
The Shadow Elf

Upon Jacob's stern questions, Immortika wrote, "Who knows? Your guess is as good as mine. Besides, does it matter? The real question is whether you want to do this or not?"

Jacob frowned, but no matter how he thought about it, Immortika's words made sense. Since all he should be worrying about is the cursed blood condensing, the target should be much easier to grab as it was out in the open.

But he was hesitating because this person might be a high-ranking individual, and his disappearance might draw unwanted attention.

'Well, I've already abducted a B-class mercenary and planning on abducting another one with the same status. So, there is no point in hesitation…' Jacob thought before replying, "Where is it?"

"Hehehe, now we're talking. It's a tier-7 epic shadow elf, and she's walking…" Immortika revealed and then started to guide Jacob toward the shadow elf.

Jacob flew according to Immortika's direction, and just a hundred meters in the southeast direction, he found his target.