
Curse of the Gods

Ancient Egypt had rules of marrying siblings to avoid getting mixed blood successors. Don't think of this story as weird or disturbing.

Manila_Tasnim · History
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61 Chs

Chapter 17

Izna's POV

My husband has gone completely mad. He's not the sweet little boy I used to know. He now is a power hungry ruthless monster. He's rude, arrogant, bossy, egoistic and disgusting. I can't believe he kicked Horus out of my chamber, insulted Seth and now dragged me back to my palace like I'm a slave he bought.

He drags me inside, slams my body to the floor.

"Did you forget about last time how I punished you? You will not go out again without my permission. This time i will show no mercy."

Saying this he storms off.

How can I forget? What he did to my brother, Sheila and her unborn child. Seth is right. I need to stand my ground against the Pharaoh in order to live with dignity.

I can't defeat him alone. So I write a letter to Qebeh.


"Yes your majesty."

"Nephthys insulted me."

"He has your father's blood. He's showing his true colors now."

"Send a message to my brother."

"But it's dangerous at this moment. The Pharaoh's here."

"Don't do it yourself. Make Bakari do this. Even if he gets caught he won't spill a word."

"I understand. Your majesty if you don't mind may I suggest something?"

"Go ahead."

"Today the Pharaoh joins royal court."

"And your point is?"

"He came back but didn't go to visit his bedridden ill father."


"Yes your majesty."

"You can take the horse Seth gave me as a present. I'm pleased at your intelligence."

"Thank you your majesty."