
Cursed Bond:Astrological Academia

Reverse Harem Supernatural Intrigue Introducing “Cursed Bond” a spellbinding tale of supernatural allure and fated mates! Prepare to be captivated as you delve into a world where sacred mated bonds are tainted by a haunting curse. Imagine a love that could have been the stuff of legends, stolen away by the hands of fate and replaced with a heart-wrenching challenge. In this enthralling journey, the Goddess herself presents you with a mystical quest, promising to shatter the curse that has plagued your existence. But here’s the catch-to break the curse, you must risk losing the love of not just one, but four extraordinary mates. Will you be brave enough to face this daunting choice? I Cursed Bond,” passion and destiny collide, forging an unbreakable connection between you and your fated mates. Explore a world where the supernatural reigns supreme, where bonds are tested, and where love’s power transcends all boundaries. Brace yourself for a rollercoaster of emotions as you navigate the intricate web of secrets, betrayal, and sacrifice. With its vividly depicted characters, sizzling chemistry, and spine-tingling plot twists, “Cursed Bond” is a must-read for fans of paranormal romance. Lose yourself in a world where love knows no bounds, where the strength of a curse is met with the resilience of true love. Will you seize the chance to break the curse and embrace the love of a lifetime? The answer awaits withing the pages of “Cursed Bond.”

Amy_Sams_3398 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 3


I opened my door, and my heart skipped a beat at seeing them.  The four moved with the same fluid grace, their rugged good looks, and chiseled physiques drawing my eyes like a magnet. There was Dane, with his dark mane of hair and piercing blue eyes; Cedar, with his tousled dark locks and piercing hazel eyes; River, with his sleek blonde hair and exotic green eyes; and finally, Asher, with his warm brown hair and sultry brown eyes.  They were every girl's dream and headed straight for me. 


My cheeks flushed as I tried to maintain my composure, but my heart was racing.  I had always admired the, as the royal, from afar, but to have them all here, in my presence, was almost too much to handle.  As they drew closer, I could feel their collective energy enveloping me, and I knew I was in for an unforgettable lunch. 


As I watch them approach, Cedar's smirk catches my eye as he greets me with a 'Hello, my lady.'  River chimes in, "You ready to eat," and I can't help but feel a little flustered by his suggestive tone.  Asher, who seems the most protective of me, smacks the back of River's head.


On the other hand, Dane smiles as he tells me, " You look beautiful,"  and the others nod in agreement. 


I blushed, not used to receiving so much attention from guys.  But it wasn't just the boys- as we stood there, I could feel other students' eyes watching us openly. I somehow knew becoming friends with these guys would only make me less popular with the other girls.  It was a strange mix of excitement and unease, and I wasn't sure how to navigate it all. 


Remember when I said I'd lay low for six months and then go home?  Well, it seems I've managed to do the exact opposite and put myself in the spotlight.  It's like wearing a giant bullseye; everyone and their grandma will want a piece of us. 


Who needs anonymity and peace of mind when you can have 'mean girls' following you and screaming at you?  It's not like I planned on living an everyday life anyway, right?  So, let's embrace that chaos, the drama, and the occasional death threats.  After all, it is not every day you get to be a walking, talking sensation.  Just remember to smile for the cameras and watch your back. 


As Asher gestures, he and Dane flank me on each side While Cedar and River follow behind like a security detail.  I can't help but chuckle as we make our way to the canteen.  It's like some mission; all we need are sunglasses and dramatic music to complete the effect. 


I glance over at Asher, who seems to be enjoying the attention.  He appears to relish in showcasing his hotness, and I discern complacency in his gaze as our presence attracts the notice of others. 


Dane, on the other hand, is a mask of indifference.  He seems more reserved than the others, and I can tell he seems unaffected by the attention.  As the son of the King, he seems to have honed his ability to maintain a stoic expression.


As we approach the canteen, I hear the conversation's buzz and the trays' clatter.  It's a familiar sound I've heard many times, but with my friends by my side, it feels different. 


Then, as we enter the room, an eerie silence falls upon the canteen.  I can feel the eyes of my fellow students on us, and I can sense their curiosity and judgment.  It's not the guys that have caused this reaction, though.  It's the fact that I, a  girl, am with them. 


