
Curse of the Dragons

Cai Kang was a young martial artist from Shenmi China who is coming to a different country to be engaged but there is a secret. They can change their gender based on the environment. They have no problem with it but it's an inconvenience in everyday life. How could they balance their life as a martial artist and a high schooler?

DaoistRbk3UP · Urban
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16 Chs

The search

Kazuha is packed up and about to leave. "I'll be leaving now." She said and left the residence with the rest of her family watching her leave. 

"Damn she goes to these things a lot. I wish that I had that privilege." Toya then sighed. "Oh, the money she brings back." he laments.

Kazuha is going on a mission then afterwards go fill in as a drummer for a band in a different city and won't be home until the day after tomorrow. 

Martial arts is a skill that helps strengthen the national strength with or without chi. Individuals who choose to practice martial arts go to a Dojo, graduate then choose a career that suits them depending on their rank. They either join the military or guard position and rise through the ranks, join the exorcist/shaman divisions or take a minor government position.

The martial arts ranking in the Luminescent Alliance are separated into nine levels with each level having two parts; junior and senior. Levels one and two are usually depict martial arts students. They can increase their rankings by recommendation, by actively participating in the tournaments, ranking tests or by the number of successful missions they accomplish rather than just strength alone.

This is where things start to diverge. In the modern world, they have local law enforcement who abides by the law and watch over their community with various different divisions with different duties. In Shenmi, there is a slight difference. The Law enforcement are only in charge of watching over civilians and their safety and maintaining order but in the case of heavy crimes like homicide, large scale issues or suspicious non-human or suspicious activity, there are the local militia. Kazuha's dad is the head of his prefecture's militia who take over this part of the division. Chi use is extremely power and easily abused if tempted hence why the government and rules are so strict. Anyone could get killed out of a whim even if an individual isn't armed or is seemingly vulnerable. The martial artists who are a part of the militia are usually four to six levels in the rankings. 

Then seven through nine are exceptionally powerful. They are the unique martial artists with their own unique skillset that makes them different from others. There are levels beyond nine but it is not important right now. Cai Kang's old man doesn't have a special trait to show off nor a potential but he is extremely powerful all by himself with martial arts, chi and energy that surpass the above average person and also the capability to do more even at his age and is a Junior eight rank. 

In terms of missions, it depends on the severity and location. The militia usually takes care of this and is made of strong individuals but in some cases, it usually depends on someone with the ability to take care of something that the average martial artist can't even if they are weaker than the initial group. Apparently, Kazuha alone has a skillset needed to accomplish the mission.

Cai Kang felt a twinge of jealousy towards her. He is in Japan and currently still not eligible to join in missions as long as he's staying in the country. Also, because of his travels and age, he is currently ranked at the senior fourth level while Kazuha is a junior sixth level and deemed appropriate to join while he continues to be stuck here. Noriko, Toya and Kazuha go on missions. The twins do the usual miscellaneous ones for the local law enforcement for the money and Kazuha does the dangerous ones but they don't do it as often. The reason why Toya is depressed is because he hasn't been on a mission for months and thus not getting paid.

Cai Kang heads to the training hall and decides to warm up for a bit while waiting for Ryosuke.

"You seem to be in a bad mood." Cai Kang look to see Ryosuke coming in with a blank look on his face. "What's the matter?"

"Kazuha's headed to a mission." Cai Kang said with a pout on his face.

"You've been traveling with your dad. He's been on several missions. Does he take you along?" Ryosuke asked while putting his bag down.

"He does but I would like to go on a solo mission."

"A solo mission? If Shiratori-san is really on a mission then that must mean that she is required."

"Hmph," Cai Kang replied.

"You are the only heir to your school. Putting you on dangerous missions is a big risk if you lose your life." Ryosuke said.

"Hey! I'm strong. My strength is on par with seven level rankers." he said.

"You probably lack experience then. What's your rank?"

"Senior fourth level."

"I'm senior seventh rank."

"Hah!? That is so unfair!" Cai Kang groaned.

"I'm a martial artist and an exorcist. I'm a different level than you because I take on more missions than you and everyone who I work with knows how much stronger I am. If it bothers you that much then go take a ranking test. When is the last time you took one?"

"Nearly five years."

"You're an idiot." Ryosuke commented while warming up. "No wonder you're still stuck in your current rank."

