
Official Guild Member!

The bare-chest man stood in front of a blazing forge, as he was filled with sweat which showed the carved muscles on his pale skin even more apparent. He was holding long smith tongs and impassively looking at the piece of some metal within the forge.

The strange thing was, not only was this piece of metal wasn't turned crimson with heat, but it was glowing in dark blue color.

This man was naturally non-other than Jacob.

Jacob suddenly the tongs and pulled the dark blue metal from the blazing forge, and he quenched it into a metal barrel filled with a glossy blue liquid prepared beforehand.

However, upon pacing the heated metal into that blue liquid, there was no smoke at all. On the contrary, the entire blue liquid suddenly stirred before its quantity started to drop, as the full barrel of this blue liquid was now getting lower and lower until nothing was left.