
Cursed System

In a world that is cruel is it possible to not kill? Maybe if you didn't have a system that forced you to kill it could be possible. Yet when you are at the bottom what is there to lose? Living in a world where cultivation is everything, Victor is lucky that the Cursed system gives something good despite whatever drawbacks it has.

ObsidianWolf · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Plans in the Background

After exiting the house Alice's blush disappeared almost instantly. Instead, her expression was replaced by a calm smile as she walked to her car without worry.

After seeing her enter the car James quickly started up the car, "How did it go?"

Alice spoke with a sly smile, "It went better than expected. He most definitely still has that crush on me which definitely helped. I convinced him to accompany me to the NORO event. I think it will be the perfect event to know how good his skill and talent are."

James raised his eyebrows, "You couldn't tell while talking to him?"

Alice's smile faltered as she spoke with an annoyed tone, "Well, it is hard to tell if he is part of one, but it seems like it is very likely. He lives in this basic house since it is the only sentimental thing his father left behind. When I asked about his father's death he avoided the question but when I mentioned the cultivator who committed the crime he responded with a simple, 'He will eventually get what he deserves.' 

Everything is so strange. I think there definitely is an organization behind him since he let it slip that he is working on a skill. This alone means it is likely he has already been cultivating and simply got the test today out of convenience. Yet when I hinted at the organization he joined he said he had not joined any clans. 

Of course, this could simply mean he can't say or that it is an organization that works in the shadows. I can't leave any stone unturned while researching this, so I need to contact the Cultivator Headquarters and talk to those who got his tests. There is a chance that those people who gave him the cultivation technique also gave him the skill in the hopes of staying on good terms with him.

If we can find out if he got the skill out of nowhere, then we can figure he is in an organization. The next problem is how much the organization values him. NORO will be the place where we can figure this out if he is extremely skilled he could be a high-value talent to the organization. If that is the case we will need to further our attempts to befriend him."

James looked surprised, "That is a lot of analyzing, but you are missing something."


"Your father. If the organization is too good or if he sees too much talent in him he might force you to get married to the kid."

Alice let out a tired sigh, "He would have sold me to some cultivator one way or another, I wouldn't mind it if I could figure out to whom beforehand." Suddenly Alice's expression turned into a wide smile as she spoke with anticipation, "If I know I can manipulate Victor to be 'my' husband, and even if he wants to get another woman he will feel the need to follow my wishes. Since he already likes me he will be more susceptible to my control."

"And if he loses favor with the organization due to your control?"

An evil smile spread as she spoke, "Well, even better! I will have a slave husband who follows my every word and a great excuse to give my father every time he tries to push for a different partner!"

"That... If... *sigh* Never mind, I understand mistress. Should we try and artificially improve his performance to make him your husband?"

"Hmm... That wouldn't be bad... Alright, I have decided! My puppet husband will be Victor Harbinger! Get an invitation to NORO from my father and tell him it is imperative since we have found a once-in-a-lifetime talent. Explain everything about his supposed organization and why we think that... Actually, make sure he is part of it after checking with the Cultivator Headquarters. Then, tomorrow we visit him!"

"I shall prepare everything, mistress."


Sitting on the top floor of a particular high rise, a man looked out the window with his back turned to his subordinate, "So that kid got a cultivation test?" This man was the cultivator that killed Victor's father.

"Yes sir."

"What did he get?"

"I couldn't find out, but it should be in the Metal Tier based on how protective they were of him."

Frowning the man turned around and looked at his subordinate, "How sure are you?"

"I found out an influential family seemed to be following him. I am unsure which one, but it can be seen he will most likely be protected in the near future."

"It doesn't matter if he is protected now, the question is when can we get him out of the city and out of the protection of the city. If he truly obtained a Metal Tier Cultivation system, then... I need everyone to gather information! We need to know all the things he is doing! I can't die! I refuse! Considering he has just got his cultivation system, he should be reading it and practicing it."

In the city, there is a formation that keeps all cultivators safe from outside threats, but also prevents cultivators from attacking using any type of energy. If an attack is too strong it will activate the formation. There are only a few places that are safe from the formation which are usually just gyms and certain school facilities.

It is in one of those gyms that Victor's father suffered from an 'accident' during 'training' from this man. The man's name is Klaus. He isn't anyone special, in fact, he was rather poor before forcefully taking over the company. He was simply lucky that he tricked Victor's father and was able to take everything Victor's father made.

"We believe that if things go right he is likely to enter the NORO event. Besides that I doubt you can find him without the protection of the city barrier any time soon."

Klaus frowned further. He had barely gotten rich and now he was at risk of losing it all. After thinking for a while he made up his mind, "I will attack him then, but if he reaches level 2, then I will give everything up. I will never leave the city or enter a gym. That is final."

The men all started making plans against the boy who hadn't even started cultivating.


"What do you think?"

"I think we should just leave it."

At the Cultivator's headquarters, several people were gathered around a meeting table arguing.

"I agree, he definitely has an organization with him."

"We should push! He can't get that far with only a few levels of the cultivation technique, and even if he has an organization, can that organization guarantee they can get the highest levels? No for that he needs people like the new president!"

"No! Pushing will only lead to ruin! If the organization is too powerful we will only antagonize them!"

"We should push!"



*ring* *ring*

"Sorry, I need to take this."

A man left, but the argument continued. After ten minutes the man returned.

"EVERYONE!" The man called for attention, and soon everyone followed, "I have received word from the Lockheart daughter that he definitely has an organization!"

"How could they know? Did he tell them"

"Why would they tell us?"

Soon murmurs spread all around until the man calmed them once again. "HUSH!... Now they were asking questions before about the boy's results, so I had the chance to contact them. Now they had learned he knew a technique and they asked if we gave it to him. I don't think anyone did, did they?"

Seeing many shake their heads he smiled, "So it is confirmed he got a skill from somewhere and no one knows where. Well if that doesn't sound like an organization, I don't know what it sounds like!"

Soon many supporters to push fell silent. 

"You know what I think?"

Everyone looked to the man in confusion, "I say we push, now before you complain hear me out. We will only push after the NORO event. He should be able to join it in some way or another, so we will be able to see how much support the organization is giving him.

If they are really pushing him forward they probably have all the levels of the Celestial Cultivation system, or at least most of them. Yet if they don't support him much..."

"Then they probably can't get him to the higher levels they want everyone to reach!"

Soon sounds of agreement sounded more loudly as everyone decided to wait until the event to make their final decision.

Victor who was at the center of this whole controversy was completely oblivious to how important the 49% compatibility was to these high and mighty cultivators. After all, no one mentions that most people can't even reach 20% compatibility with a cultivation system. Even 30% compatibility is considered good talent! Yet nearly 50% compatibility especially with a Platinum Tier cultivation system was almost unheard of! At least on Rhea.

Victor of course didn't know any of that and instead was spending his time explaining important things to his sister.