
Curse of Exodus

The world of Ulleria, the war of the supernatural, humans, and gods has begun and the human kingdom, Fieyo, has created a group of powerful beings of their own caliber to defeat and win the war. Genesis, the protagonist of the story was recruited to this group of powerful beings to fight the supernatural and the gods. Genesis is a special human, his existence was cursed just like most of those with cursed abilities making him the dangerous human in the Astra, but a dark past finally catches up to him without him ever noticing.

Arngrim_Asura · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Ep. 1 | The Hidden Slayer

Slayer. The group was made to free the realms from the gods and the guiltily, Their leader, The Demon of War. His face couldn't be seen, they say that even his Orphic could rival the new gods. The world became more corrupted by the day, the innocent being chased out of their homes, women being raped and sold into slavery, children being sold off as well. Slayer always protected the innocent until the human government or the Astra Council passed down the law of the Slayers so called crimes against the two realms which the supernatural have never had any part in it. All Slayers members are being hunted down and their bodies brought to the Royal capital and the hang them in front of the citizens.

On the sunny day like any other day, the city of Knightthorn. The huge city that held 60,000 humans and the numbers keep adding up. It was  the Astra's Realm main source of resources and food to send to the capital, Redrest. Of course, the people around this realm of man may look happy, but in truth their frighten of what happened to such a peace world. Despite being an wealthy city, the citizens could barely even feel more lively, their ruler, Lord Astra the Eighteenth.

Most of the Slayers members have been found and immediately executed before they could escape, the Demon of War and his companions couldn't be found. In the end the war between the corrupted and freedom was far from over... until a brave soul finally took a stand to find the lost group and help them end the corruption. A child.


In the city of Knightthorn, a light skin male standing at 5'0 tall, was seen being thrown out of a the blacksmith store. His back hitting a crate of spices. "And don't you ever COME BACK!" The owner screamed. The teen sighed, dusting off his clothes.

He turned to his left, then his right. The citizens staring at him, some faces showed disgust and hatred. "To think that an Orphicless child can stay here is disgraceful to our ancestors." One of the townsmen whispered to the other. The rumors spread to the east side of the Astra Realm.

Genesis Arcadius was his name, his past still unknown, yet his boyfriend's father allowed him to stay with them. His time with them was fun and he even started to smile again after his long past of running away.

"Honestly, can you just disappear like the supernatural?" He looked to his right to see the Inn keeper. The words cut deep, but not enough to make him feel true pain and agony mentally. The eyes of fear never showed on his face, even when he was threatened by high ranking soldiers he saw the Curse of Exodus in their eyes.  This realm is full of never-ending suffering, no one never even knew the answer to their problems were right in front of them.

"Excuse me! Coming through!" Genesis Arcadius turned his head to see his lover, Arne, running up to him. "Are you alright, love?" He asked softly, tears almost streamed down his feminine face.


『Genesis Arcadius』



『Arne Hale』


Enhanced Senses

Arne senses are enhanced 40x greater than a human, capable of sniffing dangerous items like drugs and poison. He can see about 480 meters away, can hear even the silence of assassins taking stealthy steps.


"I'm alright, babe! I got thrown out again for asking the simplest of questions." He replied patting Arne's head. He responded to the pay with a tinted red face, if he was a dog then his tail would be wagging rapidly.

He seemed to enjoy his touches, it made the males Jealous. The truth is Arne is the only male who has the face of a woman, yet he was taken by the Orphicless boy. Some even made plans to kidnap him but their failed every time, no one knows how or why, let's just say his father was involved...

"Let's go home! Or do you want to miss out on 'that'?" He helped Genesis up as his body tensed with pleasure. He felt Arne's soft fingers grazing his chest. "Let's go home!" He ran straight home with his lover in his arms.

The citizens of Knightthorn continued their everyday life of sustaining the corrupted lands with good resources and food, though a small shadowy figure seemed to be looking where Genesis and Arne ran to.

"Found him..." the shadowy figure had a monotone voice yet it was soft like a child. Then the dark figure disappeared when a flower woman walked by.


At the Hale's family home, the sounds of moaning and groaning came from the upstairs floor at the end of the right hallway. Inside the room was Genesis and Arne, moaning and groaning.

"Do you like that~?" Arne asked with glee. His rapture breath could be felt on Genesis back as he replied with bliss. "Oh...ahhh~ it feels so good...~"

He was enjoying the massage his boyfriend was giving him. His stress and negative emotions immediately left his mind, body, and soul. "Thanks so much for the massage..~"

"You're welcome~." Arne then gasped when he was turned over on his back with Genesis pinning him down. The two stared into each other eyes not letting anything stop them. Their lips moved closer together, until the touch, but fate said fuck it and Arne's father opens the door.


『Lucas Hale』



Lucas is capable of wielding spears and can learn more techniques as he uses one of them.


"Hey guys, dinners...." Arne's father, Lucas Hale, the best soldier anyone can have, but he chose the of protect Knightthorn. The couple look at the eggplant purple haired middle aged man, he looked back... this very moment was extremely awkward, especially for the two love birds. Genesis nor Arne had a shirt on, there were hickeys mostly on Arne's neck and down.

"Heyyyy....Lucas...nice weather we're having, right?" Genesis tried to ease the tension in the room.


A few minutes later at the dinner table, they was eating some fresh meat, fruits and vegetables. Embarrassment filled the air, none of them could even speak a word of what just happened. Genesis face was a bit bruised up, Arne couldn't even look at anyone at the table.

"I don't care what you do in this house...just make sure to put a sign on the door. That way we don't have to keep having this problem.." Lucas broke the tension with just his words alone.

