
Stirring the Masses

'Over 1 million members joined my server in little over five days?' Jacob was astonished as he gazed at those ZC and then quickly opened his star server.

"Star Server Name: Ancient Artifact Industry

"Star Server Category: Business

"Star Server Visibly: Private Server [Star Link needed to Join this Server]

"Star Server Owner: Faceless Ancient

"Star Server Member(s): 1,271,916 (Epic Plains)

"Star Privilege / Star Server Level: 2-Star (Equivalent to 2-Star Privilege of Faceless Ancient)

"NOTE: 2-Star Server has 3 Unique Privileges:

"1. 2-Star Server Privilege (Entry Fee): You have set the Entry Fee to Maximum (10 ZC) for your Star Server. (Change)

"2. 2-Star Server Privilege (Post Type): You have Selected Auction Post Type for Your Star Server. (Change)

[Post Restriction: Server Owner Only (Win-Win Post Privilege Apply)]