
Plundering the Dead Island (4)

After issuing Autarch the command, Jacob emptied the vault filled with space rings. There were a couple of thousands of them, and surprisingly, they were all unlocked, and upon peering into them, they were all filled with thousands of crimson and blue pills. 

Jacob knew this wealth was startling in the community of Dead Faction. Although he couldn't use them, he knew how to turn them into profit. 

Next, Jacob started to look through the big lab, especially the books, and after skimming through some of them, his eyes shimmered with ecstasy as they were all about dark alchemy, and there were also a few pill formulas listed in them. 

Even the Life Pills formula was within them, and more pills were used by dark beings. He pocketed them all and left their study to Nyx. Afterward, the most interesting thing in the lab was Thone's private notes and insights on dark alchemy.