
cursed: Origins

Synopsis  Djagal lost his whole family in an accident out of the blue. Devastated and crushed under the intangible force of regret and sorrow. Sensing his despair an entity approached him. " I can get back what you’ve lost only if you will be willing to pay the price ". " I will pay any price to get them back” He went on to do the inconceivable. “Great then you wish shall be granted.” as the voice faded so did the figure. Djagal was amazed when he heard the doctors. “It’s amazing Mr. Djagal vlake your family did survive the accident; they are being brought to the metropole to get the best treatment we have” the doctor excitedly explained. He couldn’t believe his ears. "Oh my! was this real? he said pay the price what was that price”. From that day onward Djagal went on to leave a wonderful and fulfilling life with his wife and two sons.  Until the day it happened …….

flowingMagic · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Chapter 1 dept collector

Town: SKIRSH a town at the suburbs of one of the biggest metropolises of the country 

"Hey babe don't want chat with me. you look …." A lecherous smile almost salivating before the godlike beaty in front of him. "SIMON VLAKE!!!!! What the hell are you doing? do you think the store will get cleaned on its own" the manager screamed out of his lungs. he seemed tired of repeating the same thing every day to this stupid child of his. 

"Hey uncle Sam come on sister Maggy and I we just taking a short break am wright senior sister Maggy?" Simon sends his eagle eyes to Maggy a beautiful teenager who blinked incredulous. she couldn't believe this bastard was being this shameless. her sparkling eyes so mesmerizing they literally sucked anyone who dared to look into them. Her curvy ad generous shape could make any man surrender. Her beauty had always been a topic of gossip in this small town. For two main reason one she was beautiful and two her father was the richest man in town.

"Hey child I hope this foolish child of mine isn't disturbing you. otherwise, I will beat him up" the manager asked politely showing a lot of respect. Maggy was one of his greatest customers he could afford to offend her. 

 "Uncle Sam is too caring with me. he wouldn't dare to harasses me here, will you?" she smiled sweetly looking at Simon her intention clear. "What a cunning fox this girl" Simon cursed under his breath feeling the daggers like eyes shooting at him. he inwardly shivered "uncle Sam is really scary what the hell has he gone through to be this sharp".

He only new that uncle had retired to this isolated town very far from the biggest city and establish this shop where he had spent his whole life till date. His parents and family lived in the metropole and enjoyed the best life had to offer while he was here. Till date he was still unclear ass to why his dad never wanted to see him. "To hell all of that am happy with uncle Sam and I don't care about that bastard of father" clearing his mind he proposed to Maggy to see her out. 

"Uncle Sam am seeing Maggy off. You can start dinner without me" he shouted leaving the small shop. "You better get back on time or you can forget your dinner" uncle Sam warn seriously. 

"Uncle Sam is so caring with you. you're so lucky to have him" moving towards Maggy house who wasn't far. she explained.

"Hum that old fool. you can't imagine how scary he is when he gets angry. once he had beaten me up to the point I couldn't sit properly in school for a day" Simon said nonchalantly. Maggy exploding with laughter as they went back. Although she wasn't too happy with his Casanova side, she quite liked him. 

Although Simon said that he inwardly smiled. Uncle Sam had always been his greatest support in every aspect of his life. He even consoled him when he was heart broken for the first time. they had spent quite some time together; Simon would be eighteen in few in few days. He already anticipated his gift from uncle Sam.

While daydreaming they finally arrived Maggy house. a wonderful manor the largest he had ever seen. It gave off a sense of calm and serenity far from the sounds of vehicle and noise of the metropole 

"Thanks for seeing me off. bye" she gave him a furtive kiss before disappearing into her house. Simon was taken aback and then smiled like a stupid fool. He was finally getting some reward after almost five years of hard work. 

Going back, he was in an extravagant mood. humming and smiling as he moved back. Suddenly from afar he saw fire ravaging the store. "Oh god. Uncle Sam" he couldn't control his impulse and rushed to the store forcing his way between the barrage of people trying to stop him. "Son calmed down; you can't get inside its burning" a burly man tried to stop him. but Simon was already out of his mind didn't push a grown-up man twice his size and barged into the burning fire. 

He was immediately assaulted by the infernal heat littering the air. his skin was itching and burning at visible rate. gritting his teeth, he forced his way into the store. everything had been turned upside down and fire was eating everything on it way.

"Uncle Sam where are you?" he searched the store disregarding his body who had completely caught up fire. Strangely he wasn't disturbing he looked like a fire god as he searched the store.

"Simon? scram don't risk your life for this old man" a faint and dying voice echoed. Uncle Sam was buried under heavy block of pilar who had fallen. His body was being burned to ashes. 

"I came to save you uncle Sam" realizing tears, Simon tried to help him but to no avail. His week body was unable to even budge the debris. "You have to go Simon. they are coming for you; you have to go!" uncle Sam screamed before being entirely consumed by fire. 

Simon was petrified before the scene. he couldn't believe his eyes." no..no…no you cannot die" Simon was devastated unable to calm himself screaming and crying.

"HIHIHI, he had to pay his dept" a scheming voice echoed as a figure emerged from behind Simon. Simon instinctively looked at the figure his eyes had lost all its vitality, all left was deep anger and hatred for everything. 

The figure was dressed in black suit with a vicious tongue that kept escaping its mouth. it looked very un-human. his whole being seemed different from what everything he had ever seen and felt till date. his vicious smile never left him. he seemed unaffected by the fire around him

"Are you the one who did this to uncle Sam?" His whole body covered in burring fames Simon asked his voice hoarse and unstable. He looked more like a fire demon who had crawled his way out of the abyss of hell. 

"He had to pay his dept. I am snake the dept collector. Nice to meet" the figure greeted taking off his rounded cap.