

[Warning: Mature Content.] "You are indeed a stubborn one, are you not?" Servyn taunted. "I don't understand your complaints, Your Highness." She was goading him intentionally. Servyn nodded slowly. His smile now lengthened into a mischievous grin. "One day." He began, looking straight into her gloaming eyes. "I will make you say my name." It was not a promise, it was a threat and Hermione could feel it in her bones. The intensity of his gaze on her. The drumming sounds that burst from her chest banged her ears. "I want to go back home." Hermione brought down her eyes to her hands which subconsciously fidgeted with her dress. . . . In a kingdom called Avalon, far, far away from the creatures they fear, lived an innocent beauty. She was rumored to be a witch. She was spited and hated upon by the people of Avalon because of her own misfortune. There was no one who wasn't aware of her past, a past she herself could not clearly recall, which was now imposed on her as a witch. Fate played a very dirty trick on her when the Crown Prince of Avalon intruded her life without an entrance pass. Bringing alive all the dead desires in her that she had decided to bury. Oh, no! they were never there to begin with. Will this life of hers remain sad forever? Time will tell, and oh! time did tell when certain revelations pushes them farther away from each other, imprinting more pains and sorrows to her already broken heart. Remember, it was a dirty trick. His life revolves around her, and hers around him. He cannot breathe when she's not near. Despite the obvious warnings and consequences of their union, he obstinately declared. “Hermione Larabee, I will never let you go.” _______ A/N: It's a tale of forbidden Love and a forbidden romance, goes on its own pace. Don't hesitate to give it a try and your wonderful support.

Moon_light16 · Fantasy
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170 Chs

Twenty Crowns

"I will buy it, whatever that got lost, I will buy it."

Hermione stilled at the voice. She recognized it very well. What was he doing here?

She was still in his arms, pressed against his body. The sweet scent he emitted made it hard for her to pull away. She cursed herself.

The murmuring from the crowds knocked her back to reality. She hurriedly peeled herself off his hold. Now they were staring at each other, and he offered her a smile. It was not one of those his smirking or teasing smile. If she could describe it, it was a 'Didn't expect to see you this soon' smile. She only stared at him confused.

"The item cost twenty crowns." The voice of the old man was heard, making people gasp at what he just said.

Could the item really be that precious? Who was willing to pay such amount for a single piece of jewelry. The crowd thought.

Hermione stiffled a laugh from leaving her lips. "You could have just said that you were looking for who you could cheat than to blame a lie on me." Hermione said, feeling rage.

But the stranger looked unfazed as he said. "Alright."

Hermione immediately snapped her head at him. What did he just say?

"You are not doing anything like that." She mouthed to him.

"Why?" He questioned in response with a raised brow. He seemed to like doing that.

Why? Was he actually asking her why? She could tell he was some wealthy lord, but she was not going to let him throw money on this cheap man who was looking for whom to rip off.

"I mean, you do not even know me." She spoke.

"Are you saying, I do not know you to the extent of me helping you, Miss Larabee?"

There comes the name again. She sighed, she knew she sounded harsh but he was just trying to help her here.

"Okay listen, I didn't do it, I did not take any priced possession…or what so ever. I did not do anything so I won't want you spending ravishly. I know it doesn't mean anything to you but it does to me." Hermione explained.

The old man was already getting impatient from their chat, and the onlookers were wondering how the man managed to be so close to her without feeling repulsed. "Did he not know she was a witch?" One of them said. While the women had their eyes on him in awe.

The stranger understood what she meant. If indeed he paid for what they claim she stole, then it would actually mean admitting that she indeed stole it.

"I know you did not do it." He spoke with such confidence in his eyes that fascinated her.

Hermione looked at him in silence for a while. "How?" She asked, quite unsure why he believed her, even with the whole crowd saying something else, he chose to believe her.

He didn't reply for a minute, his gaze looking right straight into hers, pulling her into it's depth, and Hermione didn't know why she felt like she was willing to drown in those depths.

"Just my instincts." He replied vaguely. Distracting her from those grey orbs of his.

He then turn to the old man. "Here, take it." He said to him, flinging a small coin purse which the man caught with ease.

Hermione just stared at his face silently.

"Now that, that is done, we will be leaving." He said finally, taking her hand in his, and evacuating the place.

The hush sounds and whispers didn't die down even one bit as they left. Hermione's eyes were only stuck on her hand that was completely covered by his huge one. It brought a strange feeling to her chest but her gaze on it was expressionless. Suddenly she felt lightness, her brows furrowed slightly. She realized that he had let go of her hand, and it felt…. Lacking?

Suddenly she felt cold on her hands, the warmth was gone. What was she thinking? Hermione cleared her throat.

"Thank you." She appreciated his help with a little bow.

"You are welcome." He said turning to her. But her expression told him something else. She did not just have more than thanking him to say, she was holding back a question.

Hermione heard his chuckle and looked up at him. "What do you want to ask?" She heard him say.

Was it that obvious, she pursed her lips. "Pardon my rude question my Lord, but what are you doing here?"

"Is the a rule that said I could not be here?" He replied with a question of his own.

"You look of higher status, and it is not common seeing your type in a local market. So…" Hermione paused.

"I was just curious." She seconded.

She could see him nod from the corner of her eyes. "Not all people are the same." That was the only thing he said and he increased his pace further, which she did same to meet up with him.

They walked in a calm quietness. Though she received all the glares and glances she did not care. If she had followed them and lived the way they wanted, then she would not lead a happy and comfortable life like she did now.

Hermione did not think that she will meet him this soon again, it was unexpected, and she felt surprised when she realized he was the one, from his voice. She remembered his scent, it was so attractive. Was that a perfume he used or his natural scent? She could not point out, she would have to perceive it more if she wanted to know. What!!

"I will stop here, sorry I can not accompany you home Lady Larabee." He said, which she was grateful for because his deep, and smooth voice distracted her from her absurd thought, and stopped her midway from tugging at her hair in frustration.

"Thank you my Lord, you have done enough." She replied him.

He gave one last smile to her before turning away to leave, and she wondered if she will ever see him again.

"Wait my Lord." Hermione called out to him, and when he looked at her she asked. "Will you be at the fair tomorrow evening?"