
Faery Human

Jacob asked with squinted eyes, "I would like to hear about this Wiser Type Bloodline. By any chance, are you suggesting that bloodline can be transfused with higher ones?"

Ellie snickered playfully, "Epic Plains are at least a thousand years ahead of Rare Plains in technology alone. So, you can guess if it's possible or not. The Rare Plains progress had been slowed down because of those selfish freedom lords."

'Again, Freedom Lords? I should check them out later. It's my second time hearing this title. As for the technology being a thousand years ahead of rare plains, then the Epic Plains should be around the same level as my previous world or even more advanced.

'This means hiding there would be even more bothersome than Rare Plains since they will have a web of surveillance everywhere. And is me not taking magic technology into consideration yet.' Jacob thought, as he knew too well how difficult it was to hide from an Advanced Civilization.