The silence lingers for a few seconds before the conversation buzz starts again.  I hear the whispers and murmurs and know people are talking about us.  I take my cue from the guys and put on a mask of indifference, 'haters are going to hate.'  We go to the food counter, and I follow, ignoring the stares and whispers. 


I am uncertain how long I can prevent my malevolent Gemini doppelganger from speaking out; however, I will attempt to restrain her crazy behavior. 


I fill my plate, trying to keep my Gemini twin contained. Suddenly, I noticed the guys had stopped moving and were staring at me intently.


"What's the matter?" I murmured, hoping to break the tension. 


"You need more food than that.  Your body requires fuel, including protein,"  Cedar advises, adding more meat to my plate. 


We sit and begin eating when Asher laughs, causing us to look at him with confusion. 


"What's so funny?" I ask him. 


"I can see all the tension she's holding onto.  She's fighting her Gemini," he replies, still chuckling.


River chimes in, "Oh, you mean the sarcastic one we met in the arena?  That one is pretty sexy." 


Asher nods, "Yeah, that one." I roll my eyes at their banter and try to focus on my food, ignoring their teasing. 


"So, what is your second spirit animal," Cedar asks, looking curious. 


I shrug, "I'm not sure.  I haven't shifted yet."


"Then why are you in the dorms with the other shifters?" Danes asks, his eyebrows raised.  "And why did you come to the academy?"


"My aunt talked me into coming for six months because I was attacked back home and conjured a storm,"  I explain, hoping they won't ask anything further.


Suddenly, I notice the guys becoming rigid and angry, crossing their handsome faces at the mention of being attacked. 


"Did they hurt you?" River says, dropping his fork on his plate, his eyes filled with malice. 


I shake my head, trying to deflect away from the topic.  "It's fine.  I'm here now, and I'm safe.  'Let's talk about something else." 


"Fine, we will talk about it later when there are fewer eyes and ears,' Dane said, looking around the crowded room.  I nodded, glad he understood the need for discretion. 


"So, what are your second spirit animals?"  I ask, trying to change the subject. 

Dane spoke first, "I'm a Werewolf." 


"Interesting," I replied, "and what about you, River?"


"I'm a Phoenix," River replied proudly.


"Asher?" I asked, turning to him.


"Dragon," he replied confidently. 


Lastly, Cedar spoke up, "I'm a vampire." 


I was surprised by their answers but also intrigued.  Learning about their spirit animals made them seem even more mysterious and fascinating. 


"We need to research to see what spirit animals can conjure storms,"  Dane suggests.  "Maybe your spirit animal is rare and still manifesting, so you haven't shifted yet."


"My aunt seems to think I'm a witch," I say, looking from side to side to gauge their reaction.


"No, that's not possible," Asher replies, "Witches are born with power from their ancestors, manifesting as the person grows.  So, you're not a witch."


"We'll go to the library later and see what we can find." Cedar offers. 


I perk up at the mention of the library.  I love books and learning; I'm secretly a nerd. 


"Ah, boys, do you see this?" River says with a smile.  "A total babe who fights like a guy but also a book nerd.  I could feel her excitement when you mentioned the library."


Okay, maybe the book nerd part isn't such a secret.


Asher grinned as he looked at me with admiration. "Sexy, smart, and a badass.  You are the girl of my dreams," he said, his voice filled with awe.


I couldn't help but blush at his words, "Yeah, well, no one expects an angel to set the world on fire." 


Cedar chuckles, "That's what I like about you.  You're not afraid to be yourself and have a passion for sarcasm. That is sexy as hell." 


"Sarcasm is my love language," I reply to Cedar. 


"Ah, so it's a love language,"  he answers, his voice low and heavy with expectation.  "When am I going to experience the love that comes with that."


Deflecting, I laugh, trying to downplay the seriousness of the moment.


  "Are you all planning to join me in some reverse harem?" I ask.


The intensity of their gazes on me shifted to amusement as Dane threw his head back and laughed, the sound like a balm for the sudden tension that had clung to the air between us.  His eyes sparkle as they meet mine, "I've not heard of a reverse harem; maybe you would like to enlighten us."


Well, hell, I regret opening my mouth.  Not only did I blurt out something that will lead to how I know about reverse harems, but now I'm stuck explaining the concept of a reverse harem- a relationship with more than one partner where the woman is the leader. She has a collection of male admirers.  Now, how do I get out of this?


