
Glean Gnome

With one hand on the small tree trunk, the cloaked figure suddenly turned right in Jacob's direction, and an icy voice rang, "Now, are you going to come out or I'll make you?!"

Jacob's heart churned at this moment, 'How?!'

He was completely clueless about how this guy was able to find him out despite his carefulness and he even managed to lead him into a trap instead of his base location.

Not only this guy kept his heartbeat steady, but he didn't lose his calm demeanor which also made Jacob believe he was in control while he was foolishly walking in a trap.

"If you don't come out in ten seconds I'll activate this mechanism which will trigger another smoke trap and trust me when I say the previous smoke was child play in comparison to this one, and its range is ten miles.

"Although I don't know how you managed to escape the previous trap, I'm sure like hell you'll not be going to escape this one…"

'Bang, bang…'