
Curse of the Houm

The HOUMs are ruthless creatures whose sole purpose is to sow death and destruction, they appeared in the world when all the continents merged to form a single landmass. The CREDHOS is an organization dedicated to combating HOUMs and protecting human life. Jaden Lavender, a teenager from a wealthy family, aspired to a simple and carefree existence. However, destiny had other plans. One day, Jaden experiences death, stoically accepting it. But what follows is a terrifying revelation: he is cursed. He becomes immune to death, but at the cost of five additional lives, each time a HOUM seeks to end him. Among these five lives is always someone dear to him, be it a family member or a friend. let's follow Jaden on his journey of struggle and self-discovery!

Lust_Tempest · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Home, Sweet Home

After a few minutes, Jaden woke up with an enormous headache. He was surprised; he couldn't really understand the reactions of this CREDHOS.

'But what's her problem?' He could only ask this question to himself because who knows what the repercussions would be if he raised his voice? And even then, it was risky because she could more or less guess what he was thinking.

'I fulfilled my contract, after all! I touched her, that's all.' Jaden would occasionally move his eyebrows as he thought about it, to express his irritation, his return to normal, or other sensations.

'What does it matter which part I touched?' He arrived at the conclusion that it was because his hand was on Sera's chest that he ended up losing consciousness with a violent blow to the head.

'However, I'd rather be away from her. I don't want to spend my life fainting, or worse...' He paused for a moment in his thoughts before adding. "End up fearing girls."

Jaden took his time before adding the last part because it was very serious; he might end up without a woman for the rest of his life if that were to happen, can you imagine?

"Nice fight, genius. You're not rusty at all, not bad, you're worthy of being the hero's right hand." Kenzo interrupted his thoughts with a voice full of pride and kindness, as if he were bestowing the highest honor upon him by proposing to become his 'Robin.'

They returned to the Conclave hall, took some precautions before letting everyone go about their business.

Rei and Rush had simply told Jaden that he had to go to the academy in three months from that day, and then they parted ways.

Jaden was eager to return home; it had been almost an eternity since he had left the house.

The day was beautiful outside the HQ; the sun was beginning to set, but the lights of the HQ were starting to come on.

Jaden decided not to call the car because he didn't want to give his family any hints given the situation; he wanted it to be a surprise.

Furthermore, he still had the sound of Sera calling him "daddy's boy" with her usual mocking smile. Jaden shuddered when he thought about anything related to her.

"A real demon." Jaden said, exasperated, before adding. "What days these have been." The last two days had been really eventful, a stark contrast to his routine.

He felt exhausted, as if he had been working day and night for a month every day until this moment.

He took a taxi and entered his home without anything or anyone to disturb him; the driver wasn't much of a talker, so they remained in silence until they reached their destination.

'At least drivers haven't been completely replaced by artificial intelligence.' Jaden thought.

Once he arrived, Jaden murmured. "Finally, a part of a day that seems normal." as he took out money to pay.

"Did you say something, sir?" asked the driver, thinking that Jaden was addressing him and hadn't heard.

"No, nothing. Keep the change." Jaden said in a low voice as he handed over the money.

The driver, seeing the opulence of the neighborhood, didn't hesitate at all and accepted the generosity of this young man who likely had enough to spare from time to time.

'Now it's just a matter of informing my family and friends about my membership with the CREDHOS.' Jaden hadn't finished with the CREDHOS; in fact, he had only just begun.

Jaden stood before the magnificent mansion, moved by the mixture of emotions it inspired in him. The Lavender family home stood majestically, a testament to the grandeur of their extraordinary lineage.

The imposing columns at the entrance gave the whole place a noble look, reminding everyone of their family's importance.

"Home, sweet home." he thought. He believed that was the appropriate proverb.

There was a sense of relief in him as he saw the house after what felt like an eternity.

The façade of the house was adorned with intricate details, reflecting refined taste. Artistic stained glass windows, blending shades of blue and purple, bathed the rooms in a fairy-like light.

The meticulously maintained gardens, where exotic plants in vibrant colors thrived, added a layer of natural elegance to the overall picture.

As Jaden walked up the paved path leading to the front door, he couldn't help but recall the moments he had spent with his uncle, Louf. Laughter and lively discussions still seemed to echo in the air, creating an atmosphere that was both warm and majestic.

'I wonder why he didn't want to come home... fate, huh?' Jaden wondered curiously and a bit exasperated by the latter's response.

He was then in front of the house. The door itself was a work of art, carved from precious wood and adorned with intricate patterns that told the story of this mysterious family.

'A knocker, this thing has always amazed me.' Jaden couldn't understand why they still used a knocker with the level of technology available today.

However, the solid silver knocker, perfectly polished, added a touch of sophistication to the whole.

Jaden lifted the knocker and let it fall gently, producing a clear sound that harmonized beautifully with the ambiance of the house.

As the door opened slowly, it was Suzanne, the housekeeper, who greeted him with a very welcoming smile.

Her dignity and discreet charm gave her a natural air of authority. Her long, carefully coiffed gray hair in a flawless bun testified to her attention to detail.

"Hello, Jaden, and welcome back home." she said, all smiles.

Jaden felt like he hadn't heard Suzanne's voice in at least an eternity. Often, when you're used to something, just a brief absence can make it feel like you've been away from it for a millennium.

Suzanne was dressed in an outfit that perfectly combined elegance and functionality. Her deep blue eyes were filled with kindness and wisdom, and her warm smile was enough to soothe anyone.

Jaden then entered the house, and the interior was as impressive as the exterior. The living room was a true design gem, with elegant furniture and exquisite artworks carefully arranged.