"Where's Fukuna?"

"On a mission. She has to go to this world's Hinode(a town) that needed her services."

"Alone?" Cai Kang says in surprise.

"She may not be strong in martial arts but she's a skilled shaman." Ryosuke said, finishing his warm up.

Cai Kang got up and put on a stance. Ryosuke then made the first blow which is blocked by Cai Kang.

"Now that I think about it, Hyakuya-kun is a student of the Cai school, right?" he says in mid-fight.

"Yeah, what about it?"

"Is he even registered?"

"In the system?" Cai Kang said. "He doesn't have citizenship in Luminescent but he is technically registered as a student. He had five years to learn everything before he headed back to Japan."

"So he has no rank."

Cai Kang rolled his eyes. "He's says he's working on the citizenship in Luminescent."

"How's he gonna do that?"

"An appeal, duh!"

Now Ryosuke is the one who rolls his eyes. They continue to spar until Cai Kang successfully hit him in the back of the head. Cai Kang has more flexibility than him which he is admittedly proud of.

"By the way, I haven't heard news of your marriage arrangement, yet? You've been here for almost two months now."

Cai Kang rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah, about that, my yin-yang trait has changed their plans a bit. The girls, including's the other sister that I've yet to meet, are looking over candidates right now. Afterwards, I will meet them at a omiai, whatever that means, and see how it goes from here." he said.

"It's like a blind date. And the Hinagi clan is extremely distinguished with many different families of different classes and cadet branches. They have to choose someone worthy. Your tribe may be small and not as well known but it is still recognizable in China so they won't just choose a girl from a nameless family but not someone who's too noble either or else it will cause a scandal."

"I hate politics." Cai Kang murmured.

"It can't be helped. If you have your sights on any of the Shiratori girls then just give up. You're not worthy."

Cai Kang sighed. "Don't worry. I'm not interested in them like that. It's just frustrated that marriage is necessary to increase the school's standing."

"It is because the Cai school is not being recognized by the other schools. This is the most efficient method without negatively affecting the reputations of both schools."

Cai Kang looked up with his hands behind his head. "I know that. It's not exactly that."

"Is it your curse?"

Cai Kang glared at Ryosuke in response. "Don't call it a curse."

"I mean your condition. I understand your struggle. Hopefully, the sisters will perhaps find a girl who is bisexual would make things easier. At least, she will accept you wholeheartedly."

"I guess..." Cai Kang then had someone in his mind and briefly smiled. "She has a pretty smile."


Kazuha then look at the time while she is on the train. She is carrying a rectangular velcro backpack with multiple stickers on it and is standing while holding onto a hanging strap.

She checked her phone for messages and saw that the other person has just arrived at the destination. She texted that she will be there soon before putting the phone away. She is wearing street wear with cargo pants, a sleeveless white shirt, white sneakers, armbands, metal bangles and a thin choker with a tear shaped pearl in the center. Since she looks like a boy, she won't easily be mistaken as a girl as well. Then she heard something suspicious and turn to see a man doing suspicious action. She walked towards him with a frown on her face.


I guess I should look now. Cai Kang thought after seeing that the coast is clear. After training, Noriko and Toya were out of the house and Ren is at cram school. Ryosuke also has already went back home which means he could see now. Cai Kang looked around and walked into Kazuha's room. After looking around, he beamed at how extraordinary it is. Unlike Noriko's room which is her own personal art studio, Toya's room which is full of sports posters, Kazuha's room is filled with interesting things. She keeps photo albums in her shelf, pictures on her wall, and in her second room, she has her own mini keepsakes of her musical items and works. Despite being in her room before, he actually wanted to venture a bit further. He never actually gets to see the items she keeps on her shelves. She keeps a collection of her awards or trinkets organized and then he sees her guitar. It is a regular wooden acoustic guitar. Due to her musical talent, she keeps many instruments but the guitar is the only one kept in her room. 

So much stuff. He thought and then touched some of them and then heard the sound of breaking. He turned around to nothing but decided to check it out. His eyes turn to a black box. He then examined said box. It is a small ebony box with an intricate design with mother of pearls. He saw a large crest on it. It doesn't even look oriental. It is a very crude design compared to the rest of the elegant designs. It has a whirlpool design in the center but the outer lining has rough lines that looks like a chrysalis to him but he knows it is not. He looked around and opened the box to see a big white pearl. The pearl isn't spherical but it is beautiful but that isn't the interesting part. The pearl is as big as a jawbreaker. 

