
Cursed Bond:Astrological Academia

Reverse Harem Supernatural Intrigue Introducing “Cursed Bond” a spellbinding tale of supernatural allure and fated mates! Prepare to be captivated as you delve into a world where sacred mated bonds are tainted by a haunting curse. Imagine a love that could have been the stuff of legends, stolen away by the hands of fate and replaced with a heart-wrenching challenge. In this enthralling journey, the Goddess herself presents you with a mystical quest, promising to shatter the curse that has plagued your existence. But here’s the catch-to break the curse, you must risk losing the love of not just one, but four extraordinary mates. Will you be brave enough to face this daunting choice? I Cursed Bond,” passion and destiny collide, forging an unbreakable connection between you and your fated mates. Explore a world where the supernatural reigns supreme, where bonds are tested, and where love’s power transcends all boundaries. Brace yourself for a rollercoaster of emotions as you navigate the intricate web of secrets, betrayal, and sacrifice. With its vividly depicted characters, sizzling chemistry, and spine-tingling plot twists, “Cursed Bond” is a must-read for fans of paranormal romance. Lose yourself in a world where love knows no bounds, where the strength of a curse is met with the resilience of true love. Will you seize the chance to break the curse and embrace the love of a lifetime? The answer awaits withing the pages of “Cursed Bond.”

Amy_Sams_3398 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 10


I can't believe this woman!  She's going to be the death of us all with her behavior.  Who does she think she is simply moving out and leaving everything we have behind?  Little Bird, you are sorely mistaken if you think you can just waltz out of our lives and forget everything we've shared. 

I can't believe she is acting like this.  We had a plan, and now she wants to throw it away because she's angry.  This competition is our only chance to achieve our dream of spending the rest of our lives together, and she's jeopardizing it with her irrational behavior.  It's not like we have any other options.  The competition is the only way to prove ourselves to the gods and goddesses and show that we're worthy of being together. 

It's frustrating because our connection is so strong, unlike anything I've ever felt.  But that doesn't mean we can ignore the rules and expectations set forth by our divine leavers.  We have to play by their rules if we want to succeed.

I wish she could see that and put her anger aside for our future. 

Dane's return to our room was fraught with tension.  He was agitated, and his wolf was practically vibrating with fury.  Without a word, she stormed out of the room and headed straight for Indigo's dormitory.  Pance groped my heart.  What if someone had found her alone and taken her?  We already knew she had been targeted in her parents' car accident, and Prudence had poisoned her with someone unknown assistance.  What if that person was simply waiting in the wings to grab her? 

My instincts kicked in, field by the fiery passion of my Phoenix, Volcan.  I couldn't sit around while Dane handled this.  I had to make sure Indigo was safe. Without a second thought, I followed Dane toward Indigo's dormitory, my heart pounding with fear, worry, and anger.  My brother's footfalls were heard behind me. 

  When we reached the door, he didn't bother knocking.  Instead, he pounded on the door with his fist, demanding Indigo to open the door. 

"Indigo! Open up!" he yelled. 

When the door opened, it wasn't Indigo who stood there.  It was Salem, her roommate.

"Where is Indigo?" Dane demanded. 

"I don't know, " Salem replied.  "She never came back here."

Our hearts sank as we realized we couldn't sense her.  I felt sick with worry, fearing the worst.  Salem tried to tap into her intuition to locate her, but she couldn't sense her either, and neither could the others.  Even our beasts, which had been able to sense her since the day of her arrival, were now unable to do so.

"Why can't we sense her now?"  I asked, my heart pounding with fear.

"I don't know," Salem replied, her brows furrowed in concern.  "It's like she's vanished into thin air." 

We all shared a moment of tense silence, each lost in our thoughts and fears.  The beast inside me fought to know where she was and whether she was safe.  I couldn't bear the thought of something happening to her. 

"We have to find her,"  I said, breaking the silence.  "We can't sit here and do nothing."

Salem nodded in agreement, determination etched on her face.  "We'll do whatever it takes to find and return her safely.

"We need to go to Chancellor Luxe," Dane said as we nodded and followed.

We arrived at the Chancellor's office and explained the situation to him.  Chancellor Luxe explained the situation to us.  He informed us that he had spoken with Indigo earlier, and she requested to be assigned another room.  But here is the thing: Chancellor Luxe refused to tell us where she was, citing it was her decision. 

We trudged back to our dorm, aggravated and hearts heavy from Indigo leaving us.  Inside the dorm, the silence was deafening.  Asher and Cedar swiftly went to their rooms, hoping to drown away the anger and grief in sweet sleep. 

