
Cursed Love: A Haunting Tale of Two Cursed Souls

“Legends are born from stories told. Imagination without restriction, but what becomes of the legend when the truth out runs the fiction” - Steve Cook The supernatural forces of Michigan have been awaken once more and only through the bounds of marriage will peace be born. Is this but a tale told for fun and fright or is it real? Only time will tell for sure as somewhere in the northern night woods a creature walks upright. You’ve been warned...

ShadowFoxx89 · Sci-fi
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126 Chs

Chapter One: 1987

In the spring of 1987 the story is told of a creature stalking the north-west forests of Michigan every seven years. It says that the legend expands as far back as 1887 but in truth the creature has lived among us since the beginning of time.

In the depth of the forest a small group of creatures with wolf like features stood around a cabin near Luther, MI. They'd tracked their foes here and where now trying to tear their way in.

Who was their foe?

Well, it was the children of man. The same filthy race that slayed their mother, Luna. Thus began the legend of the dogman throughout the land known as Michigan.

~One Week Later~

In an unknown location the pack gathers to discuss their next moves.

"Our enemies continue to grow as our territories continue to shrink." growled a silver dogman as looked around at the others.

"Sliverpelt! You know as much as I do that we can't be seen by these humans." replied an elderly grey eyed dogman, "They only fear us and would try to kill us."

"Yes but they are also the same ones who killed our mother and have this tainted the bloodline." huffed Silverpelt as he challenged the elderly dogman's authority.

"Watch your tones Silverpelt. You are on the brink of treason." growled a bulky brown furred dogman, "Chief Greyfang knows what's is best for us as a pack."

"Oh Captain Scar, I'd never betray the wise sage Greyfang. Knows all the answers he does." mocked Silverpelt as he showed his claws in challenge towards to the captain.

"I'd break you in two before you ever lay a paw on me." huffed Scar as he got ready to fight while grinning.

"Both of you stop this nonsense!" ordered a young lady with black hair and blue eyes as she nakedly walked towards them. Her long hair reached all the way to her mid back and also covered her breast. "You know Luna would never approve of this petty fighting amongst ourselves. The time has almost arrived and the four are almost here."

"Lady Grace please forgive us." replied the two dogmen with a polite bow. They dare not risk angering their priestess. Yah she looked like a fragile human lady but when she transformed she'd become a force to recon with.

"You best be!" snapped Lady Grace glaring at the two of them before sighing, "Now transform and get dressed we have a mission in a nearby town."

"Yes ma'am" replied the duo as the transformed into human forms of themselves. Their hair and eyes were the same as their fur and eyes in werewolf form. As for their skin it was a light tan and well they were also naked.

It wasn't long before the the trio where dressed in simple leather armor with each of them carrying a hand gun and a hunting rifle. The two guys then climbed into a front of a 1985 black SUV while Lady Grace climbed into the back seat before it took off down an old dirt road.

As it traveled through the dark northern Michigan forest Lady Grace explained their mission, "So you see this little town is a spirit focus point and we need to capture this town at all costs."

"What are we up against? Who is our foe?" asked Silverpelt from the passenger's seat of the SUV while Captain Scar drove.

"A mixture of hostile and non-hostile humans." explained Lady Grace as the SUV slowly moved closer to their target. "Yet they are still just humans and our enemy. None will survive is that understood?"

"Even the non-hostile ones ma'am?" asked Scar a bit confused.

"Every man, woman and child!" growled Lady Grace as her claws shot out of her quickly transformed paws as she slashed the back of Silverpelt's seat before asking, "Or do I have to make myself a little more clear?"

"No Lady Grace you were crystal." whimpered Silverpelt as he leapped forward to avoid any further attacks while Scar just grinned and kept driving.

"Silverpelt get your rifle ready we're almost there." added Scar as he turned off of the dirt road on to a small highway.

"Yes captain." replied Silverpelt as he rolled down the passenger window and leaned out with his rifle taking aim as they neared the small town of Sigma.

In a matter of seconds they slid into the center of the small town and Silverpelt started to pick humans off with his rifle from the car window while Scar used twin pistols to join in the slaughter. As for Lady Grace well she stepped out of the SUV an transformed into a majestic black furred giant female werewolf before summoning a fire sword in her left paw and an ice sword in her right paw.

She then lead the charge that would lead to the utter demolish and destruction of Sigma and all of its people. The streets are now covered in blood. This is the sad fate of a small unknown town in the northern woods of Michigan as well as the beginning of the werewolf wars.