
Curse of the Gods

Ancient Egypt had rules of marrying siblings to avoid getting mixed blood successors. Don't think of this story as weird or disturbing.

Manila_Tasnim · History
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61 Chs

Chapter 22

Unknown POV

I just got a message from Bakari that queen Izna will come to visit us. The day I've been waiting for so long. I call my slaves to dress me in royal attire. I must look attractive enough to impress her.

Izna's POV

I reach the secret hideout where my brother Qebeh is hiding.

"Your majesty I'll be waiting here. Please go inside," Bakari says.


I go straight to my brother's chamber. It's empty. He must be training. I walk to the training grounds. Even if he's my brother I get shocked every time I see him. Can't believe how much he's changed. His fragile weak body has turned gigantic as a result of inhumane training. His blinded eye and body scars make him look like a monster. I will never forgive Nephthys for doing this to him.

"Izna!!" He comes running and hugs me tightly."I haven't seen you in a while."

"How are you brother?"

"I'm alright. Why are you here?"

"I need your help. Nephthys has been trying to corner me. This time he has someone backing him up."

"Let's go meet him then."


"You will know when you meet him."

We walk down the stairs under ground. I've never been to this part before. There's a man sitting on a stone throne. I must admit he has a stunning body. Even a god's statue will lack charm if compared to him. I'm drooling in my mind. But for some reason his full face is covered. I want to see his face badly.

"Brother look who came to meet you."

"Welcome queen Izna. It's an honor you came to me. Your beauty is truly mesmerizing like I heard."

"Who are you? I don't think I've met you before."

"Oh yeah you have. I'm your fourth brother."

"ANHUR!!!!" My eyes widen.

"I'm honored that you remembered me."

Yes this man is my brother. He's a mysterious man. No one knows too much about him. He likes to stay hidden. When my father was the Pharaoh he used to work as a spy for father. I've met him before but never seen his face. Rumors say he has some birth defects that makes him look terrible. That's why he hides his face so he doesn't scare anyone. I remember he gave me presents every time we met. Unlike my other step siblings, he never bullied me. Few years ago he mysteriously disappeared. We thought he was killed in one of his spying missions.

"Anhur I need your help."

"Anything for you my queen."

"I'm going to fight against the Pharaoh."

"We all are."

"No you don't understand. I don't want to execute him. I want to control him at my will."

"That is impossible. He's too egoistic."

"If my brothers help me I believe nothing is impossible."

"But then you have to accept me as your brother"

"I do."

"Would you still say that if you saw my true face?"

"You're my brother. I will accept you no matter how you look."

"We will see."

"Remove that cover off your face. Let me see your face. I want to accept you as you are."

"Don't be scared."

My heart drums like crazy but I keep calm outside. He removes the cover off his face. I'm shocked at first. So this is why he hides his face.