"Google it," I reply through gritted teeth, barely holding in my anger.  "I'm done here.  How about you guys?"  My eyes bore into theirs as they reluctantly nodded in agreement. 


We stood from the table, and the guys accompanied me back to my room.  As we walked through the academy halls, I couldn't help but feel all eyes on us, the curious whispers that followed in our wake.  I could feel invisible winds of judgment and accusation rippling through the air. 


But I kept my expression fixed in an impassive mask, refusing to acknowledge any of the attention.  This was nothing new. I was used to the strange looks and muttered accusations, and I had learned to ignore them. 


When we arrived at my door, I thanked them for lunch and bade them farewell.  They hesitated momentarily, uncertain whether to stay longer, before muttering 'goodbyes' and 'see ya later' before turning away.  As I watched them go, their playful banter echoing down the hall,  I felt a strange loneliness and longing. 


I make my way across the common to my room, only to be met with constant pounding against my door.  I sigh as I return to see who could be so annoying.  To my surprise, it was London mid-knock. 


"It took you long enough,"  she says, pushing past me into my space.  I attempt to close the door, but Salem stops the motion and grins. 


"Looks like I am just in time," she states. Now, start talking.

What's this about you and the fantabulous four?"


I stand there shocked, and what is a fantabulous.  However, I don't get to ask before Salem looks to London.


"You get anything out of her yet?" she inquires.  She then introduces herself to London, and London returns the introduction. 


"We just started on this apparent quadruple love affair of hers."


"Are you two done yet?"  I ask, annoyed. 


"Well, we will be if you start spilling your guts," London quips.  "Instead of staring at us like we got two heads. 


Salem interrupts, "Wait, we need coffee for this.  She says as she heads toward our kitchen as London, and I sit down. 


I flop my head back on the couch, letting out a sigh.  With Salem and Londin in front of me, I can no longer avoid the conversation.  So, I reluctantly start talking about my relationship with the guys. 


I tell them about the gym and Dane's kiss.  Then, they have known about training today since they were there.  Then, the invite to lunch. 


"You do realize they have never asked a woman to eat with them before, let alone walk her to the canteen," Salem says. "The word is they are a love 'em and leave 'em kind of group." 


"Which is why you are the talk of the entire school,"  London adds, her eyes wide with disbelief. 


I nod, feeling confused. "I'm not sure what's going on myself.  All I know is they seem interested in me…and that confuses me.  I don't know which one I'm compatible with, but I'm sure I can't be compatible with all four."


London leans forward, her eyes alight with intrigue. "Dane is a Leo, which is incompatible with Gemini, but the others are all compatible with Gemini.  But it might be something else that's interesting to them about you." 


"Dane was the first one to make a move by kissing me.  Why would he do that?  He has to know we are not compatible. And what could they find so interesting about me?"  I ask skeptically. 


"Oh, they could feel your energy or maybe something to do with your second spirit animal,"  Salem says thoughtfully.  "Or maybe it's something else entirely quality you have that draws them in."


London agrees before adding her two cents,  "Maybe because you are different from the other girls. They are usually date-more mysterious and badass."


My eyes widen as realization dawns on me.  Could it be true?  Could the Fantabulous Four, fucking great now I'm calling them that stupid name, have taken an interest in me because they find something unique about me.?


I glance back at Salem, who looks apprehensive.  She caught my stare and sighed,


"I am a Pisces, a witch, and I have intuition."  She began.  "For some reason, I feel you and those four guys are meant to be together."


"Wow!" London exclaimed,  "Is it possible to die from too many orgasms?" 


"What?"  I shout. "Why would you say that?"


"Because if I were in your shoes, I'd be tapping that daily."  she chuckles.  "Heck, maybe on the hour!  Can you imagine having all four of them worshiping your body?"  Damn, I got sex envy. Can I tap me in if it's too much for you?" 


Shaking my head, I point at her and reply, "There is something wrong with you." 


I turn to Salem and inquire, "You told me to follow my heart the first day we met.  What did you mean by that?"


She answers insightfully, "I can't answer that for you; all I can feel is that you're meant to be with them, and a choice must be made. 


I express the dread that washes over me, "I will never choose between them.  That would tear them apart."

