
Chapter Fifteen: Val of Many Words - January 14th 2027

Kat then sat down next to his friend wonder what could possibly be bothering him enough to come over and even wait for him on his dirty porch steps. So with a sigh Kat braced himself for what was to come next before asking, "So what's on your mind my friend?"

"Oh I just figured I'd see if you wanted to talk about what happened this past weekend is all?" half lied Val as he looked away trying to hide his true thoughts.

"Well, I know Vixi was scared by something and just glade to finally be out of there while Derek was greatly enjoying himself with all of the cryptic and ancient stuff. As for you I could tell you hated the filth but it did seem like something else was bothering you." explained Kat with a smile as he placed a hand on his back for an encouragement.

"What about you?" asked Val as he turned to face Kat, "You didn't seem bothered by it"

"Well I'm just good at hiding things is all. To be honest it smelt wet and and weird to me." confessed Kat with a smile, "But it's not like we have to go back there or did you leave your binki there?"

"Real funny but for your information I stopped using one last year." joked Val with a smile.

"Wow, a joke from mister uptight. Careful someone might think that little trip of ours has changed you." teased Kat.

"Well, in a way it did." sighed Val as he once more looked away.

"What do you mean?" asked Kat with a hint f concern for his friend.

"It got me thinking. What do we have to show for our lives? We go to school then go home. Occasionally we go to the park to hang out but other then that we're just lumps of flesh drifting through life with noting to call a purpose. We're almost just like Sigma a haunted shell of what we could've been." explained Val with a slight sigh.

"Why don't you tell me what is really bothering you my friend? What is it you really are wanting to ask me?" asked Kat half wondering if he really wanted to know the answer or even if he could handle the answer.

"So I was wondering if you had feelings for anyone of your friends in a more then a friends kind of way?" asked Val without even looking at Kat.

"Not really though I'm not looking for anyone to be more then a friend right now." replied Kat and before he could stop himself he asked, "Why is there someone who's caught your eye?"

"Well, the whole school knows that Victoria has the world's largest crush on you and that you seem to be completely oblivious to that and thus some think you might even be gay..." started Val only to be cut off by Kat raising a hand to Val's lips to silence him for a second as he now retreated asking the question.

"Val I'm going to tell you a secret that you're not allowed to tell anyone not even Vixi okay." sighed Kat with a raised eyebrow before confessing, "I know Vixi is in love with me but one I'm not looking for anyone to be more then a friend and second I have a secret plan for her when I do choose to seek out someone to be more then a friend."

"So you're not gay?" asked Val with a slight hint of sadness as he looked at his feet in same before starting to get up only to be stopped by Kat placing and arm around him and holding him in place.

"No and I'm not really sure what's going on today but you're the second guy to ask me out today. I'm touched but I just am not into other guys and really don't see us ever being more then friends. I'm sorry if this hurts you some but it's just the way things are." confessed Kat with a smile hoping it helped some.

"I see." sighed Val not really hearing the words Kat had said other then that he wasn't interested in him as ever being more then a friend.

"Hay Val why don't you tell me what inspired you to asking me out in the first place other then my charming good looks and strapping bod." replied Kat hoping for at least a chuckle.

"Victoria suggested it when I told her that I had a crush on you." replied Val with a little chuckle, "I was actually surprised that she offered for me to ask you out to the Valentine's Day Dance next month before she did. I think she's really starting to believe the rumors about you being gay."

"Well, if I know her that wouldn't even stop her. In fact even if you told her I was gay she'd set herself on a mission to make me straight." teased Kat before an idea finally popped into his head and he looked at Val with a grin.

"I will not be your fake boyfriend just to get her to leave you alone until you're ready. I will not have my feeling played with like that." huffed Val with his arms crossed and a bit insulated that Kat would even consider it.

"Wait, no that's not what I was thinking at all." replied Kat now completely puzzled at what could possibly be going through Val's mind right now. "No I was thinking that I may know of someone who has also confessed they are gay and would possibly be looking for a boyfriend to go with them to the dance. I could set you two up if you want?"

"Id rather kiss Derek's dirty ass then be set up on some blind date with one of your jock friends." huffed Val with his arms still crossed.

"He's not a jock." replied Kat with a smile.

"Fine I'd rather suck Derek's Dirty Dick then go on a blind date with one of your nerdy friends." huffed Val glaring at him.

"What if it was Derek? I can make sure he at least showers beforehand." replied Kat with a smile.

"Umm, ahh, well , still I'm not going on a blind date with anyone." replied Val before getting to his feet and walking way as he added, "Goodbye and see you around Kyle.