
Tower of Leo (6)

Jacob stepped through the portal into the fifth trial of the Tower of Leo. He knew his soul force was less than 30% at this moment, and he planned to replenish it if this trial had longer or, even better, no time.

But he didn't put his hopes up high since he knew every trial was given a time in the Tower of Leo, which made him less hopeful.

However, when he appeared in the next trial, he found himself in a grand circular chamber, and his expression instantly changed because this chamber was reminiscent of the seventh level of the Tower of Taurus!

'Wait, don't tell me the Tower of Leo only has five trials!?' Jacob was in disbelief.

Since he entered the tower after Samantha, he wasn't provided with any knowledge regarding the exact number of trials. However, since this was a tower similar to the Tower of Taurus, he thought it would also have seven trials.