Genesis nodded, "Has there been any updates about the Slayer members?" He causally asked. Lucas sighed heavily, the fact Genesis kept asking about the Slayer's wanted posters update—it felt strange but maybe the Slayer's did something to his family or so he thought.

"There's nothing knew yet, I can guarantee that the leader will show up soon then later." He said, this made Genesis tilt his head.

"Why's that?"

"Because we both know that this realm is about 78% corrupted while the other percent are innocent being abused by power and law, their homes taken, families stripped away from each other. This realm isn't what it used to be..." Genesis secretly bit his lips, Arne grabbed and clenched on to it. His smile soothed his heart.

Arne then spoke, "It's only a matter of time before this city is attacked... look on the bright side at least we have dad here."

Genesis agreed, there was no one who could defeat him except for himself. "Y'know, I always wonder what it was like if the realm was in peace."

"Me too, Genesis...me too." The family begun laughing together for some time. As dinner time ended so did their once normal life, an unexpected knock was heard at the front door.

Genesis opened to see anyone there until he looked down, and there he saw a little girl wearing a black cloak, it was tattered and beaten up. She looked like she was at least five years old.

"Help...me.." She reached out to him, he immediately caught her before she lost conscious.

"Lucas get help!" He yelled as he carried inside the house, Lucas ran to the living to see the girl unconscious and bruises, her skin almost cold as ice. Who would let a child go through so much pain especially on this very day.


Knightthorn's doctor, Dr. Alexander, was finishing up healing the young girl. His Orphic was healing which is a crisis. "She'll be alright, but once she wakes up you'll have to feed her." He told the three gentlemen.

"Why's that, doctor?"

"She hasn't even eaten nor slept in weeks. I'll be back next week to check on her mental health next." He said leaving, not before closing the door behind him.

The three were silent as a mouse, a child who could survive for weeks. Arne felt bad for the child who had to suffer, Lucas trying to think about how to find this little girl's parents and bring justice, and Genesis.... the anger he feel was never felt before...it was more potent and he felt like slaughtering an entire bloodline. This little girl hurt and tortured felt like something was taken from him.

"I'm going to kill them..." The malice and sadness in his voice struck the others like an arrow, they never seen Genesis this furious at all. Something snapped or cracked in his head to cause him to say it.

Lucas embraced the angry son, he felt what Genesis felt, rage, hatred, and grief. "It's okay to be in such a rage full state.. but remember, we can't show our rage with killing. We must use that rage to use non violent acts to get justice."

He took a deep breath and exhaled, he seemed to calm his rage down for the time being. He sat next to the little girl and touched her cheek, he noticed how squishy it was. He almost fell victim to cuteness, was the leader of Slayer finally losing his touch after years of not fighting?


The next day came faster than expected, Genesis never left the girl's sight. Arne laying on his lap, the almost looked like an actual family. He turned his head to check on the girl, let's just say she was staring back at him. It was a bit awkward before he reached over to check her temperature. Her eyes stricken by fear slapped his hand away, he remembered this same reaction himself—it was like him seeing the small weak child running away from his past.

"It's okay little one, I'm not going to hurt you." He slowly reached out again, his hands gently patting her head. His warm smile shocked the girl. "My name is Genesis, and this sleeping beauty is my boyfriend, Arne. What's your name?"


When she spoke it was as if life itself went lifeless. He remained calm, his forced smile was able to keep her at ease so he was grateful for now.

"How about I give you a better name?" He asked softly. She didn't deny his suggestion at all, she was expecting the worse from him. "How about Prius? Prius Hale!"

Silence took over the atmosphere, her eyes tearing up. Genesis shook Arne awake, he didn't know how to deal with a crying child. "Please help me!" His face all red from the resistance of crying as well. The girl and Genesis almost looked alike, it would raise some suspicions to the town's people.

"Shhhh! It's okay, Genesis is not scary when you meet him." He told her. Genesis explained later on why she was crying. "I see, I guess giving her an actual name made her cry that much." Arne was able to catch on so quickly it was scary, he currently fed the child with his mother famous soup.

Arne noticed a strange look in Genesis eyes, it was almost like he was a monster waiting for its prey. "Genesis, are you okay?" He felt worried because he never saw his dominate boyfriend giving off such a cold glare before.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He snapped out of the glare and went back to his cheerful self. The little girl—no, Prius has finished up the soup. Her innocent smile almost cost a war much bigger than the humans.

Protect the Cuteness!!!

"I want more please!" She demanded. The soup was that delicious for her to be asking for more. "Alright, I'll go get more." Arne said leaving the two by themselves.

"So can you tell me who your parents are?" Genesis asked bluntly. His intention were unknown, yet Prius frightened by the smile he gave off to her. "I don't know..." she responded in fear. He patted her head gently, he didn't mean to scare her. He just wanted answers, he couldn't force a child but he can force the doctor.

"How about I take you around town? We need to get you some clothes." He lifted her up in his arms. He wasn't really the father type of guy, he was willing to help her see bright future ahead of her.

She gently nodded, he noticed the color of eyes. The she seemed to be almost similar to him in terms of their past alone. They both felt broken, alone, helpless, and hopeless.

"Great! Let's go out and have some fun!" Genesis pumped his arm into the air extremely excited to show the town what true cuteness looks like.


"Are you sure that she's there?" A man covered in smoked asked Dr. Alexander.

"She is, and she's not alone."

"Oh, who is keeping watch of her?"

"The Hale family, and get this, I think the leader of the Slayers is here." Alexander bowed down, he knew what kind of strength this shadow man had.

"Hmm? I'll send some guards to take this girl away. The Demon of War will show up to save her, and when he does I'll finally kill him." The shadow man disappeared into the the shadows, Dr. Alexander that he made the right choice. If he was wrong he would have lost his life a lot sooner than later.