
Chapter 2

For years before meeting Demeus Helena often wondered different life would have been if she had not married Robos. As a young child she often told her friends she would prefer the honor of choosing her own husband rather than have one chose her but as years passed and her friends began to build homes on Mount Kpamos with their families she started to feel lonely. Some of her friends had even fallen in love with humans and had given up their god powers to live with them. It was forbidden for a god to fall in love with a human, a god could keep a human as a pet since they were mortals and could die but they were never to fall in love with them. In the case where a god realizes that he or she has fallen in love with a human, he would be expected to give up his powers to enjoy bliss with his lover.

While all her friends found love she was the only one who couldn't find any to love her. At a time there had been rumors that some gods were too scared of her strength to marry her but all those rumors had been put to rest when Robos chose her for his own. Now that she was married to him her life was more miserable than ever. She fought hard to gain his attention but nothing she did could make him give up his affairs so after so many years of trying she decided to give up. If Robos could have lovers so could she. So she bought the affection of many Alonis; servants of the Camelorn god of desire Alonis. She discarded companion after companion but after a while, she began to get bored of them. Some of her friends who had given up their powers to be with their lovers often told her of how much affection humans gave, how loving their human lovers were and how easy it was to please them. Right from a young age Helena's parents had drilled into her that humans were simply tools used by the gods for their own desires, they were not to be respected, neither were they worthy of the loss of one's powers but as her loneliness grew Helena began to ponder on taking a human lover for herself.

As much as she loved the worship and praises offered to her by humans she knew they were fickle creatures ruled by their emotions. She looked down from day to day to see who was worthy to be her pet but found none.

She realized that if she wanted to experience humanity in it's true form she would have to live with humans as a human. So on that fateful day she transformed to a human and teleported herself to a different kingdom for fear that she would be recognized by Camelornians. It just happened that the kingdom she teleported herself to was Eyrotia. The salty breeze of the land blew over her as soon as she materialized at the outskirt of the kingdom. She screwed her face up at the vast last that was covered in nothing but gritty sand. The wind was heavy and hot against her hair and face bring with it the saltiness of the sea that was somewhere in the north were her eyes could not see. She frowned at her ill luck. She squinted her eyes against the hot sun and looked beyond the horizon for any signs of life but there was nothing. With an exasperated breath she kicked at the hot sand and winced.

Because she transformed into human her powers were shielded but she could still feel them hum in the atmosphere around her. She started to summon her powers in anger at her failure but before she could she heard a loud horn that sounded like a strange battle call. Fascinated by the sound she walked in the direction of the sound, it came from the north were the sea was. Using a bit of her powers she shielded her head from the scorching sun and approached the sound which was already drawing to silence. As she got closer to the sea she started to hear voices of people speaking a strange language. Using her powers again she opened her ears to the language they spoke. It was a strange melodic language that was so different from Camelorn that she found herself fascinated by it. The salty smell of the sea came closer and closer until the air was thick with it. Strange big flies unlike anything she had ever seen before flew past her and made buzzing noises in her ears and she angrily swatted at them. The sand was now dotted with white crystals that caught the light of the sun and reflected it like shiny diamonds. She was fascinated by these too but continued on. When she came close enough to the sea she stopped short at the sight of the men that worked, pulling a large water vessel to shore, shouting their language back and forth and laughing in deep, vibrating voices. She was rooted to the ground at the sight of them. It wasn't their activities or their language that shocked her this time it was the very sight of them. Never before had she seen men like this!

Their skin was so dark and shiny with sweat that she swore she would see herself on their bodies if she got closer to them. Unlike some Camelornians, these men were all muscles, some had shiny bald heads as opposed to the thick curls most Camelornians possessed. They wore funny looking clothes gathered in folds around their waists. These men were tall and their thigh muscles flexed as they moved things wrapped in strange looking nets from the water vessel to the land and as they walked their muscled bellies flexed. They didn't seem to mind the sun as much as she did, they didn't even seem to mind the fact that sweat dripped off of their bodies as they laughed at the jokes they told while they worked.

So taken in by the sight of these men was she that she didn't realize she had been walking towards the men until they stopped talking and looked with curiosity in her direction.

With burrowed brows one of the men barked,

"Who are you?"