Family portraits, witnesses to past generations, adorned the walls, reminding everyone of the Lavender family's prestigious heritage.

Louf had left his mark even in the decoration. An artistically shaped statue he had gifted was proudly displayed on the mantelpiece, adding a touch of whimsy to the whole.

Louf's eccentric choices had given the house a unique and bold charm.

'Even when he's not here, he's high-profile.' Jaden shook his head with a subdued smile.

As Suzanne went about her tasks, the hurried footsteps of Richy echoed through the house. Jaden's younger brother, seven years old, came running with a radiant smile.

"Big brother!!" exclaimed the young boy with tousled blond hair and big, curious, bright blue eyes. His face radiated innocence and liveliness.

"Wow, Richy! You're getting fast!" Jaden said to his energetic little brother, despite his small stature. He was quite relaxed, wearing a red T-shirt with a large CREDHOS logo on the front.

"You know, I missed you." Jaden said, affectionately ruffling Richy's hair.

"I missed you too!!" Richy replied, smiling with his sparkling eyes. He then added, after analyzing his big brother from head to toe.

"Big brother, you don't look tired at all, and you don't have any wounds. Why was the doctor making such a fuss?" He looked confused, wondering why there was such a fuss when someone wasn't seriously injured.

'The doctor what? Where did he learn that word?' Jaden thought, proud of his little brother for using words he wasn't sure he had used at his age.

"Did you answer the phone?" Jaden was a bit surprised to learn that his brother had answered the phone during the call.

"Yes, but the doctor didn't tell me anything." Richy replied. He added."He wanted me to pass the phone to an adult, so I called Aunt Suzanne."

"Given her reaction, I thought what the doctor said was very serious." Richy said.

'I see.' Jaden thought.

"I wanted to come, but Mom asked me to continue my lesson." This time Richy was a bit embarrassed because he wasn't at the hospital when his big brother was suffering.

'I was in critical condition; Mom just didn't want Richy to see me in that state.' Jaden thought, having a better view of the whole situation.

"It was super serious, you know." Jaden said with a worried and downcast look.

"Oh... really?" Richy responded with a sad face and a trembling voice. He felt less guilty when he realized that his brother wasn't as badly hurt as it seemed.

But just then, Jaden dropped a bombshell, immediately changing the little one's expression.

However, Jaden wasn't done. He added with exaggerated gestures. "Super serious for anyone, but not for your big brother."

He continued:

"If these injuries were serious for me to the point that you were there to assist me, I would have lost the honor of being a super big brother." He paused for a moment and added. "There were only three low-class HOUMS, and..."

As he began to explain his story, omitting the traumatizing details while embellishing it, Richy's face lit up with excitement.

"And another BIG... guy at least twice my size cheated, but as you can see, your big brother managed to get through it." Jaden concluded with great pride.

"Wow!!! You're the best, Jaden!" Richy exclaimed with a big smile.

They sat on the sofa, and sometimes Jaden would get up to illustrate the story without speaking. He didn't mention his death; the CREDHOS had told him not to tell anyone for now—not even his mother.

Once he finished the story, Jaden grabbed Richy's attention, creating a calm atmosphere to heighten the suspense.

"It's just one of the amazing parts of the story. So, guess what?"

Richy blinked, captivated. "What? What?"

"I found myself in the middle of a secret CREDHOS meeting. There was this incredibly strong woman named Sera, and she..."

As Jaden began to share his adventures with Richy, he couldn't help but remember the colorful personalities of each member. From Rei's determination to Kenzo's ambition, each character reflected a unique facet of the CREDHOS' lives.


Once the story was almost finished, Jaden stood up and began to say. "Having been dazzled by the strength of the super big brother, two super-strong CREDHOS members. No..." He paused for a moment before adding.

"The two strongest CREDHOS members in the country. Yes, Benimaru and Rei offered me a spot on their team-."

"Pff... big brother."

"Oh no... he ruined the story."

"Pfff... dear Jaden."

Jaden received reactions from his brother, Suzanne, and his mother, respectively. He was at a loss for words, wondering what these reactions meant. He sat there with his mouth open and eyes nearly popping out.

Even more surprisingly, everyone was there, even his brother, who had, he believed, nodded along with the others' reactions. He hadn't noticed them until this precise moment—they had all been listening to him without him realizing it.

"Try to be more creative next time, sir." Suzanne said with a warm smile.

Right after Suzanne, Evelyne—his mother—added. "And does the story end when you refuse the invitation? Is it just me, or does it resemble your uncle's stories a bit?"

Jaden still didn't know what to say, but he couldn't blame them for not believing him. He had just told some extraordinary things, and this one was simply unimaginable.

"It's true, you know." Jaden said, half proud and half dejected, the reactions were just too bizarre.

"Big brother." Richy simply said those words; he didn't want his big brother to keep embarrassing himself.

Jaden stopped complaining, and there was silence for a few seconds. Then, in a dramatic and showy movement, Jaden's hand went into his pants pocket.

In a second artistic motion, the hand was out of the pocket. Right after, he started calling it the "Fatal Strike Technique."

The true fury of the super big brother, the little brother, the beloved son, and the gentleman.

The name was way too long, so he decided to change it to something more stylish and shorter.

'THE TRUTH REVELATION!' Jaden shouted in his head as everyone had their eyes on him. And there it was, the CREDHOS member card in his hand, with the names of his teammates written on it.

"No doubt, it's the real one." Everyone knew how to recognize a CREDHOS card; no one in the world could copy it as it was printed using a material only the association could produce.

this and the next one are because of the new place in the "New Releases". It will be four chapters today. Enjoy!

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