
Rare Tier?

Jacob was refining the last batch of the titan tears.

With this, he would have 1,754 titan tears drops in total.

After the smock vanished, Jacob took out a large glass jar, which was almost filled with dark liquid and he put those few drops into the jar and stowed it away in his pendant again.

He then looked at the reaming pile of the titan iron and shook his head in pity. 'All of this will be going to waste. Well, I'll let that trolls have it. If he survived the extraction of the parasite gem.' He thought.

However, at this moment, his eyes narrowed when he heard faint steps and calm heartbeats. His hearing now was extremely sensitive. He could listen to a sound within a hundred meters radius, and the closer the sound was, the stronger his hearing.

He could tell these heartbeats weren't from his slaves nor any of the members of the sunset family, but these heartbeats were extremely calm as they moved toward his location.