
C-Rank Mercenary (2)

Jacob could feel the pride behind Tudor's words for humanity.

"What kind of benefits?" Jacob asked. He was only interested in benefits and didn't care who manage to put them there.

Tudor suddenly took out a dark screen device from his drawer.

Jacob's eyes contracted, seeing the dark screen device. It was exactly like the blood analysis device he had, but there weren't buttons on it, only a small pin. He felt extremely alarmed because he thought this device would reveal his real strength!

He looked at Tudor and asked, "What is this?"

Tudor didn't know Jacob had already come in contact with a high-tech device like this, so he explained,

"This is the registration device for C Rank Mercenaries. You just have to press your finger on the pin, and it'll record something called Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) in your blood and record it within the agency database.