
Storming the Hideout

'Just how in the world that fucker (Decker) made this kind of grave mistake? But it didn't seem they come prepared or sure about the hideout. Because if they knew Decker was hiding there, then there won't be just two giants coming here after what he did.

'Then this means this is just a scouting party led by someone who might be the one who found Decker's traces without him knowing, and from that tone, it's clear he didn't know who the owner of that hideout was or my identity. They also seemed to discover it recently, or they could've come sooner.

'Furthermore, they're moving with caution in the rain, hiding their footsteps despite their powerful physiques. I didn't know if I'm lucky or unlucky, although I'm not present in the hideout and I have all the important things in my pendant, but those liquids and equipment will be lost. Shit!'