Is this real? He thought and touched it. Big mistake.

He pulled his hand back in alarm and nearly dropped the box but got his bearings together. When he touches the pearl, it's like he is touching a very hot stove. The feeling still lingered in his fingertip. 

This feeling, it's unusual yet familiar. He thought. Without a second thought, he grabbed the pearl using the box and headed out after packing lightly and without telling the family where he was heading. He needs to show this to someone.

Cai Kang was at Kurai's apartment and knocked on the door, hard enough to be heard and urgent but not enough to make a dent on his door. The door opened to an extremely tired and disoriented Kurai in a large shirt, boxers, and bad bed hair. 

"What is it?" Kurai mumbled tiredly. 

"Did you really just wake up?" Cai Kang said in disbelief as he lets himself in the apartment. 

Kurai closed the door and yawned while scratching under his shirt. "It was the new moon yesterday." He said and stretched his arms while he helped himself to some milk from the fridge. "Now what the hell do you want?" He said. 

"I need to ask you something. Do you remember the first time we met?" He said. 

Kurai stared at Cai Kang with a still tired expression while chugging down a carton of milk. "What about it?" 

"The first time we met, there was a spark. You once said that there is a connection between us. I thought it was because of the fact that we're both cursed." Cai Kang said. 

"Yeah, that's exactly what I said. Now get to the point." said Kurai while drinking his milk. 

"I felt it again but this time it was an object." Cai Kang then pulled out the box and opened it to reveal the pearl. 

Kurai finished the last of his milk and tossed the empty container in the trash and rubbed his eyes while looking at it like he is having a hard time believing seeing a pearl this big and lustrous. "Where did you get this?" said Kurai suspiciously. 

"You know what it is? I found it in Kazuha's room." 

Kurai gave a 'are you crazy look' at him. "Oi, you stole something from her. This is definitely expensive. You're a crazy bastard, you know that?" 

"Yeah okay. I was a bit curious. I mean why wouldn't I look? I never actually got a chance to look at her stuff." Cai Kang flustered. 

"Hm. I could think of a few other reasons." Cai Kang then punched Kurai in the gut leaving him fully awake. That comment was not appreciated. "Dammit! You should be glad I haven't vomited the milk!" 

"We are getting a little bit off track here." Cai Kang snarled. "Have you seen it before?" 

Kurai, noticing how serious Cai Kang looked, view the pearl again then at the box. "Don't know." Kurai said, still clutching his gut. 

"You don't know?" Cai Kang said. 

"What about the crest? Have you seen anything like it?" 

Kurai shook his head. "I'd expect you know this kind of stuff." 

"I learned about chinese crests, not japanese ones. I have no idea what this is." says Cai Kang. 

"So what now?" asked Kurai. 

"We'll just have to ask her. Let's go." Cai Kang said and headed to the door. 

"Where are we going?" Kurai asked. 

"I want you to track her. Your nose should be able to find her." He said. 

"Why? You could just wait for her to come back or better yet, call her." He said demonstrating a phone sign with his hand. 

"Listen, Kazuha is going to Chiyoda and she won't be back until the day after tomorrow and I do not know where to look so I need your sense of smell to find her. Besides, I don't have a cell phone yet." 

Kurai stared at his friend like he was irrational which made Cai Kang a bit aggravated. He clearly thinks that he is crazy. 

"Touch the pearl." says Cai Kang impatiently. 

Looking confused, Kurai grabbed the large pearl but immediately dropped it which bounced off the floor before rolling. 

"F*#&! It's hot!" He yelled but he stopped to look at the pearl which stopped upon hitting a wall. 

"I said touch it not grab it." Cai Kang exasperated. 

Kurai grabbed a rag then grabbed the pearl with it and put it back on the box and Cai Kang immediately closed it. 

Kurai rubbed his hand while staring at the box. "Okay, I see your point. Now, what is that thing?" 

"No clue but this pearl is giving up the same vibe as the one we felt years ago. If I'm right then this might be a way to end your curse." Cai Kang said. 

Kurai raised an eyebrow. 

"How are you sure that this is a way to end my curse?" He asked. 

