
First Auction Post (2)

Jacob looked at the bidder's ID with scrutiny because he felt like he had seen this Star ID somewhere, and with his excellent memory, it won't take long for him to remember where he had seen it.

In fact, he still had a document saved in his personal data, which he had bought from the Star network, and the owner wrote that document had that exact Star ID!

'Now, this is out of my expectation. I had bought the information on the Killer Skull Society's brain chips from this guy's article in the common plain. But I never expected him to be from the Epic Plains, and he was even the first person to join my star server.

'Furthermore, he hadn't sent me any messages yet; he appeared to be quite rich. This could only mean he's not a 2-star privilege holder or not after me like the others…' Jacob thought as The Society Killer greatly interested him since he seemed to have quite a deep enmity with the Killer Skull Society to have that kind of name.