
Cursed Immortals

This series embarks the journey of King Arthur and his trusted friend Pharaoh in search for breaking their immortal curse so that they can finally rest in peace. But the anti-immortalist group is also after them. They believe being an immortal is against the laws of nature. Even so this did not stop King Arthur into finding out more about this curse and why he is chosen to be one.

Zander_Aulsen · Fantasy
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Chapter 1: Prologue

A century ago, A great war wages out as two opposing armies fought each other. And among them was the famous hero King Arthur, as he strikes down his enemies with his one true sword Excalibur. the battlefield was stained by the blood of noble warriors and of the enemies. King Arthur's men were about to give up because the enemies are starting to overpower them. Arthur saw that his men were about to give up, he held up Excalibur and with a loud shout.

"Match forward men, victory is in our grasp. Defeat is not an option!"

As king Arthur's men saw Excalibur shining bright with blue luminance power. They all match forward with fire burning in their eyes. Slicing down their enemies as their blood painted the battlefield and their silver armour. Arthur hope onto his horse and rode straight for the enemy leader as his men pushed back the enemy army making way for their king to run through. The enemy leader was not afraid as he held up his shield on his left arm with his sword griped tightly on the other hand. When Arthur finally reached him, Arthur jumped of his horse with Excalibur griped tightly on his hand ready to make the first attack. The enemy leader lifts his shield to block the incoming attack. when Excalibur clashed with the shield, the shield shattered into a million pieces causing leaving the enemy leader in utterly shock and screamed out.

"How can such a sword be even this powerful!"

And with a small grin on Arthur's face and saying only two simple words.

"You're done."

He wanted to react, but it was already to late he was already done for. All he could do is stand there and watch as Arthur swings Excalibur across his head slicing it off as blood sprayed all over Arthur's face.

"Finally, its done."

Arthur sighed to himself. As he picks up the head of the enemy leader, lifts it up high and turned facing both the enemy and his army. And with a loud shout.

"The war is over; victory belongs to us!"

The enemies saw the scenery before them, they all drop down their swords and spears and accept their defeat. As Arthur stood before his men with a proud look on his face knowing that all the good lives and sacrifices made during this war was not in vain. With a sigh of relief Arthur finally decide its time to go back home.

 Arthur and his army matched back to Camelot with the remaining enemy held as prisoners. Arthur thought to himself its finally time to leave all this fighting behind him and help rebuild Camelot, because of the damages that was made during the war and to sought out peace for his people, and then all of sudden.

"Damn I almost forgot about Guinevere."

Guinevere was Arthur's wife and it's been months since he last saw her. He never had the time to spend with her because the outbreak of the war happened right after their wedding night. Arthur wondered what he should bring her, after all it's been months since he said his last goodbyes before heading out into war. He turned to one his soldiers and then he asked.

"What gift should I bring for queen Guinevere?"

The soldier looked at confused towards Arthur not knowing what say to him.

"Why not give her this?"

Arthur looked over on his left side and it was Merlin and on his hands was a green pendent, with an emerald like look and the chains were made of gold. And the pendent shines a green luminance glow while reflecting the suns ray. Arthur looked at Merlin with a serious look.

"I can't possibly give her that, besides that's one of your favourite pendent."

Arthur exclaimed, knowing that his been trying to get the pendent for a very long time now but never had the chance to get it. Merlin looks at Arthur straight in the eye.

"I know you've been trying to get this pendent for a very long time now, and besides it's a perfect gift for queen Guinevere, right?"

Arthur sighed acceptably, knowing he can't win against merlin in any type of discussion.

"Fine I'll give it to her."

As he took the pendent from merlin's hand and putting it in on one of his saddle hanging next to his horse. While doing that he can hear a sound of little children singing a victory, as he looked he can Camelot was in close range. He can see the people of Camelot were cheering on as they matched towards Camelot and standing on the castle gates was queen Guinevere with a relief face knowing Arthur came back from the battle alive.

"Finally, we have arrived home."

Arthur said to himself with a face of relief knowing that he can finally lead his people to a better future and spend more time with his beloved wife queen Guinevere. Knowing this he smiled towards his people and waving at them as he and his army matching close to the castle gates. Years went by Camelot has become a great city just as Arthur wished it to be. But unfortunately for Arthur he was betrayed by his very own nephew Mordred as he stabbed him in the back.

"Mordred! How could you, why did you betray me like this?"

Mordred didn't even utter a single word for Arthur only the look of disgust on his face towards Arthur. Arthur didn't even know why he was doing this but for all he knows based on the number of bloods he has shed probably this was coming to him being killed by his very own family.

"Probably this is for the best."

As these was the only thought that was running through Arthur's mind, as he breath his last breath and passing on to the afterlife or so he taught. Cause before passing on Arthur saw something. A mysterious hooded figure that he can't make out of who it was. But that mysterious hooded figure seems to be talking to him, but Arthur didn't seem to be bothered by because he was dying anyway there was no point to listen to him. But what didn't know that the mysterious hooded figure he saw was about to change his entire life entirely as the immortal curse was placed upon him.