"Be prepared for the hell that is about to be unleashed upon you,"  London says, looking at me gravely.  "Every girl in this school who knows Dane is compatible with them will want to take you out of the running.  And those who know you are compatible with the others won't be pleased that you have taken these royal court candidates from them.  You've just become enemy number one." 


Salem nods her agreement. 


"So much for my plan to say her and lay low for six months to please my family,"  I say wearily.


"Girl, no doubt this lunch wasn't exactly low-key, sweet cheeks," London says, chuckling and patting my arm. 


"Seriously, you need to be careful.  You are not from around here, and a few influential families are hoping to get their daughters married off to one of the four royals. They won't give you a second thought."  Salem said intently, her expression sending a chill down my spine. 


"What do you mean?" I ask nervously.  I'm not from here.  What do these powerful families have to do with me?"


"Salem takes a deep breath before continuing.  "There's already plenty of competition amongst these families, so naturally, they wouldn't be too pleased if one of their daughters lost out to someone unknown and unconnected."


"So, what should I do?"  I inquire anxiously, my stomach dropping at the thought of becoming embroiled in a turf war between high-profile families. 


Salem gives me a firm look.  "You need to be careful and watch your step, she warns.

London pipes up again, her voice laced with determination.  "We've got your back no matter what.  You are part of our group now; we stick together.  Just remember to trust no one."


I take a deep breath and look at London and Salem to gauge whether I can trust them.  After all, we'd only just met- I didn't know either of them very well. 


"Do I trust you both?"  I ask hesitantly.


London grins and puts an arm around me.  I'm fulfilled with my true love already,"  he reassures me, her eyes twinkling mischievously.  "I do no desire to go after any of the royals."


Salem adds, "Don't worry about me either.  I was raised with those four royals as if they were my siblings- they're more like brothers to me than potential loves.  Besieged my destiny to become an advisor to Dane when he takes the throne; my mother, Sybil, is witch advisor to his father; all comes down to family tradition."


Relief floods through me as they assure me of their support and loyalty.


"Thank you,"  I say gratefully. 


Enough of the serious stuff, I thought to myself.  London grabbed the remote and put on "The Originals."


"I love this show," Salem said from beside me.


"Never seen it,"  I confessed.


"We got to watch it now!" London declared.


Salem said sincerely, "This family makes me want to murder people." Klaus is  my favorite."


"Same," London agreed. 


We spend the next few hours watching The Originals episodes and discussing sex and boys.  London and Salem gushed about the show, comparing characters and talking about plot points.  I can feel myself relaxing with each passing moment,  surrounded by the energy of their friendship.


I finally opened up to them, telling them about my family.  They are understanding, reassuring, and relieving to let my secrets out in the open.  We bond over our shared experiences, laughing at the absurdity of it all. 


Dinner time arrives, and our stomachs groan in hunger.  We make our way to the canteen.  We pile food onto our plates and find a spot to sit.  As anticipated, the girls glare at me, but their opinions hold no value to me.  Suddenly, I sensed someone behind me.  A glance upward confirms my suspicion: it's them. 


"Would you ladies mind if we joined you?"  Asher inquires with his panty-melting grin. 


Salem rolls her eyes and scoffs, "So what you want; we all know you'll sit here regardless.


I let out a stifled chuckle as London choked on her drink.  She seems appalled by Salem's branch language.


"Salem!" Dane says, his voice low and annoyed.


"Relax, she knows we all grew up together,"  Salem says as she takes a bite of her food.


"You were talking about us?"  River asks with a playful grin.  "Please tell me it involved naked twister."


I almost choked on my food.  Dane glares at River while Cedar pats my back to help me regain my breath. 


I'm good," I say between coughs. 


Cedar's fingertips brush against a bruise on my arm, and I cringe.  We have supernatural healing, but that doesn't make the bruises themselves go away. 


"Love," Cedar says quietly, "maybe we should skip training in the morning?"


Love?  He just called me love in front of everyone.  I glance around to see if the term of endearment takes aback anyone else, but no one seems surprised.  Then, it occurs to me that it might be more common here in the UK.


As if London could read my expression of confusion, she interjects, "It's a common sentiment here." 


"I regret having to inflict a bruise on you during our practice session today," Cedar says as he carefully runs his fingers over the sore spot. 


