of bitter where cozy and quite relaxing . Almost like the place had taken the bulbs of the light and gave there warmth to the full area . That making a warmth spell obsolete now .

The carpet itself had matched the canopy a deep red hue that was the colour of red wine . It made the place look quite refined with a certain romantic sense towards the place . The wallpaper was a cream sort of colour although with the area's of the light had looked almost like a golden colour highlighting the yellow tints of the patterns placed primarily in the middle of the wall . The bar top which was quite suprising knowing it was a cafe was placed around in the left part of the bar a few feet away from that corner where a set of two , two seater tables where . The tables decorated in a white silky cloth with sets of warm coloured roses on the edges taht hung down slightly , as the stand in the middle had multiple sets of cutilary wrapped in cream-coloured silk like napkins . Even above his head was the bell that looked almost like rusty gold if that was a possible thing that could happen . He Walking further into the place he felt slowly the jacket he was wearing slowly drying off and his boots becoming luminance in the light . He went toward a table and looked at the menu seeing the main ingredients of each area . One thing in particular stood out a special recipe of tea that offered exponentially an impossible task . To subside any bad memories . His memories , well they weren't perfect and I simple cup of tea could stop that . One drink of something would caus such an effect without even mentioning the barrage of side effects . A thing that in this world would have a simaler effect to a drug but wasn't named . To get rid of that most would take the side effect , he would take any of the side effects for a promise it made . He read it more carefully it almost seems magical the effects it promised . He steadily walked over to the bar area and looked just over the counter to see a tall man hunched over looking at some sort of box

The man in particular had pale , whitish skin with small pink hues around the cheeks . Long night black hair that was tucked just under his shoulders and had a expentional ability to hunch over with long pointed ears that twitched while looking at the box almost like he noticed him . Vampire . He in a steady walk started to walk out of the place almost tip toeing so hi presence was not noticed by the man . By now the tense feeling in his shoulders tightened to a weary extent as it felt like rubber bands had dragged them slightly backwards away from where he was trying to place his shoulders against . His steps where quiet and nervous as he came across the area , once every few seconds peering back from his shoulder to see the man's head . He hadnt peeked up and the small rustling of his hands across the shelf continue and a small clings of the glass tapping gently against each other . The closer he came towards the door a pitter patter and appeared on the canopy and floor . He quickly took out another letter to see it quickly mention that he was getting placed in a hotel just a few miles away from the bar . The signs where there that this place in particular was where he would be visiting tommorow.

He took one last look of the area the glow of the light bouncing off the bar tenders hair and the place being still and in some sort of tranquility . His hand outstretched towards the door handle as he took it and pulled it back quickly as he darted off across the road , the open sign still flapping around to the naked eye . As he saw the hotel in the distance he had alluded himself to a sort of security .