
Battle Results and the Sacred Flame

I descended the long staircase, guided by a demon butler, and exited the palace.

Waiting for me was my tutor, Sophia.

Sophia, who had been floating around looking bored, brightened when she saw me. Not because I had returned safely, but probably because her dull wait was finally over.

"Welcome back, Zilvagias-sama."

She landed on the ground and gave a formal bow with her usual serious expression.

I was about to ask, Where's Mother?, but hesitated. It seemed a bit too… overprotective, like a child coddled too much, to be the first thing I asked upon leaving the palace.

"Where's Mother?"

In the end, I couldn't think of anything else to say, so I asked it anyway.

"Lady Platy had urgent work to attend to," Sophia replied.

"An emergency patient?"

Sophia nodded.