"It was part of the training- does that mean our enemies would also not care if they hurt us in a fight?"  I ask them. 


In response, the three of them made an angry noise, and I could see a wildness in their eyes.  Something powerful draws them to me,  but what could it be?


Suddenly, London speaks up.  "Just let them look after you. They care about you and want to know that you are safe."  I make eye contact, and she smirks.  I am reminded of her death-by-orgasm comment.  I shake my head, and she laughs. 


I make eye contact with each of the guys in turn, and I feel the intensity of their gaze.  There is no denying their protectiveness toward me, and I can't help but feel something more is at play here. 


I slowly nod in agreement, not wanting to break the moment between us. Asher speaks first with that smirk he wears so often.  "Thanks for understanding our need to keep an eye on you, love."


"By the way, we did a little googling after lunch.  Then, we discussed what we found out.  So now we need to talk to you after dinner if you are agreeable?" 


I now realize that something strange is genuinely happening.  An Alpha Supernatural would never usually share their partner so freely.  I have to wonder, what is the Goddess planning?


"Will you talk to us after dinner?  In private, of course," Dane asks. 


I nod, refusing to look at London, who I know is dying to say, "I told you so."  I can already feel the smirk Salem is sending my way.  Oh, to be in her head and know what she knows.  It must be a blessing and a curse.  To understand what could happen, you must be selective about who and what you say, or else you alter the outcome. 


The conversation suddenly turns as we move away from cautionary warnings and towards what happened in the combat arena.  As I continue to listen, I discover that the girl who falsely accused me of sleeping with them goes by Prudence.  It turns out she's part of one of the three influential families vying to get to Cedar, Asher, or River, which explains her confident demeanor when she made that remark about knowing who she was. 


The revelation that Prudence was part of a powerful family seeking to get their hands on Cedar, Asher, or River turned the conversation somber.  "We will need to be more vigilant from now on," Salem says, a hint of frustration in her voice.


Cedar and Asher agree, but London suggests the best defense is a good offense.  We need to learn more about Prudence's family.  I nod in agreement, relieved that someone had suggested a level-headed approach.


By the end of dinner, we all came to the same conclusion: We must watch our backs and take extra precautions to stay safe from whatever may come our way.  Though they don't say it aloud, I can sense that they are just as worried for me as they are for themselves. 


As we leave, the guys ask me to come to their room.  I stand outside the guy's room, trying not to laugh.  This was going to be an exciting encounter. Once inside, they asked me to sit on a couch opposite Dane and Cedar.  Asher and River sit on either side of me. 


I take in the luxurious, royal oasis space straight out of a fairy tale!  The penthouse within a castle is nothing short of a dream come true.  With its opulent decor and breathtaking views, you'll feel like royalty.  Imagine lounging on plush velvet couches and admiring the intricate details of the high, ornate ceiling; this space is the epitome of sophistication and elegance, fit for a future king and his court. I am startled from taking in the room around me with River's voice. 


"Reverse Harem, when multiple guys choose to be with one girl."  River reads from his phone. 


"Listen, Indigo," says Dane, cutting into the conversation.  "We aren't going to lie. Some pull draws us all towards you- both our human and Supernatural sides.  We don't know why, but we want to explore our connection.  If you're open to that?" 


"What exactly are you proposing?  A single date, a group date, se, or something else?" I asked him. The guys share a look before Asher answers. 


"We can accept whatever you feel most comfortable with," Asher replied.


Cedar nods in agreement, and I can't help but feel a little sheepish as I realize what they're suggesting.  I'm not opposed to being with multiple people, but there's still a lot to take in all at once.  We are Supernatural, so numerous partners are normal. 


"But there's a caveat: Dane isn't a compatible partner for you, so we need to make it look like he's only protecting you from our connection."  Cedar chimed in.


"And as you know, this puts a target on your back,"  River commented sympathetically.  "So, if you're not ready for all that, we completely understand."


I take a deep breath and let it out slowly as I process everything they've said.  It would be an understatement to say that this kind of arrangement is unconventional; however, the more I think about it, the more convinced I become that this could work.  It would require us all to be very open and honest with each other, but that shouldn't be impossible, considering how much we trust one another already.


"Okay,"  Finally say, nodding my head in agreement.  "Let's do this."  A smile spreads across the faces of the guys, and I can tell they are just as relieved as I am.