
Go ahead!

After a small bidding war with Dark Moon of Beast Forest, Jacob ended up placing 350 ZC, and only then did Dark Moon of Best Forest back off. He was adamant about winning this plutonium, so he was keeping an eye on this prick if he played any trick and placed a last-minute bid.

Since he still had time, Jacob then decided to look at the star network news since he was just entering the skyway, and it was a fifty-meter-long tunnel which could explain just how thick the wall of the inner circle was.

He was interested in seeing how the Freedom Plains were fending off the Dark Beings.

There were top ten news on the platform, and the first news instantly drew his attention because of the Star ID,

'1. Freedom Lord Golden Sword: We are going through difficult times. The dark armies are upon us; they have already conquered 10% of our territories. Please join the 'United Freedom Army Front' to protect your homes. Merits will be rewarded to heroes and their families!