Dane and I lingered. Against better judgment, we decided the only way to calm our beast was to sleep in the bed we shared with Indigo.  Without speaking a word, we lay side by side, careful not to touch.  As the minutes passed, the anger and sorrow that threatened to consume us slowly ebbed away as we inhaled her scent, like a tide going out.  Before long, Asher and Cedar joined us, needing her scent to calm their beasts. 

Finally, the beasts that the loss of Indigo had unleashed were tamed enough that we drifted off to restless sleep. 

The following day, our hopes of seeing Indigo were dashed when we realized she had changed her class schedule so she wouldn't have to see us.  The rumors of our split quickly spread. Before we knew it, the school's app was ablaze with gossip about us.  Everyone seemed to make assumptions about our business, and it felt like a politician trying to bury his mistakes. 

The good news in this scenario was that we knew where our little bird hid.  We lay in wait, carefully plotting our ambush, and before long, our prey appeared, walking with another male by her side.  Although it was evident there was no spark between them, our beasts didn't care. She was ours. 

Indigo's response was far from positive when we asked her to stay with us: she declared that even if we won the right to claim her in the competition, she was leaving for home.  This declaration signified the end of our relationship.  The prints and his court couldn't lead the kingdom while living across the world.  We had to find a way to convince her to stay. 

We walked away from the encounter with Indigo, feeling the weight of defeat pressing down on us.  Dane's chance to claim her in the competition was now pointless.  Indigo was leaving and taking a piece of our souls with her. 

"We can't simply can't allow her to leave," Dane said, his voice laced with desperation. 

"I know," I replied, "but how do we change her mind?" 

"I can't believe she was so hostile towards us,"  Cedar adds in frustration. 

"She's probably scared, Dane.  We are strangers from a foreign kingdom, after all."  Asher tries sympathizing with Indigo's decision. 

"But we need her. A King is only as strong as his Queen.  The kingdom can not thrive without her, and she can't survive without us."  Dane says, his voice determined. 

Cedar spoke fervently in favor of Indigo's argument for the link.  "We need to hear her out," he said,  "she has a point.  None of my research has found a link like ours in the history of Supernaturals.  It could be a gift from the gods and goddesses themselves." 

We all nodded in agreement, but there was a more significant issue.  "Yes," I said, 'but we cannot choose our partners based on a link alone. What if Dane decides on her as a partner?  It would set a dangerous precedent.  Everyone would want to choose their partners based on a link, and it would create anarchy. 

Cedar sighed, understanding the weight of my words,  "You're right," he said, "our divine forces have given us rules for a reason.  We cannot simply ignore them.  We must find a solution that honors the gift of our link and the importance of following the guidelines we have been given for choosing partners. 

Finally, after hours of brainstorming, we came up with a plan.  We would appeal to Indigo's sense of duty to her kingdom.  I mean, we are her people also.  We show her that her leaving would only lead to chaos and uncertainty. 

Okay, so we need to figure out which room she's in.  I don't see her coming to our dorm. That would seem way too suspect for her.  I mean, she would think it's a trap to snatch her.  But then my brain gets all kinky.  We could get her to come to our room, and we would hold her captive.  Captive to the bed.  Imagine our hands all over her.  Think of all the pleasure that could be bestowed upon her.  I mean, it's just a thought. 

As luck would have it, the school app gave us her location.  My heart sank when I saw her location.  She was at the top of the spire, the furthest dormitory from the rest.  It was a lonely and desolate place, with barely anyone around to help her in an emergency.  My mind raced with thoughts of potential dangers lurking in the shadows. 

However, my Phoenix  Voclan laughed at my apprehension. He reminded me of how she sparred with us and the impressive control of her air element.  I realized that he was right.  She was a mighty and skilled warrior, and I had no reason to doubt her ability to protect herself.  I took a deep breath, trying to trust in her strength, knowing she was more than capable of handling whatever challenges may come her way.

Being a man goes against everything I believe in, not being her protector. In the cultural norms of humanity, there is this concept of chivalry, which I find to be ridiculous.  For instance, they expect men to hold the door open for females, but then they don't know if any threats are lurking.  So, what good is the gesture of chivalry?  It's absurd!

After the intense confrontation with Indigo, we let it lie today.  We spent the afternoon studying and working out at the gym, trying to shake off the tension.  When dinner time came around, we headed to the canteen to grab some food.  I am reminded of our first meal here after she walked out.  We hoped to see and talk with her, but our hope sucked from us quickly. 

