
The Reason!

Elia was appalled when she heard Jacob's harsh words and saw how casually he was taking her away from her father as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

However, when he revealed the truth behind her condition and also thought about what Jacob said was true about her father, tears flowed from her eyes, but she didn't make any sound.

She knew what Jacob casually presumed about what was going to happen was most likely true, and his prediction about her father was even more true. He had always been worried about her, and maybe he had not shown it. He was living a life of anxiety and despair all because of her.

Furthermore, since Jacob didn't hide his act of kidnapping her, she believed that he was also telling the truth about giving her father enough wealth to live lavishly. She knew it would've been so easy as her father was very protective of her, and he might be searching for her right now.