
A Chance!

Although Jacob's logic was reasonable, it should've worked with the Parasite Gem.

"Do you really believe this method would have such a flaw? Hehehe… so what if you can't hear her words? As long as she has intent, the Slave Rune will fully comprehend it and directly implicate it on you. So, it didn't matter if you were blind, deaf, or mentally disabled; puppets don't need these things in the first place!" Immortika pours cold water on Jacob's hope.

"Can you be at least a little helpful!" Jacob fought his strong urge to unsummoned the Cursed Book in his spleen.

Nevertheless, if not for Immortika's assurance, he knew he might've suffered even more, and in times of crisis, the eccentric book always helped him despite its nasty attitude. So keeping it around was still better than nothing.

Jacob finally noticed where he was when he exited the hall and appeared in a hallway with many rooms, which Masha was leading the way without any intention of speaking.