Our arrival for food the first day after Indgio moved out indicated she was seriously angry.  The air thickened with a heady tension when we arrived for breakfast.  It was painfully apparent that Indigo was livid with us: her disdain and anger palpable even in her absence.  She had been avoiding our calls and messages and now had no contact with London and Salem. 

When London and Salem settled into the table, they began barraging us with questions about what we had done to their beloved friend before launching into their worry about her whereabouts and intentions.  They had yet to learn where she was or what she was planning to do. 

My attention was drawn back to the present as London and Salem arrived, accompanied by Logan.  I was relieved to see Logan with them, as we owed him an apology.  We all spoke briefly about it and learned Logan had just arrived the night before, handling some things in his clan before his arrival. 

Salem suggests that she and London talk to Indigo.  It took some convincing, but eventually, we caved and let the girls talk to her first.  They planned to meet her at her dorm and walk her to class the following day.  Then, they would report to the rest of us about her response.

With our plan in place, we finished our meal and spent the rest of the evening like typical young adults, scrolling through social media and watching TV.  The weight of the impending conversation with Indigo hung in the air, but we tried to push it to the back of our minds and enjoy the rest of the night. 

The following day starts the same as all the others.  We go to the arena for some training and then return to our dorm to catch up and attend our first class as we are nearing our room. Salem calls Dane.

"Move your asses now!"  Salem yells. 

I hear her voice sharp as a whip through the phone, commanding us to rush to the spire.  We take off. Our ultimate goal is to get to Indigo.  As we reach the shall leading up to the entrance, my entire wall of bodies is blocked, all trying to gain access.  But before I can even think of why, Dane unleashes his aura with a thunderous roar, forcing everyone to their knees. 

Dane gives an Alpha command for everyone to clear the area.  Then, as we approach the door, a heady aroma drifts over us-Indigo's signature scent mixed with the pungent smell of arousal. 

Dane raps on the door and calls out, "Salem, it's us. Open up."

Salem invites us in with a swift motion and slams the door shut.  The wild beat within us stirs, eager to reach Indigo for a reason other than a simple hello.  We're talking more of the ravish that pussy until she's screaming our name and unable to walk for a week.  And the man is ready to climb aboard. 

"What is happening?" I ask Salem frantically.

"I can't figure out.  London and I arrived, and Indigo opened the door, completely soaked in sweat.  We helped her to the tub and filled it with cold water.  We were just about to call the healers when! Bam, horney men started pounding on the door," Salem explains. 

"Where is she now?"  I growl as my boxer briefs start to stick to me from re-cum.  . 

"Still in the tub." Salem points to a door.  "London is in there with her." 

We move in unison toward the door that separates us from Indigo.  I have an urge to tear down the door-how dare it stand between me and my girl.  Dane opens it, and Indigo sniffs the air before her eyes find us.  She makes a sound of pleasure in response. 

London laughs,  "I'm telling you, she's like an animal in heat, boys. Have lots of fun with her, but you better respect her too?" 

We hear London leave while Salem informs us she's cast a concealment spell around the windows and will do the same for the door when they leave. 

"Don't forget to hydrate, boys." London's laugh echoes off the wall as we hear their retreating footsteps. 

I grab a towel and wrap it around Indigo as she stands. "This changes nothing," she says.  "Once whatever this is is over, we go back to not cohabitating." 

"We can discuss that later," I tell her, stroking her hair.  I pick her up and carry her to the bed as my brothers remove their clothing.  Cedar takes Indigo from me so that I can do the same.  Then the feast begins: combined kisses, love bites, and hands explore each inch of her delectable body. Dane moves in on her pussy while the rest of us keep up our sensual ministrations. 

A torrent of pleasure cascades through her body as soon as Dane touches her, the intensity sending ripples of bliss and delight coursing through every fiber of her being.  She begs him for more, desperate to reach even higher heights of rapturous pleasure.

"Blue, are you ready to take this to the next level?"  Dane asks, his voice an unrelenting demand.  He gets no response other than her gith grip on his body as she flips them over, lining him with her entrance before slowly descending onto him.  A hiss of satisfaction rips through the room as he fills her. 

"Oh, fuck…you feel amazing," Dane growls, his hands tightening around her hips as the sensation overwhelms him.  "So fucking tight." 

My mouth waters as I watch her undulating on his shaft.  River and Cedar slide into position, their tongues working to tease her nipples into aching peaks of ecstasy.  Dane helps move her up and down his shaft until she gasps in pleasure.  She wraps her hands around Cedar and Asher's cocks, taking them deeper with each stroke. 