"Back in the Black mountain village, I was told that my special trait is actually a curse and can be cured if we can figure out a connection. We found each other that way and this pearl gives up that same vibe too. Maybe we can find a way to end yours." 

"A connection by our curses?" 

Cai Kang nodded. Kurai noticed Cai Kang had a backpack. It seems he is ready for a trip. Kurai ran back to his room and came out ready to go. "What'll we got to lose?" he said. 

They headed to the train station and got themselves a train headed to Chiyoda. It is fifteen minutes on train and it is crowded. While on the train, Cai Kang is thinking about something. 

"It's weird." Cai Kang looked at Kurai as they were standing. 

"About what?" Kurai said. 

"You're here." Cai Kang stated bluntly. 

"What do you mean?" Kurai asked. 

"Why are you really here? You aren't here to actually see me aren't you? After all, next district aside, you wouldn't know it is me even if you had heard it was a Chinese guy when you moved to my school." Cai Kang said. Kurai frowned. 

"How do you figure that out?" He said. 

"I have been wondering for a while." Cai Kang admitted. "You were the go to flow kind of guy. Unless something has caught your interest, you almost never take any action." 

Kurai's face dropped into a frown. "You're right. I got a lead." He said. 

"A lead? On what?" Cai Kang lifted a brow. 

"A way to end my curse. I got an anonymous tip from someone that if I come here then I might figure out a way to end the curse." 

"Anonymous? So you don't know the person. How do you know that the person can even be trusted?" he said. 

"I don't but so far, they got one thing right." He said and stared at Cai Kang from the window of the train. 

"Finding you." 


"I know right? I was shocked to see you and know that the info I got was right. I have a feeling about something. It doesn't add up." 

"What are you implying?" 

"Think about it. How do you think all these people keep finding us? Someone has been setting us up. Did you talk to your old man about this? It all started with you." 

He is surprised. "What makes you say that?" 

"First you came to Nerima, then it was me, Daddy issues, cooking girl, and that weasel. All of us are martial artists with some connection to you." Kurai said. 

"We've met many with curses. All of us are cursed but that is a coincidence." Cai Kang stopped short. Ryosuke searched for him for months before finding him in Nerima without knowing he was at the Shiratori residence, Fukuna knew from Ryosuke, Xianliang also managed to find him through a hint. Two is a coincidence. Three is a pattern. Someone is setting them up. 

Is it? He thought, questioning himself. This all happened when he moved into Japan. He tries to think of these. Kurai found him through intuition and rumors, Ryosuke's tracking abilities are able to find him, Xianliangs' is unrelated. Even though it is a coincidence that he meets these people again in the same place, the fact that this has happened is no mere coincidence. At first he suspected it could be the old man but he's not sneaky nor good at planning things like this and he is genuinely surprised of this as much as him. Just what is the motive behind this just by putting them all on the same place? 

Cai Kang looked at the box. She knows the answers. If she is aware of this, then she will have the answers to this box. 

"You suspect Silver eyes?" Kurai asked. 

Cai Kang looked at Kurai with a unfazed expression. "You suspect her?" 

He shrugged. "What do we all have in common?" 

"We're martial artists?" Cai Kang said. 

"You, me, Daddy issues, Ponytail are cursed." He said. 

"You suspect that Kazuha is cursed?" Cai Kang questioned. 

"I mean, it's not a stretch. If she is really behind it then we are in one spot to take us all at once in one fell swoop." Kurai said. 

"What about Xianliang? He's not cursed." Cai Kang asked. 

"He's linked to you. He's the Dragon. He's gotta have someone on you. Also, Gin has the box. She has to know something about us at least." 

"I think you're missing the point. So far, everyone who arrived all know me personally. It seems like a message towards me." 

"Don't be so privileged about it." teased Kurai. "But you know as well as I that someone knows our curses and all that sh*t. I don't know why this is happening but I'm gonna make a guess and saw that we'll be expecting someone soon." 

Cai Kang and Kurai heard the train voice saying that they are finally at their destination. They left the train station and Kurai inhaled the air. It took him a while to track her scent and many people were staring at him as his behavior was odd. He is so focused that he ignored the crowd almost completely. Kurai has been sniffing the air and the ground, exhuming dog energy. 

And to think, Kurai hates the nickname. Glad to see that he's embracing it. Cai Kang sarcastically thought. 

Kurai stopped what he was doing. "Found it." He started running with Cai Kang at his tail.