
The ‘Thrall’

The information completely gobsmacked Jacob, as he knew it was simply too ridiculous for his luck to be this crazy. But the fact was right in front of his eyes, and he truly wanted it to be true.

'If this Brain Hunter really is Eclipse Alipes Imhoff, then I can have a rank-9 fantastic insect at my complete disposal if this array works.' Jacob's eyes shimmered in ecstasy.

The Eclipse Alipes Imhoff was something he acquired accidentally from Decker, who had used it to control Pig Head's corpse.

After he got the information about it from Immortika, he didn't dare to use it since the method to control it was simply too shallow, and it might come back to bite him if he was careless.

So, to this day, the Eclipse Alipes Imhoff was always in his infinity pendant, and he almost forgot about it because he was busy raising his prowess.