
Curse This Curse!

Sancha_Dela_Torre · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: Birth of a Gem

The carriage is ready, your Grace." The butler said.

"We'll be leaving soon, call Ticia right away." Riland replied

(A/N: Ticia is a nickname for Leticia)

The sight of snowdrops and camellia that bloom in the west garden of Amberlione estate is Leticia's favorite spot. Garden filled with assorted colors of camellia. It's rare for flowers to bloom in cold seasons, only a few are able to.

In her pregnant state, Leticia stands in front of the garden to expose herself in the fresh surroundings and to avoid the cold temperature. The butler then appeared before her and delivered the duke's message.

While walking to the carriage, Leticia's vision caught the duke as he hurried to her side and wrapped his hands around her. So gentle and careful, as if she'll crush at any moment. They shared a sweet moment.

All was well, not after Leticia felt waters flowing from in between her legs to the floor. Unbearable pain from her stomach caused her body to break down.

"What's happening?" The duke's voice trembled in panic. He was clueless as to what was happening in front of him. It took a few seconds to collect his composure.

"Call a physician!" A shout from the duke ordering the servants who were present in the situation. "Call all the maids, tell them to prepare the chamber." Everyone immediately moved themselves.

Riland swept Leticia off her feet cautiously, he carried her in his arms and proceeded to the chamber.

The delivery room had been prepared a long time ago, weeks after the news of her pregnancy.

Everything was assembled when the doctor arrived. Riland was furious as the doctor arrived late, despite this fact, he did his best to calm down for it is not the proper time to let his emotions get ahead of him. The doctor is being assisted by three nursemaids.

"All the unnecessary people, leave." The duke's voice grumbled with coldness. As if he was back to his usual demeanor before he met his beloved. Only a few remained in the chamber, the atmosphere became more serious.

"Tell me, what's happening?" This question kept bothering him. He can't settle unanswered.

"It seems that the duchess is about to give birth." The physician answered.

Yet the duke's expression only showed vigilance. "Do you wish to die?"

The physician flinched from the question. Riland was not satisfied with his answer. In fact, he's not asking the obvious, he wants a direct and honest answer.

The physician and his nursemaids bowed their heads lower. "T-the duchess, m-may not be able to…" the physician paused and tried to recall his words "e-endure the pain. Her body is too fragile. I-I'm afraid to say this but, i-it seems that there's a low percentage that the delivery will be successful." In the end, the physician was able to say it.

"That's- -" Riland gritted his teeth. No words came out of his mouth, instead, he clicked his tongue, he looked daggers at the person facing him.

"Y-your Grace, it's either the duchess or t-the child." The physician stuttered from tension "b-but we're not closing the possibilities, so…"

"...My wife"


"My wife must always be the priority, whatever happens, it's my wife. Do you understand?" The duke said demandingly.

"Ahhh! The baby, the baby's coming!" Leticia's pain and suffering was uttered from her mouth. The nursemaids went to assist her in giving birth.

On the other hand, Riland froze from fear, he's afraid to witness the anguish of his beloved.

Leticia snatched the frozen Riland's hand and held onto it tightly, hot tears gushed through her eyes. Riland stared at her misery, unable to subside her sufferings. He remained still and his face was pale white.

The servants, including the butler, head maid, assistants, chef, gardeners, and staff waited patiently for their master's order. They can't help but worry about their mistress.

Few hours passed quickly, the door opened revealing one of the nursemaids carrying a small tub with blooded cloth dampened in it. The others came after her.

Silence, the perfect abstract for the atmosphere. Not a single action took place nor a single word was emitted.

"How is her grace, Leticia doing? The duke? Is the child okay?" The head maid rushed her questions to the nurses when she had an opportunity to interrupt.

"The baby was born." The nursemaid replied casually.

The place filled with silence was interrupted by the in-sync sighs of the servants and their following comments.

"That's good news!"

"What a relief, I was so terrified."

"I'm looking forward to a lively household from now on."

"I'm excited!"

The servants were in triumph. They returned to their spots afterwards.

On the other side of the wall is Riland and Leticia. Her forehead was wet with cold sweats, her scarlet hair was sticking in her temples.

"Thank you" Riland was speechless, out of words, and that word is the only thing that came out of his mouth with sincerity and all honesty.

He found himself in an awkward position, he's unaware of the proper way to carry a baby. Once again, his arms were stoned while the baby was lying in his arms. The duke was so scared that he'll cause danger to their child.

Still, he held her dearly and embraced his child like she was his life.

That day marks the birth of a girl in bliss.