
Curse devourer

Finding himself in the body of a doomed side character that is fated to die from a curse in a fantasy novel, the mc now needs to find a way to survive in a world where anything has a good chance of killing him.

alex_bal · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs


[Clockwork of death has been successfully converted into an ego]

[Name the ego]

"Since you're a curse that almost killed me, but I managed to live," I rubbed my chin in thought. "Calling you Revenant would probably be fitting."

The black smoke from the crater began to get absorbed by the pearl and gem shattered before being pulled back into the pearl. The metal ingot melted and wrapped around the pearl.

"That's an oddly disturbing sight..."

Dark sludge started oozing out of the black pearl until the small crater turned into a pond of black sludge. I honestly didn't want to be here, but it felt like this was a ritual where I should be present. I wasn't really sure since Raveil had no prior knowledge about egos and an event like this never happened in the novel.

An armored hand surfaced from the sludge, then the rest of the body followed. A jet-black knight revealed itself, corrupted energy emitting from their body. Revenant's armor should be made of shadow steel since it was the material provided, but the way that it didn't seem to look solid threw me off a bit. It seemed like it was darkness itself that absorbed all the light that surrounded it. Two swords were sheathed on each side of the knight's waist and a black cape that was made of smoke fluttered on Revenant's back.


Raveil Gray

Duelist rank 1 level 2


Grave of swords - Mastery level: 10 (0%)

The user will be able to nullify any swordsmanship they face

Curse devourer – Mastery level 10 (47%)

Grants the user the ability to devourer any curse and strengthen the user

High grade curses may be converted into an ego when combined with the right materials

Curses with traits may grant the user with bonus attributes


Aura rush – Mastery level 10 (12%)

Aura shrouds the user's body, and a burst of aura shoots them forward.


Revenant – Rank 1 level 1


Death's grasp

Instantly kills a corrupted being


"That's a pretty nice ability," I commented, seeing Revenant's skill.

With my task finished here, I decided to hurriedly leave the forest. Revenant vanished in a puff of smoke, then I activated the skill Aura rush to escape the forest. By the end of duration of the skill, I was already out of the forest. But I didn't plan on stopping there.

"To the academy!"


World's guardian, a gift that enhanced all the user's stats by one rank if they're fighting to protect. It didn't seem all that impressive, but the difference between a single rank was far too great to ignore. In a place like the academy where all students started at the same rank, an ability like that would make sure that they were always ahead of their peers.

"We're finally here Kara!" Asha Guilheart exclaimed as they passed the academy's gate on their carriage.

"Bigger than I expected," Kara Vanguis nodded in approval.

Their carriage stopped at the front of the school building. Several of the school's employees began unloading their baggage from the carriage and stacking them on a trolley.

"I heard some of the students moved to the school early," Asha mentioned. "How did they do that when dorm rooms were only provided after the vacation ended?" She asked the school employee.

In the Royal academy of Paradis, preferential treatment was heavily restricted. Even if you were the crown prince, the school staff would treat you like any student. It was a well-known story that the current king of Vespride was punished regularly due to his behavior during his days in the academy.

"The students that were able to move in first were the ones that were approved to participate in the star hunt Lady Guilheart," the employee answered.

"Huh? They got approved but I didn't?" Kara complained.

The employees that were unloading didn't know what to reply as they themselves did not know how the participants were selected.

The Star hunt was an annual event during the beginning of each school year. In this event, the approved students would enter a conjured dungeon and get the chance to obtain rare materials. What only a select people know is that the teachers don't pick who gets to enter, not even the principal.

Who chooses is none other than dungeon itself.

"I'm a lot stronger than any other first year," Kara declared. Which was true since her gift made her as powerful a Rank 1 duelist despite not going through the Aether awakening. "I can prove it by fighting one of the approved candidates!" She yelled.

"An interesting declaration," an old man wearing a green instructor uniform responded. "I am professor Agene, the dungeon and combat instructor."

"Nice to meet you professor," Asha bowed, pulling Kara to bow as well.

"A pleasure to meet you both as well," Agene turned to Kara. "Do you want to test that theory?"

"I'd be happy to," Kara smirked.

"Then you may try," Agene gestured to the gate.

Both ladies turned to the gate just as a person shot past the gate with amazing speed, an aura shrouding his whole body. He grounded into a stop to reveal a handsome face with his long silver hair flowing with the wind. His clothes were a mess with tears everywhere, but they only revealed traces of his amazing physique.

"That is Raveil Gray, one of the students chosen for the Star hunt."


[Task: Arrive at the academy before 2 days

Reward: Low grade ability enhancer]

"I did it," I gasped out as I panted in exhaustion.

I stood in the middle of the school's entrance walkway. It reminded me of an extremely extravagant plaza that only the rich had the right to visit. Which basically meant that I had never actually been to one. The ground was made of stone bricks that were enchanted and the grass patch in the center looked like they were emitting magic power.

"Talk about fancy," I muttered.

As I was admiring how amazing the academy was, a woman with brown hair marched in front of me.

"Fight me!"