
Chapter 5

Helena once again began the question her decision to follow the men. The son was scorching and her skin itched, the hair on her forehead was wet and many times she had to move it from her face. Sweat poured down her chest and armpits wetting her clothes. She considered finding an excuse to leave the men so she could go back to Mount Kpamos but how was she to do that? Her sight was getting blurry and her head was getting some light she feared she would faint. Contrary to what she felt the men moved on like they could not feel the scorch of the sun and wind. They walked barefooted on the hot sand with quick steps that she was struggling to keep up with.

Just when she thought she would faint from sheer exhaustion something cool was placed over her head and a hand was nudging something into hers. She looked up, craning her neck to have a better look, at the white eyed man who nodded at her as an encouragement to take the canteen he was pressing in her palms.

"It is cool water. You look parched."

Even though she knew she would express her gratitude something possessed her to put her guard up against his kindness. As she opened her mouth to respond with some witty comment he interrupted her.

"Just say thank you and have a drink."

She closed her mouth in defeat and with a venomous look at him took a swig from the canteen. The cool liquid sooth her throat as it ran down . Her heavy tongue swallowed hungrily at the water until she almost emptied the canteen. When she dropped it from her lip she caught the men exchanging humorous glances at her actions. Suddenly embarrassed she handed the canteen back to him and mouthed a thank you. He nodded.

Her hands automatically went to the slightly damp cloth he placed over her. The material was soft and light against her and it effectively shielded her from the sun. She was entirely grateful but some independent part of her was hurt. She wasn't used to having people show random acts of kindness to her. Even the servants of Kpamos had to be commanded to do something so his kindness to her was foreign.

"My name is Ramus." That was what he told the men his name was to protect his god identity.

She looked up slightly from beneath the cloth at him. He was watching her expectantly.

"Helena," she said then realized lately that she had given her real name. Why had she spoken so quickly? Was there any possibility that she would be recognized as a god? But how can when she was far away from Camelorn? Who would recognize her when these people had gods of their own?

Convinced that her identity was safe she calmed her fears.

"Helena," Demeus said. "You are from a very distant land."

Helena stiffened her spine against the shiver that ran through her at the mention of her name on his lips. His deep voice and thick accent made her name sound exotic and she loved it. Oh why in the heavens did she meet this man today? She could have lived a thousand years without knowing that someone like this man existed. How was she to go back to Kpamos with the memory of this man while being forced to be the loyal wife of Robos?

Her thoughts were interrupted by the shout of one of the men who notified the others that they were close to the village. The men began to walk faster. From behind them Helena saw the outline of a village, more like a cluster of strange buildings with roofs made of grass. The buildings were a red and built in a circular design. As they got closer they could hear the voices of women and children.

Before they got any closer Demeus bent to whisper to Helena.

"This is the village of the fishermen. This is where their families stay until they are ready to transport the fishes and salt to the main kingdom."

"What is salt?" Helena asked with a furrowed brow.

"Those white crystals you saw us pick from the shore are salt. The women will work on cleaning them and then transport them to Eyrotia." After moment silence Demeus leaned in again. "You said you only wanted to explore. I suppose your family should be waiting for you in Jamark."

Oh, she had completely forgotten about that lie. But she didn't even know Jamark. She could teleport herself there but being with these people was a very tempting.

Demeus waited for her to answer his unasked question. He held his breath as he waited for her response.

"If this is not Eyrotia then I suppose my journey is not over yet. This might be the only time I have to travel again before my father marries me off."

"Are you promised to be married to another?" Demeus asked.

"Eventually, yes." She was getting better at this lying game. "But I have nowhere to stay. Will I be welcomed here?"

Trying to keep the excitement from his voice and face Demeus nodded.

"Of course. We are set to leave for Eyrotia in the next two days in fact so you're welcome to stay. Will your father not be worried?"

She shrugged. "Father lets me do as I please."

He smiled.

Of course.

Woe to the man who would marry this free spirited woman. She was bold, strong, courageous – everything he desired. He doubt her father ever told her no. She was probably too stubborn to know what the word meant.