
Dreadful Locust Army

Today, a massive army of different races from different regions of the conflict plains were gathered together in grass plains. The atmosphere was extremely heavy and solemn, and everyone was on edge. They looked towards the clear horizon with trepidation.

Both aura combatants and spirit sorcerers were arranged in formations, while the healers were protected in the middle. If it were any other time, this army could've been unbeatable in the entire conflict plains. But alas, if only it were that simple this time around.

In the rear of this huge army stood a giant in heavy armor standing tall like a mountain, holding his towering spear imbued with flame-like patterns, giving an intense, fiery aura.

"How long before the contact?" The giant asked the giant standing beside him in a grave tone.

The second giant, holding a lance, solemnly replied, "Chief Commander Gunnar, the vanguard army will contact the Locust Army in twenty minutes!"