
Magic Smith

Jacob exited the taxi after transferring 44 gold coins to the goblin driver.

He walked into a crowded square, and in front of him was a huge skyscraper, probably with over three hundred floors.

There were massive letters on this building, 'Alchemy Guild,' and there was the famous sigil of Alchemy Guild, the blazing red flame rising from an eight-legged golden cauldron.

In the Dark City, the branches of the Alchemy Guild, like Gunsmith, Apothecary, and Potion Alchemy, were not separated, and they were all combined into a single Alchemy Guild Building.

However, this didn't mean it was the true Alchemy Guild, and just like the Zodiac Warrior Alliance, they only had branches in rare plains, not their actual guild.

Nevertheless, they were top of Life Professions and reverted by many.

Although there was also guidance about these professions in the Zodiac Warrior Alliance Market, they didn't have facilities to practice them like the Alchemy Guild.