Her moans are like music, driving me wild with desire.  She glances back at me with smoldering eyes, her voice sultry as she asks if I will watch or join them.  With a feral growl, I slide up behind her and ask if she's ready for this ass to be fucked.  My fingers trace pleasure trails down her thighs before slipping inside her tight walls of bliss. 

The way she gasps as I work my fingers inside her tight hole undoes me.  Her moans finally get the better of me as I thrust my cock into her while she works over my brother's cocks.  The sensation is magnificent, working together in perfect harmony to pleasure each other until exhaustion. 

Indigo's cries and Dane's grunts echo off the walls as she moves faster and faster, pushing us closer and closer to our climax.  River and Cedar's hand move to her hips, helping her drive a little deeper.  All five of us chase an orgasm of epic proportions until we collapse in a tangled heap of sweat and satisfaction.

I observe Dane again grappling with his inner wolf, as his fangs are bared and he struggles to maintain control.  It appears that Dane's wolf desires to leave a mark on her that defies human rationale.  To make it clear, all our animalistic instincts desire the same outcome.  Personally, my Phoenix longs to her wrist with a fiery brand, although I cannot fathom why this is a perplexing and unsettling development.  However, I know that my Phoenix will not mark her until Dane's wolf has done so. 

We lay there basking in each other's warmth for what seems like forever until Indigo stirs beneath us.  We help her up and take her to the shower to clean up, but while in the shower, her heat flares again. 

Cedar takes her from behind while Asher furiously pounds that pussy.  She watches us ogling her as she being fucked, and it wasn't long before Dane and I were ready to join in on the action.  When the three came together in a chorus of grunts and moans, I entered her and felt her softness embrace me with every thrust. 

Asher laughs, watching me struggle.  "Greedy little pussy feels amazing.  Takes all your control not to fill her with your load until she cums."

Asher's dirty talk sends Indigo into orgasm bliss.  Her pussy pulses against my cock until I cum so hard it nearly drops me to my knees.  This woman is the sole reason for our existence, and we cannot thank the universe enough for blessing us with her.  Every breath, we say a prayer of gratitude for having her in our lives. 

We step out of the shower, and Dane quickly receives a message from Salem.  She had left clothes and food outside the door, and London had left a surprise. 

Asher arrives with an armful of clothes and a case of Gatorade, which Indigo notices and erupts into laughter.  We huddle around the food, devouring it until Cedar rests against the headboard as Indigo leans back against him.

His cock glistening in readiness for Indigo's pleasure.  She slides down onto him as her pussy wraps around his shaft.  The sight of INdigo taking Cedar's cock inside her made any man's mouth water.  Her slick, eager pussy gripped him tightly as she sank onto him, her eyes rolling back in pleasure.  The onlookers could not resist the urge to stoke ourselves as we watched. 

The room filled with moans and wet slapping as Indigo road her lover, her hips grinding agonist his.  We were all transfixed by the sight, lost in our fantasies as we longed to be the one, once again buried deep inside her.  It was a raunchy, naughty scene, and we were all happy to be voyeurs for a little longer.

Who knew Indigo could be so insatiable?  The way she wriggled, writhed, and moaned, we never thought one person could handle that much pleasure.  And just when we thought she couldn't take anymore, she surprised us by asking for more. 

But what got us going was when she eagerly indicated that she wanted all our cum.  We were happy to oblige, and seeing her covered in our release was a sight.  We couldn't help but let out our grunts of desire as we watched her revel in the experience.  The sight of her moaning in satisfaction as we coated her in our release was one we would not soon forget. 

We spent the day holed up in our secret bunker with Indigo, exploring every inch of her body.  The four of us take turns lavishing our girl with pleasure until she can't take anymore and succumbs to delirious ecstasy.  Three days of erotic bliss follow as we push her to her limits of passion, no one wanting the euphoria to end.  Our tag-team event leaves us all wholly drained from exhaustion and contentment.  Three days, we were culminating in orgasmic delight. The Gatorade now seems like a genius move!

Never in a million years did I think getting down and dirty with the same chick as my brothers would be on the table.  But let me tell you, seeing my Little Bird getting railed by them is hotter than a sauna on a summer day.  Her silky-smooth pussy is just the icing on the cake. 

Indigo's body is Euterpe, the muse of music and lyric poetry, a perfect instrument for me to play songs on.  Her breast were perfect globes tipped in pink dusty nipples that she loved when we licked and sucked on them after our teeth had teased them.  And when I play her violin, her hands grip those globes as she moves her fingers across her nipples.  She then arches up to take all of me into herself like she wants to capture my voice in her throat and keep it there forever. I want to live in this euphoria until I take my last breath. 

Indigo's blissful trance was disrupted on the fourth day, and reality set in. Sadly for us all. 

"I'm getting ready to get in the shower.  When I come back here, I don't want any of you around,"  she demanded sternly, and her cold face left no doubt about what she expected.

I felt Dane's anger flare as he listened to her demand.  How could she be so distant after everything we had just been through?  I couldn't believe she would dismiss us like that, as if our feelings and efforts meant nothing to her. 

Dane took a deep breath, trying to calm himself before responding.  "Are you saying everything between us is the same after these past few days?" he asked, his voice laced with anger.  "We've been through so much together, yet you still treat us like nothing to you.  We worship you, and I thought we would have proved that to you by now.  But it seems I was wrong. You don't care at all." 

Indigo stepped up to him.  "Are you still going to wait until the competition to take me as your partner?"  No one has ever squared up to Dane before, not even us. "Are you still ignoring what your wolf wants?" 

"Indigo," Dane says, running his hands over his face.  "We have a certain way of choosing partners.  Just because my wolf has different desires doesn't make it right."

Indigo's face hardened, and her eyes blazed with conviction.  "I disagree with you, Dane Magnus," she said through gritted teeth.  "I know from the depths of my soul that we're meant to be together-competition be damned.  You will feel what I feel one day, and by then, I hope it won't be too late."  She spun on her heel and stalked towards the bathroom.

I heard her grinding teeth as she muttered,  "I had a plan…but it's pointless now. Lay low and go home. Now, there is only one way this can end.  Goddess, what kind of fuckery was this??"  Rage and anguish shook her veins like electricity as the air filled her despair. 

Gathering up our items, we trudge towards the dorm.  All of us feel discouraged and disoriented.  Dane's fury is palpable.  I know he needs an outlet for it soon.  He'll have to shift and expend his built-up rage.

We didn't return to our dorm before Dane shifted and ran off.  A few seconds later, we heard a melancholy howl, with Lobo sharing our grief for his loss.  We glanced at each other before continuing.  We dropped off our belongings and then went to run and fly with our Alpha. 

Asher shifts to his dragon form and takes to the air, Cedar changes to his Vampire form, joining Dane on the ground, and I shift to my Phoenix to join Ahser in the air.  We run and soar from the pain of Indigo's rejection.  Dane's wolf howls mournfully as we join his howl with our mournful sound. 

As I fly further away from the academia and towards the kingdom's castle, something in me stirs.  It's a feeling I can't quite name, but it's a calling to greatness or even destiny.  And yet, I can't shake off this nagging feeling that tells me something important just shifted, something that will change our lives forever. 

We return to the dorms feeling exhausted, both physically and emotionally.  We found the chancellor had left us a note with our assignments for the days we had missed.  Asher scoffs at it and feels the anger radiating off him.  He's still reeling from Indigo's rejection, and here we were given more work.

We pour over the notes, trying to make sense of them.  We are all surprised when Dane suddenly speaks up, his voice full of determination. 

"You know what?  We are still participating in this competition," he says.  "In the time Indigo has been with us, I realized how much better she makes us.  We're stronger with her than apart." 

"But she said she was leaving," Cedar interjected, his words coated with a heavy sadness. 

"But I'm sure my wolf is on to something with this marking her.  Once we win the competition, I'll mark her like she desires.  I'm certain your spirit animals want the same.  My instincts tell me once she's marked, it will be almost impossible for her to part from us."  Dane explains with a hint of anger. 

There is a moment of silence as we process Dane's words before Asher nods in agreement and Cedar stands up with new energy. 

"Dane is right," he says firmly.  "We've come too far not to finish what we started."

Asher grins, and I can feel my determination growing inside me.  Indigo may have rejected us, but that doesn't mean we'll give up on our dreams or each other.  We share a look of understanding before completing our assignments as the competition draws near. 

Dane did most of the research for us, Asher put together our presentations, and Cedar handled the paperwork.  I threw my hat in wherever it was needed but mainly focused on putting together the written material that tied everything together cohesively. 

When we weren't studying or working on our assignments, we used our time training.  Dane and Cedar go on runs while Asher and I fly above in our animal forms.  We shared strategies and planning scenarios to come out victorious. 

Your freedom has been snatched away, leaving you with no chance of escape.  There is no way to avoid us this time. We have already taken hold of you, and there's nothing left to do but succumb to our will.  You are now completely and utterly ours!